Thursday, December 9, 2021

More fun (sarcasm) facts about driving in the Lansing area.

Michigan drivers suck.

1. Use your turn signal before you come t a stop and make the turn. Turn signals are called indicator lights for a reason. They indicate to others what you are planning to do. You put your turn signal on then brake to slow down so that people behind you know to back off while you turn.

If you brake first no one knows whether you are just slowing down a little or a lot.

2. Lanes are on the road for a reason. I get it that everyone drifts a little now and then. You fucking idiots drive down the middle of both lanes. It is only acceptable to drive down the middle of the road on rural roads in the winter. Unless there is an obstacle in the way, it is never acceptable to drive down the middle of two lanes going the same direction.

3. Put your fucking cell phone down. I use a cell phone as part of my job and it is in a cell phone holder and not in my hand. Look inside a cop car with their permission and see how everything is located so that they can use both hands on the wheel if they need to.

Might be a good idea to pass a law that cars have to have a cell phone holder in such a place as to be usable. Not a useless fucking magnet either.

4. Get to where you are going. Quit fucking around while driving. Cars are tools for transportation, not an amusement park ride.

Driving fast is not necessarily a problem. It does not mean you are a bad driver. Driving 55 on a 70 highway does mean that you are a bad driver, unless weather conditions ACTUALLY warrant it.

Fuck all the idiotic decorations that bring out the morons not paying attention to the roads.

5. Quit riding side by side when there are 2 lanes going the same direction. If one of you makes a mistake both are going to wreck. Assholes here do it to block people from being able to go around them. Not a joke they will speed up and slow down when you switch lanes trying to get by.

They need their asses kicked.

6. Quit riding in someone's blind spot. They do that on purpose too. That causes accidents and all cars need cameras to prove the asshole riding there is at fault.

Michigan sucks to be a driver in. Michigan sucks to live in.


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