Friday, December 31, 2021

Well the pieces of garbage with the radiation weaponry have been using the "we'll make you blind then what?" garbage to attack me for years..

Now I have been diagnosed by my eye doctor as having diabetic retinopathy and the assholes do their shit even more.

They use the entrainment to cause my eyes to focus differently as they have for years. It feels like my head is being split down the middle when they do it.

Whenever I think a woman is attractive they go into the make me blind then what crap and the you'll want a fat one.

I pointed out way back when I worked at Travelers Club that "I am not into big women."

I do not find heavy women attractive and I do not want to have sex with them. My choice.

I have a right to my personal preferences. Fuck you if you don't like it. I do not care, they are my preferences.

Then they go into the fat cunt from the bar which was a set up.

She said that she would smoke a joint with me if I gave her a ride home. I said ok because the fucking assholes in this town made it ridiculously hard for me to buy any pot.

AWWWW. Did the cocaine cunts get their panties in a bunch because I didn't want anything to do with it?

AWWWW. Did the fuck cult weirdos get their panties in a bunch because I think they are disease ridden disgusting garbage that I would rather do without than have sex with?

The bars by the lake were then and probably still are full of cocaine and extasy garbage.

I did not want to have sex with her. She said she wanted to call people and have a party. I partied with lots and lots of people. It does not mean that I want to have sex with them.

She came on to me. I got tired of all the bullshit in this shit hole of a fucking town about whether or not I was having sex. I said fuck it and she sucked my dick.

I should have just punched the nasty bitch in the face and left.

I hate this fucking piece of shit town and their constantly turning every little thing into some sexual bullshit.

This whole shit hole should be exterminated for that.

I will die before I ever have an kind of sexual relationship with anyone in this fucking garbage dump of humanity.

I want the whole piece of shit Travelers Club crowd that got that shit started dead.

Everyone else that joined in can doe with them and the world will be a better place.

Expose the weaponry and all the harassment. I will continue to try and expose every single little thing that I can about this shit hole until the weaponry is gone.

As I get ready to post this the pin dick nazis with the weaponry use "You're the one that wanted to live there".

No, I said I liked living here because I was just set up by two cunts in the Mayfair to say the names Brian and Jason. I said I was going to talk to them in Dayton. I said I like living her because I was in a bar full of criminals and didn't want them thinking that I was going somewhere to tell on them.

The garbage that used to hang out at the Mayfair and anyone that still does are just that, GARBAGE. I loathe, despise and detest every single on of them, DAY OR NIGHT.

Same goes for the assholes at the old Plum Crazy Sports Bar and anyone that frequents the Blue Gill Grill as it is called now.

For the record, DEATH TO BRIAN AND JASON. (not sure how Jason is spelled as some fat ass in a black Mustang was driving around back then with the license plate Jaysen. Not the same Jason as the one from Dayton.

Brian and Jason both showed up at Sundance car dealership where it became evident that Brian was related to those inbreds as they all look alike.



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