Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Yesterday, while at the self service check out in Kroger I overheard an employee and a couple of customers talking about Michigan.
They were talking about where they were from and how long they had been here or if they were born and raised here.
All seemed to agree on one point. They stated that Michigan is a bi-polar state.
I thought it was just an ass backwards shit hole.
I am not bi-polar at all. The whole thing is just a con made up to get people on the happy zombie drugs that make them more susceptible to suggestions.
The only other way it would be a real thing is if it were a complete bullshit name and actually referring to hemispheric desynchronization where the two halves of your brain are not working together properly.
That can be caused by entrainment. The entrainment can be caused by numerous things including radiation broadcasts.
It would also seem that it became a pop culture thing and idiots would get diagnosed just to be popular.
Either way, I do not like living here. I will get a different job when my car gets fixed and if I can get away from the gig bullshit I will.
No matter what job I have, I am there to do my job and get a paycheck. Away from work I want nothing to do with anyone from work.
I have no plans to ever even try and socialize here.


Monday, April 18, 2022

Lucrative for the delivery app writers and the restaurant owners.
It sucks for the delivery drivers and the restaurant workers.

The only things crossing the border should be empty trucks.
If the trailer is full or has any contents then make them drop it and leave with just the tractor. 


Sunday, April 17, 2022

The Who head is wrong. It is not about racial bias.
Ukraine is basically white people attacking white people. The media is showing white people, Russians, as the villains.
The reason that the other mentioned places are not getting attention is because of money and religions not their so-called races.
Not to mention that the media would also have to paint the blacks attacking other blacks as the villains.
Or paint certain religions as the bad guys attacking other religions.
The areas are not wealthy so the media doesn't make as much money off of the coverage and the PC turds would pitch a bitch if they presented certain religions or 'races' as the bad guys.  

Wow. By definition if the color of your skin is important in who you are then you are a racist.
The only way that your perceived race affects who you are is if you let it.
That is true of any so-called race.
There is only one human race. Period.
Everyone is a variant genetically unless you have identical twins or however many.
Who you are is on you not your genes.
The best way to end the racist bullshit is to end religions.
You fucking idiot groups that keep pushing the Eugenics crap are going to be in for a rude awakening if it becomes accepted.
From the LGBT crowds to the skin color/race crowds you are pushing the shit that white supremacists came up with in the first place.
Are you looking to be considered lesser or maybe you want to twist it to say you are superior? 
Either way fuck off morons.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

 The assholes with the weaponry also like to use the "you started it" bullshit.


Just going back to when I first started working at the old Plum Crazy Sports bar, a customer in there tried to start shit between me and someone else. 

I got off work and went over to the dartboard area. One of the waitresses was off work and sitting there at a table. I merely walked over and said hi to her. 

Immediately 3 or 4 guys ran over behind another guy standing there and one J.T. McKinley stated "You may have to fight him over her." 

Seriously. That is how bad this shit hole is. You can not even talk to a female in a normal conversation without someone trying to start shit. 

Too fucking bad you pin dick jealous little worthless pieces of shit. You and the ignorant cunt stupid enough to be with you can take a long walk off a short pier. 

I had already stated at previous jobs in this fucking useless shit hole that I do not date women that I work with. Guess the worthless garbage forgot to spread that one around because then they couldn't start any shit.

The guy that made the comment in the bar, J.T. McKinley, is also one of the morons that likes to put their pinky finger up to the corner of their mouth in a Dr. Evil gesture. He is or was also someone that worked at a defense contractor called BS&A Software.

He repeatedly tried to get me into arguments or fights. He is a sniveling little computer programming bitch that can't fight.

I get fucked over because this is an area full of garbage trying to start shit to get their kicks.

I would burn this whole fucking area to the ground if I could.

The assholes with the weaponry are back on their "You said this or you said that" bullshit again.
They make false claims of me swaying something or doing something because they know it pisses me off.
Same kind of shit that the gossiping pieces of garbage in this shit hole did to me that got my life destroyed and got me tortured.
It is reason to want them all dead for doing it.
So called people here would rather gossip than ask the person if they actually said it or what they meant by it.
They would rather sensationalize it to get attention for themselves are they are useless garbage.
The punks that joined in on that shit from elsewhere are just as much a bunch of sniveling little candy ass crap as those here that did it.
Especially those that were related to or in the drug dealing business with the scumbag shit here.
I will never stop hating all of you or wanting your families and you dead


Thursday, April 14, 2022

Q: Why is every body repair shop in town booked up for over a month?
A: Because Michigan has some of the worst drivers in the world.


Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Shipping and flying are the problems. There are probably enough ways to overcome the lack of GPS. They did it before GPS they can use the same methods as then and restrict amount of ships and plane.
Learn to be more careful with your pets.
Google has all the data needed to print up maps like the old City Guide maps and the Rand McNally Motor Carrier's Atlas.
Just tell the younger crowd to get out of the way and those of us that can actually read a fucking map can get the job done.


When lowlifes try to convince other that exposing corruption within any kind of group or organization would hurt the group or organization it is because it would expose them.
Be a whistleblower. Fuck the garbage.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

If Michigan had taken the child labor laws seriously, I would have never worked at Traveler's Club restaurant because it would/should have been shut down.

They even had a 16 year old serving alcohol. 16 and 17 year olds working on the grill and using other equipment in the kitchen, mixers, slicers, fryers, etc.

No one said anything about it because they had the gay lifestyle magazine on the shelf as you walked in.

The place literally had cockroaches running up the walls in the middle of dinner service while the place was lit up and noisy. Nothing was said about it because the inspector had lots of purple spots on his skin.

The LGBT community here is as bad if not worse at covering up for their own as the rest of the cult like groups here. The Lansing area sucks.


Monday, April 11, 2022

The Russia religious leader used some interesting terminology.

“May the Lord help us all in this difficult time for our Fatherland to unite, including around the authorities,” Kirill said in the sermon.

Nazi Germany had the Fatherland. The U.S.S.R. called itself the Motherland.


Nothing but right wing youth indoctrination facilities under the guise of education.

The world would be a better place without Hillsdale College and everyone associated with it.


If the world does not stop Russia and its allies now, it will embolden right wing religious nutcases everywhere.

How about a NATO show of weapons to Helsinki and Tallin over in the gulf of Finland? Next door to St. Petersburg. Just a recruitment exercise.

May a carrier battle group in the Black sea doing some war games with the Turkish Navy?

Make Russia have to defend its rear flanks and not be able to send everything at Ukraine.

Some UN Peacekeeper drills in every country surrounding Belarus, Hungary and Serbia.

Someone just assassinate that Chechnian/Chechnyan piece of trash.

China, keep pushing. You know your military is mostly made up of boots on the ground soldiers and defensive weapons. You have nukes, but you are not completely insane like the little asshole in N Korea.

Let Japan arm itself with offensive weapons bought from the U.S. or EU

Friday, April 8, 2022

Picked a close shop and took my car in to get an estimate started.

Minimum 2 to 3 weeks if parts are available. If taking it apart shows more damage may take longer. Everyone was booked until mid May or later.

My insurance only covers a rental for 30 days so I am going to wait 2 weeks before getting one and that should take me through mid to late May.

My car got hit because I was moving to a "hotspot" to try and get deliveries.

I hate that fucking job. I have screenshots that show how the orders have basically disappeared from the area that I pointed out I work in and moved to the areas that I pointed out that I do not want to work in.

This whole piece of shit town fucks me around.

Why? Because I want to stay single? Because I do not want anything to do with gossiping morons? Because I actually try to do my job right?

Because of lies told about me that the useless idiot her would rather believe than to actually ask me and find out the truth?

Consider fucking up my new car the straw that broke the camel's back.

I want this shit hole decimated.

Michigan drivers are the absolute fucking worst drivers on the planet.

I have to call around this morning to find a place to get it fixed the fastest.

Does Micgian even teach people not to ride in someone else's blind spot? They do it to me all the fucking time.

Does an Equinox not have a back-up camera? I was sitting at a stop for a red light for at least 15 to 20 seconds before the woman just put her vehicle in reverse and slammed into me.

She closed the 5 feet so fast I did not have time to react. All I could do is try and honk the horn and say "what the fuck are doing?".

I am surprised that the airbag didn't go off.

The grille is flexible plastic and she broke it to where there is a hole in it.

If she didn't look so distraught when she got out of her car I would say it was done on purpose.

I am not the greatest driver in world, but I try very hard to be a good driver.

This whole area has shit just crammed into places and the parking lots are too fucking small.

Downtown East Lansing has a fucking alley behind the restaurants to park and go in to get the orders. Two cars barely fit side by side in the ally and trucks pull in to deliver sometimes so you can't even use the alley.

No restaurant in that area that does not have parking should be allowed to have deliveries. If the alley is blocked you literally have to park illegally on the fucking side streets.

The people involved do not give a rat's ass about the drivers, they only care about the money.

No one at Grubhub asked me if I was o.k. They were more concerned about charging me with dropped blocks.

The gig economy is not a good thing

Thursday, April 7, 2022

If police and/or other law enforcement agencies wonder why the criminals seem to always be one step ahead of them it is probably because someone in your midst is hooked up to the weaponry.

Every plan you make is known by the people at the other en of the weaponry.

They will play both sides against the middle and do not care who dies.

The mass media gets a story either way.

The best way to put the mass media back in their place is to do away with the advertising tax write offs.

Think about how many people that really don't contribute anything other than some short entertainment to make life better or easier are overpaid because of advertising dollars.

End the gravy train.

Think about how much of that money ends up with drug dealers    

Well, I am pretty well screwed for work for awhile.

Around 3p.m. at the intersecton of Okemos Road and GRand River Ave in Meridian township, I pulled up to a red light behind 2 other cars in the right lane.

I stopped about 4 or 5 feet behind the SUV in front of me. The woman driving the SUV backed into me very hard.

The police acme and filed a report, but my car is damaged enough not to drive it all day delivering.

Her Equinox bumper hit my grille and dislodged the front wrap around/ bumper on the driver's side. The piece at the bottom of the grille is broken and the grille was smashed in enough to break it and damage the radar system.

The radar system is in the Mazda symbol in the front grille. The dash said it was damaged and not operable on the way home.

That is all I could see and all the dash told me. I have no idea if anything else is damaged.

My new car that I just bought in November of last year.

Every fucking time I get anything going for myself or get anything nice for myself in this state it gets fucked up.

I hate living here.

I am going to double down on trying to get everyone that was or still is involved in fucking up my life exposed and punished.

I tried to contact Grubhub about the situation and all I got is that the scheduled blocks for the rest of this week being dropped will count against me.

I will be out for at least 2 weeks I would guess.

If I come back I am going to go right back where I was.

That car was my only income source.

I will not be a criminal, but I might go to them and beat them with a baseball bat. I really need to get a gun.

If anyone outside of Michigan ever wondered why so many ex-politicians from Michigan get appointment to Federal cabinet posts, it is because Michigan is a state where the government would rather cover up for Michiganders than expose them.

The whole state especially the Lansing area is corrupt. If you try to go over their heads even to corporate offices in businesses they just send it back to the state and you are the one that gets fucked over by the local garbage.

The Federal government just loves people that are already corrupt and willing to cover up. Apparently that is all corporate offices want now as well. just a bunch of 'yes' men and women.


Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Beware: All the crisis resulting from Russia invading Ukraine will result in religions trying to prey upon the victims and indoctrinate them into the religious cults.

All religions are made up bullshit. There is no such thing as a god or a devil.

There is no afterlife, but there sure are a lot of assholes fucking up life. The vast majority of those assholes are religious


Tuesday, April 5, 2022

There is a state law in Michigan that trailer parks have to have a place for children to play that is at least 50 feet from all trailers.

It has been over a month since I got my yearly eye exam for diabetic retinopathy and it was "not good" according to the eye doctor.

He made an appointment for 6 months instead of 1 year.

I told him my regular doctor said he didn't need to see me for year and he said that he may want to see you sooner.

A couple of weeks ago I had labs done from paperwork that my regular doctor gave me the last time I saw him.

The lab is literally in the same small doctor's office building as my doctor.

I got the results through McClaren's website in 2 days. Everything was fine except the most important thing.

My A1C was back up to 7.9. Very bad.

I still have heard nothing from my doctor.

I realize this is ass backwards Michigan, but in normal states the doctor gets the lab results and contacts the patient especially if their is a problem.
7.9 is a fucking problem.



Friday, April 1, 2022

I had blocks all day and this was the lowest day I have had since back when I first started doing Doordash.

Neither Grubhub or Uber had much of anything. Probably do now though that I came home. I hate this town.

Doordash was busy almost all day though. I even have screenshots to prove it. I hate this town. Fuck Doordash. Fuck Doordash customers.

I had one person accuse me of not delivering the food to the correct apartment. Which is bullshit. I called support about it as the order was even a remake Wendy's said. Apparently they did the same shit twice.

I put the food at their door which if you get off the elevator and turn left is the first apartment on the right and I even told the person cleaning the floors that let me in which apartment I was going to. I knocked on their door and texted them that the food was there.

I got all the way back to car and was driving away when they started asking me where I was so they could get the food. Scammer.

I plan on taking pictures of every single delivery even though Grubhub doesn't have a photo option from now on.

If I catch you in a scam I will call the police. Fuck you.

I also got an offer while in Okemos to go to the Eaton Rapids Road Wendy's or McDonalds for $14+. I accepted and started heading there. After I got on the fucking highway they cancelled the order.

So I got fucked into orders over by campus because they got me away from where I wanted to be.

Don't think for a minute that you actually get to choose whatever offers that you want. If you do not keep a certain percentage of acceptance you can not schedule blocks and you may not get any orders.

If your acceptance rate gets too low they threaten you with deactivation.

If you make $13/hr and use a gallon of gas in that hour, you actually only made a about $9/hr and you still have to pay taxes out of that. Not to mention the wear and tear on your car and regular maintenance.

The only people making money are the app writers and the restaurant owners.

Unfortunately, the fucking pieces of shit behind the scenes here have trapped into this job. I will never, ever work in a fucking restaurant again because of this fucking shit hole area.

I have type 2 diabetes so I need to be able to take bathroom breaks
and eat when necessary.

I hate what the workplace has become in this fucking candy ass country.

This fucking shit hole screwed me out of 15 years of my life earning wages because of their harassment. If I wanted anything to do with anyone here outside of work interactions I would talk to you. I am not shy.

Since some pin dick nazi piece of shit hooked this fucking weaponry to me and started spreading what I am supposedly thinking all over the place, I just hate everyone even fucking more.

This weaponry will get exposed and when it does executions are in order. Even in a pussy state like Michigan that doesn't have a death penalty.

Someone is fucking around with the offers, every single place or area that I do not want to go to was in the offers today. Way too many for it to be coincidence. That someone needs to suffer.

This fucking are declared war on me when they pulled their shit 20+ years ago and then hooked me to this weaponry.

Screw all of you busy body useless gossiping pieces of shit


Thursday, March 31, 2022

Positivity = Butter them up so you can take advantage of them.
Con men and other criminals have been using it for a long time.


Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Scamming pieces of shit are trying to fuck me around with bogus bills.

A few months ago I got a bill from someone in Clarkston claiming that I owed money for services rendered to some cunt that used my name without my permission. I contacted them and informed them that I do not know the woman and would not be responsible for her bills. 

Today I got a letter from a supposed debt collection agency in Michigan for the same bullshit bill. 

I went to their site and sent them an email which got rejected by their site. I got a mailer-daemon reply with:

csi@csipays.com>: host mx.siteprotect.com[] said: 550 Sender's

    policy prohibits this message: Reject (in reply to end of DATA command)

<mario@csipays.com>: host mx.siteprotect.com[] said: 550 Sender's
    policy prohibits this message: Reject (in reply to end of DATA command)

Here is the message:

As I told the morons that tried to bill me for this bullshit in the first place, I DO NOT KNOW THE WOMAN THAT THE SERVICES WERE RENDERED TO OR HOW SHE GOT MY NAME AND INFORMATION. I WILL NOT PAY BILLS FOR HER OR ANYONE ELSE. I have no problem with the idea of breaking her fucking neck for using my name however. Quit trying to scam me out of money or the next step will be to contact the FBI. DEATH TO SCAMMERS.

The money is supposedly owed to Kellam and Associates PC which operates in many hospitals around Michigan.

I have never nor will I ever have an account with them. The bill had some woman's name on it with her last name starting with the same first 4 letters of my last name, but then being completely different. 

Bitch, you better hope I don't find you.

I will not pay the bill. If this bullshit in any way affects my credit score I will sue the fuck out of everyone involved.

Monday, March 28, 2022

Putin's invasion of Ukraine shaping U.S. foreign policy. The art has names at the bottom that are links to their opinions on the subject.

Notice the picture at the top.

The U.S. will try to make it look like their weapons were what stopped the Russians.

Why? Well to sell more weapons that is why.

The U.S. government, especially the military industrial complex related part and/or shills, does nothing if it can not use it to gain profits.

All the wepons sent to Ukraine will need to be replace and will result in larger U.S. spending for the defense budget.

They really should call it what it is and say defense contractors budget.


Friday, March 25, 2022

 Death penalty for all 4.


Once again this morning the nazi cunts with the weaponry would not let me get back to sleep after I got up to pee at 12:30 am.

They just start in with whatever they can to piss me off and use their entrainment to force my brain into frequencies that won't let me sleep.

Until 10 minutes before the alarm goes off then they try and force me into a deep sleep,

Anyone associated with them deserves the death penalty. Any country that allows them to exist deserves to be wiped out. 

I have written it several times and even used to tell people that I got my exercise at work.

So what do the so-called "evil" little pin dicks here do? Put me in a job that I get no exercise.

I even told them at Aldi warehuse that I considered the job my gym. So immediately they started pushing policies to stop the lifting of skids.

That is the kind of shit that this fucking garbage dump of humanity does. Especially when they find out that I do not have sex with women that I work with or with men ever. No 'its' either.

The whole piece of shit crowd in this area that pushes the sex crap needs to be exterminated.

For the record, the only reason I went to talk to the cunt Terra Hanks was because of the assholes in the mass media and their bullshit.

You know, the ones that Sundance funds with all the tax write off advertising.

 I did not even want that shit hole on my route at Walters Vending. I despise country crap, celebrities, salespeople and the automotive industry crapitalism. Why in the fuck would I want anything to do with them?

This whole area is run by shit. Anyone associated with them deserves to die. That means those actually running things and not ust their puppet politicians.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

The weather is getting warmer so more people are coming out to deliver.
The weather is getting warmer so more people are going out to get their own food.
See a fucking problem here?


To everyone playing games with my life: I WANT YOUR WHOLE FAMILIES TO DIE VERY PAINFUL DEATHS.


 Great my A1C is back out of fucking control at 7.9.

I get no fucking exercise because I have to be sitting in my car 12 hours a fucking day to make a living since so many pieces of shit are doing the job now and tthe fucking garbage at Doordash played their bullshit.

Trust me you are all my enemies and if I could press a button and you would all drop dead right now consider it pushed.

The hatred for this candy-assed PC shit hole of a state just grows every fucking day.

Stop letting the restaurant app choose a delivery service for you. Seriously.
If the delivery is messed up call the restaurant's customer service number and complain about that delivery service.
Call the delivery service and complain about that driver.
It is your food that you paid for, fuck hurting someone's feelings.
People ordering, use the frigging correct address. 2 deliveries at the same time yesterday had bad addresses. 1 I got in touch with the person and got the correct address and delivered the food.
The other The person kept texting me to leave the food when I told them that the address was not there so I called support and they told me to cancel the delivery. The address actually does come back on Google maps as being in the middle of the road. The addresses on the houses are 400+ numbers higher.
If I would have left the food at the wrong address the asshole would have claimed that they never got it and got a refund and I would have lost the pay.
If I am not going to get paid for it, you are not going to get the food.
In situations like that the delivery app needs to ban that individual's account. At least get in touch with the restaurant so they can ban that account from their app.
I fucking hate scammers.


Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Wonderful day today was.

I didn't make shit there for 12 hours.

Actually 11 because my mother called me and said that there were electricity issues and I needed to come home right away.

First thing that I did was walk to the pole with the meter and flip a switch back to the on position. The power went out once before when some kids were playing with the switch.

Keep your fucking kids away from the power poles. If I catch one they will be sorry and so will you. That kind of shit can cause fires.

That kind of shit can lead to death.

As for the job, they kept sending me into that fucking shit hole campus for bullshit deliveries. Even when I had a block the first fucking thing that they did after I specifically went unavailable until I got away from the campus was to send me right back over there.

I said fuck it and wrecked my acceptance percentage on the first one. I even clicked on don't like area for a reason. Immediately after that they sent me an even smaller offer going into that area. A smaller offer that I had to wait over 15 fucking minutes for.

Once again they lie to you and tell you that blocks give you preference for the bigger orders.

Why in the fuck would anyone want a block if it just meant that you would get any offer first no matter how small????

You would just be fucking yourself.

When someone turns the app off by going unavailable and drives out of an area, why would the AI send them right back into that area?

Someone is trying to make me quit and when I find out who you are going to regret it in any way that I can make you.

Doordash already violated the contract and fucked me out of being able to dash whenever I wanted to as a Top Dasher. I followed their rules, they conveniently did not. Doordash was very busy when I got done tonight. Everyone ordering with them can go fuck themselves.

Doordash is the crack whore of the delivery companies.

No matter how busy they get I would rather quit driving than drive for them.

Just more reason to hate this shit hole.

Hey Spartans, if you like living in Michigan so much, you can still root for the Wolverines in the basketball tournament.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Technically, I actually agree with the Bill the article is about except for one passage.

In point number 4. Yes you can say that a person is inherently racist or sexist or both because of their religion. Religion is not genetic. If racism and/or sexism is written into the doctrines of a religion and someone claims to follow that religion then they are inherently racist and/or sexist.


Anyone else notice all the garbage religious advertising on television lately?
More reason to end the advertising tax write offs and bring the overpaid mass media down.
There is no such thing as a god. It is impossible for such a thing to exist.
All religions were made up to control the masses through fear.


To make matters worse trying to work in the gig economy, you get all the weasels that sit around and reject all offers until they get one that is big. 

Those trying to do the job and ,ale money then get screwed because they end up having to take the small orders so that they can keep their acceptance rate up and be able to schedule blocks. This pertains to Grubhub.

Grubhub states that those on blocks get preference for catering orders. However there are not that many actual catering orders. A good paying order that comes in just as a regular order is not a scheduled catering order.

I have all the large bags and am in everything that they have to sign up for. I end up getting small orders because the part-timers sit around and reject them.

Their system is moronic. They say it is set up to work for those that have a high acceptance rate, but it is actually set up so that the scammers just waiting for larger pay orders do better. Especially on the weekends.

I literally hate everyone that has trapped me into this shit. I literally hate everyone that keeps fucking up everything I get going for me out there. 

I want to exterminate all of you.

Monday, March 21, 2022

 This is the way that the gig economy works.

It is 1099, which means no taxes are taken out and you are responsible for them.

If you make $30,000 before taxes, you do not have $30,000 to live on.

You have to pay for your own gas and vehicle repairs. You can write them off as itemized deductions or you can take the standard mileage write-off.

You do not get the money that you spend back. The write off is deducted from your gross earnings and you still owe taxes on the rest.

If you made $30,000 and had $15,000 in deductions, you still owe taxes on the remaining $15,000.

You still had to spend the $15,000 for itemized deductions or have enough miles to claim it as a standard mileage deduction.

What you have to live on is the $30,000 minus how ever much you spent on gas and repairs even if under the standard deduction, minus how much taxes you owed on the remaining $15,000.

If I could find a job that paid enough and I did not have to use my own vehicle or work with a bunch of idiots, I would not do the gig work at all.


Sunday, March 20, 2022

Well it looks more and more like I will have to give up playing Jeopardy with my mother to be able to make any money doing the gig work.

The only thing that you fucking assholes will accomplish by forcing me to work more aqnd more hours to make the same money is to increase my hatred for all of you.  

I will never want to live in this state. Too late for that. You idiots in this area got me tortured and my life destroyed for the rest of it. There is now and will always only be hatred for everyone that was and/or is involved. 

Expose the weaponry or you are garbage just like those behind it. That goes for everyone, everywhere.

I wasn't the problem in the first place. You scum twisted it that way to cover up for your garbage. I am going to dispose of your garbage and then you as well.

I didn't like right wing religious types before I moved here and never will. Now I despise the left wing sex cult types just as much. 

I will never be a supporter of crapitalism. Crapitalism = building crap so it falls apart and people have to keep repairing it or buying more. 

I do not support capitalism either. Profiting off the necessities.

I despise the whole overpaid entertainment industry and the moron sheeple that worship them. End the advertising tax write offs.

I would end religions today if I could and do not give a rat's ass if you want to die with your cult.

Get rid of 'god' and gold and there is no more reason for the guns. 

Garbage would still wan the guns to try and power trip, but if everyone else was using reason instead of having faith they would just get rid of the power trippers. 

Friday, March 18, 2022

This is a textbook example of what the PC crowd and/or the Fox News crowd does. One of them is an asshole, someone calls them on it and then they try to turn it around on the person that called them out for being an asshole.
"We hear and see statements that are actually personal insults to President Putin," Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told reporters.
"Given such irritability from Mr Biden, his fatigue and sometimes forgetfulness...fatigue that leads to aggressive statements, we will not make harsh assessments, so as not to cause more aggression."
Full story here:


Thursday, March 17, 2022

It is St Patrick's Day. Lansing has two (maybe more) Leprechauns here in William White and Shorty.

Ugly, teeny, tiny, little, short almost men.

Home on a weekday at this time because there are so few offers.

Checked Doordash and it was busy. Fuck you all.

I will not log on to Doordash to deliver, but I will monitor if the assholes here are using it. Get your own groceries and alcohol.

If you can not get to the store because you are handicapped then you are not in that statement.

I hate this bullshit.

I am a set route type of person and not a spastic, whatever, useless piece of garbage.

I am a get in and get the work done then get out type of person and not a talky, talky, talky bullshitter type of person.

Back in 2000, I was running all over town doing my job not saying that I knew Brian and Jason, (I really don't give a fuck how they spell their names), like the gay asshole in the Quality Dairy on Marsh was saying to Patty.

I really hate all of the LGBTQ crowd involved in the gossiping bullshit here. Literally hate.

I hate all of you as much as I hate religions after living here.

I told you assholes if you put me in the spotlight, I will use it to destroy you. Fuck you all.

I hate the nazi pin dicks with the evoked potential radiation weaponry more than either of you.

Fuck you psychobabble assholes and your crap about hating things.

Hating fucked up bullshit is a good thing.

At this point, I am all for WWIII using nuclear weapons to destroy as much of the human race as possible for not exposing and destroying this weaponry.

Might as well destroy the human race for letting religion still exist also.

This gig economy bullshit is a trap.

I made $50,000 last year.

I started doing the job in April and had $26,000 in the bank.

At the end of the year I had $9,000 in the bank.

The job finished off my Volkswagen Golf. I bought a Ford Focus and had to continually put money into it.

I got sick of repairing it and bought a new car.

I already have over 21,000 miles on the new car that I bought in November of last year.

The job is going to destroy the new car.

You can not make any money doing this job in this shit hole area without spending all fucking day out there.

You end up putting huge mileage on your vehicle because of the whole fucking area being in one zone.

If you do not take the deliveries offered you will get fucked out of future deliveries or if they want to they can just fuck you out of delivering at all.

The whole thing is a scam that only makes money for the people running the app companies and the merchant companies corporate offices.

Gasoline costs are ridiculous. I spend $40 to $50 a day in gas.

Sometimes more because of all the in city driving.

I do not like this job or the whole bullshit economy based on people having to use their own stuff. I do not want to be a contractor.

I want a job where I can be left the fuck alone to do it and then go home and not have anything to do with it.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

All unethical scientists everywhere should be rounded up and executed for their crimes. Including the computer programmers involved.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

McClaren's new Lansing facility sucks.
I went there to get labs done this morning.
I went in and showed the lady at the front desk my lad orders and she said have a seat and someone will be with you shortly.
There were about 6 or 7 other people there.
They called everyone there back one at a time.
Then after about 10 to 15 more minutes one of the women came out and called the couple that had just came in back.
I stated I was there before them and they even stated that I was there before them.
The worker then smugly replied wee take people by scheduled times.
I sat there for over a half an hour only to be passed up because no one told me that I needed a fucking appointment or I would get passed by.
I have been going to McClaren's older facility for a few years getting labs done and that shit never happened.
They closed the older facility down completely instead of having two.
The new facility was designed for form instead of function.
I guess I have to pay full price now and just get the labs done at the doctor's office.
Just more reason to hate this shit hole of an area.
That will be next week.
I am done waiting around today in this slow ass shit hole.


The universe is literally nothingness. It is merely space and not what occupies that space. ALL SPACE.
However, nothing can exist without the space for it to exist in.
Religions say that their god or gods created the universe.
Where did your god or gods exist without the space for them to exist in???
The universe had to already be there.
What you push is that your god or gods magically created everything, including the universe, so that it or they would have a place to be able to exist?????
What are your god or gods made of? Mass or energy?
Are you saying that your god or gods magically created mass and/or energy so that they would have something to be made up of?????
Mass and/or energy would have had to already exist in order for your god or gods to be made of it.
Your god or gods do not actually exist. The concept was made up by scumbags to control you. Your supposed faith is what gives the human scumbags power over you.



Fuck Georgia if they are that stupid.
Hey Rivian, check into the Dayton, Ohio area. GM fucked them bad.
The south side suburbs are more likely to be green.
Maybe Dayton or the State can eminent domain the old GM plants and you could get them dirt cheap.
Plus Dayton is logistically sound for supply and distribution.
Help get rid of the drug dealing garbage


Thursday, March 10, 2022

Take a look at the career of the President of Doordash. 

He is a data mining cunt. 

Big brother piece of shit. 

Even claims to be one of the first to fuck up Microsoft to be data mining, advertising pushing garbage. 

It should be illegal for any of the delivery apps to track you when you are not using the app. 

I have been leaving it on since they fucked me over so they can track all the deliveries that I make for other companies. 

Data mining is a bad thing sheeple. WAKE THE FUCK UP.

 I fucking hate Doordash. 

I logged on and actually turned the app on because the other two were slow. The first thing sent to me was 2 pick-ups at different places being delivered to the same address for $4.50. The pickups and delivery would have taken at least 25 minutes and most likely 30 minutes to complete. 

I am not out there to make minimum wage or less using my own vehicle and gas. 

Doordash and a lot of their customers are just asshole jokes. 

I will reiterate.

Doordash fucked me over by updating their Top Dasher program on March 2nd for the month of February. My stats were enough to make me a top dasher on the last day of February. I make sure of that kind of thing.

The morning of March 2nd the program still said that I was a Top Dasher. Immediately after I declined an order to fall to 69% acceptance the program updated and said that I was no longer a Top Dasher. 

I called the supposed support at Doordash and they basically said tough shit. 

Now I can not even dash unless I schedule some bullshit time slot and do a ton of their pathetic bullshit 2 to 4 dollar deliveries. There is no way to get to 100 deliveries for a month unless you want to make next to nothing doing it. 

Doordash is a shit company that should be put out of business.

Everyone at Doordash corporate deserves to be beaten severely. Prime examples of computer nerds that the world would be a better place without.

If you order from Doordash you are my enemy.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

You have to wonder if Putin kept deterrents in place for the "Terrorists".

Those people from the Stans that I don't like either may find it easier to attack Russia now that a lot of its military is preoccupied.  

Enemies of my enemies can still be my enemies even if useful against each other.


 Every time that I think a woman is attractive the assholes with the weaponry start in on their crap. 

"You want here now", "You want one like this or that", basically anything to start shit.

They spread the shit around even to whatever woman that I may have found attractive. 

They know that I am not going to do anything or be in any relationship while their weaponry is hooked to me.

They try to make it look like I am leading women on when they are the ones starting the shit.

I barely have time to spend with my cats, my mother or playing video games. 

They have already started fucking me out of being able to get home in time for Jeopardy with my mother. 

I have to put in 13+ hour days now to make any money.

I only get to spend any quality time with my cats, my kids, on my days off.

I only get to put time in playing the video games that I play on my days off. I went to the bars to play the video games not to interact with the lowlife scum that happened to be there.

I have no time for ignorant mating rituals. I didn't spend time doing them before, I am sure as fuck not going to do it now. 

I simply do not care.


Monday, March 7, 2022

 My idea. I sent it to a t-shirt company.

A black t-shirt with the Russian proaganda Z in white and a Ghostbusters red circle and line over it.

A Z-Busters shirt.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

 Round up all Russian suspected mobsters, freeze their assets and deport them.

The objective shouldn't be to welcome all the world's people that are running from the depots and criminals. 

The objective should be to kill all the world's despots and criminals so the people do not have to run from them.

But then the rich wouldn't have any cheap labor to prey upon.

I get up and immediately the scumbags with the weaponry start in with some song lyric. The same line form the same song over and over and over again.

It is a common brainwashing technique used on the idiot masses. It is why marketers use jingles in ads to get you to repeat the jingle over and over until you want the product.  

It is why religious ceremonies use the same songs over and over. Look it up, religions specifically paid musicians/composers to write music that contain frequencies that make their victims more susceptible to the words spoken by the piece of shit at the podium. 

Then they start fucking with my eyes and using the "you put too much emphasis on looks" crap. I am allowed to decide what I find visually appealing and what I do not. You are not allowed to force your opinion on me. 

I am not allowed to force what I find attractive on you. No one has to have sex with anyone that they do not find attractive. 

The who you are may mean that I like you as a person, but in no way means that I want to have sex with you. If that is a problem for you, then I no longer like the who you are either.

If I do find a woman attractive and the who she is turns out to be a complete waste of oxygen then I do not want to have sex with her. 

I can find a flower pretty, but I do not want to have sex with it.

I am going to kill the assholes behind the weaponry or die trying. Anyone that covers up for them deserves to die with them.

To everyone trying to control my life: Fuck off and die.

Death to religions, military industrial complexes and monetary systems. 

Friday, March 4, 2022

Hey Biden, if you do not do something to control the price of fuel, you will get Jimmy Cartered right out of office. 

The fossil fuel people like republicans.

 Shove your positivity bullshit up your ass and die with it.

Nothing gets changed unless someone points out it is bad or wrong which would be being negative about it, morons.

 If the hand that 'feeds' me is the hand of  an asshole, I would rather cut it off and go hungry.

Once again posting here first because of the sniveling little PC pussy brigade at Facebook. Notice how they don't ban people unless they post the truth about garbage like them. 

Here is some truth about 99% of computer people. They are sheltered little pussies that have never worked a real job in their lives. They all got rich by preying upon the stupidity or desperation of others. 

Wienie capitalist turds. 

The delivery app writers are not even good at programming, they just threw shit together and preying upon the fears of the populace over Covid. 

They didn't do it to help anyone but themselves. 

Think about Chicago's lawsuit against them for forcing their deliveries on restaurants. 

Restaurants need to understand that they in no way shape or form have to honor any order from any app if they do not want to unless they agreed to accept orders. They can stop at any time unless their is a contract.

The restaurant can stop taking orders from one, two or all apps individually.

The only people getting rich off the whole thing are the CEOs and upper management of the delivery apps and the same at the chain restaurants.

They pissed me off again today by sending me back to East Lansing over and over no matter how many times I turned the app off and left the area. If I could press a button and kill them all I would. 

They also gave me the same order twice and counted the first time against my acceptance rate as a missed order. That should be illegal as I have no control over network connectivity.

Even when I had a block today I got small orders.

The past 2 days together I have made $25 off Uber. 

They are trying to fuck me out of the job which would screw me since the old boy network in the asshole of an area effectively blacklisted me. For which I want them and everyone that listens to them dead. 

The politicians are useless garbage that look the other way instead of digging into an industry that has gotten too big for its britches and spanking them. Must be those PC turds that don't believe in spanking or the republishit garbage that think the CEOs should be able to own the employees. 

Everyone was mad about Microsoft and others moving all their tech support to India, but no one says anything about the delivery apps.

The app companies were behind the bullshit Prop 22 that made it easier for immigrants to get into driving?? They just wanted cheap labor that didn't know any better. They are predators.

Doordash fucked me over and now Uber and Grubhub think they have me over a barrel. I would rather kill the garbage than go crawling to them.

All politicians that look the other way need to be exposed as the corrupt pieces of shit that they are. 

Special license, drug testing, insurance verification, minimum wage assurances and raise it to 15.00/hr, Prosecute the fraud of hiring under the pretence of working where and when you want, end the daily cash outs and make sure the earnings are reported to the IRS, etc. 

It can be 1099, but it needs to be cleaned up badly.

 Who knew that Putin was just another fat little man rattling his sabres like Kim Jong???????

Heading to a pick up today I got stuck at a train. There was a median strip so I decided to wait it out. 

The fucking train stopped completely blocking the road.

I called  driver care to explain that I was stuck so that I did not get a violation for being late. 

The person said that if I have them take the orders off me it will count against me. That is how fucked up these garbage companies are. 

They would rather screw over the drivers then make sure that another person could get the orders to the customers faster. 

I had to keep the deliveries, but they wer about 15 minutes late.

They would have been later, but I said fuck it and drove over the median. I had to go about 3 miles out of the way to get around the fucking train. 

Students were climbing over the parts of the train where they join together to get down the sidewalk. 

This area is the most ignorantly designed place I have ever seen.