Sunday, April 17, 2022

Wow. By definition if the color of your skin is important in who you are then you are a racist.
The only way that your perceived race affects who you are is if you let it.
That is true of any so-called race.
There is only one human race. Period.
Everyone is a variant genetically unless you have identical twins or however many.
Who you are is on you not your genes.
The best way to end the racist bullshit is to end religions.
You fucking idiot groups that keep pushing the Eugenics crap are going to be in for a rude awakening if it becomes accepted.
From the LGBT crowds to the skin color/race crowds you are pushing the shit that white supremacists came up with in the first place.
Are you looking to be considered lesser or maybe you want to twist it to say you are superior? 
Either way fuck off morons.

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