Saturday, December 18, 2021

I wrote about the nastiness of some of the drivers out there recently.

Yesterday, while making a pickup there was a young guy sitting at the counter of the restaurant. He was playing a game on his cell phone.

He looking like he hadn't showered in days and was wearing jeans with huge holes in them. Fashion or not that is inappropriate wear for work in the public eye.

I didn't think much of it at first, just another idiot. Then the owner of the business asked him what order he was waiting for.

The gross young guy said the he didn't remember it was Grubhub something. He went back to the game he was playing and a couple of minutes later told the owner the name of the customer on the order.

The owner gave him the order and looked over and just shook his head. I shook mine in agreement.

What the fuck is wrong with you pathetic morons?

You took a job that is all about customer service and you don't give a shit about customer service????????

Your hygiene would get you fired from the restaurants, it should get you fired from delivering the food as well. Go sit at Walmart and deliver non food goods.

That is the type of garbage that I lose orders to.

Nothing will get done though, because you can't complain about anything in this moronic PC bullshit society.


Friday, December 17, 2021

To all of you that decided to take money away from those already delivering so you could have extra money for your crap ass christmas bullshit: Fuck you.

You should be taking the seasonal jobs.

You should not be taking money away from someone already doing a job.

You are assholes.

Orders drop off now. Students go home for winter break. You just make it worse.

To the assholes that let them do it: You need to be put out of business.

To the assholes that do what I do where I was doing it because of information gleaned from the weaponry: Die with the nazi scumbags that have the weaponry.

Half or more of the drivers out there are not wearing masks inside the restaurants. I wear one every single time. I even wear them at the drive thru windows.

All 3 major delivery apps require the drivers to wear masks. They need to enforce the policy or they need to be subjected to heavy fines.

They send unmasked children in to pick up the orders as well. That is illegal and against company policies.

It is fraud. The person that is receiving the offer has their name on the customer app. The person picking it up is claiming to be that person. It is no different than signing into someone else's account.

Enough of the bullshit.

Fuck anarchy.

Fuck "whatever".

There is a pandemic and Michigan has a big problem right now with it spreading. All the bullshit does is add to the problem.

All delivery persons should be required to be vaccinated and to wear masks inside of restaurants or other stores while doing the job. Including all shop and deliver type orders.

I deliver to government buildings and to hospitals. I deliver to schools. I know others get those orders as well.


Thursday, December 16, 2021

To this day the assholes with the weaponry still use that "number 1" bullshit.

That crap started with some old man in Charlotte telling some younger male "He is leaving, I guess that makes you number 1 again". The He was referring to me.

Whatever they were talking about, I want it obliterated out of existence.

I fucking hate everyone involved in this bullshit and seriously want all of you dead.


Get this fucking weaponry off of me.

No one is off limits to expose. Fuck you assholes.


I just wanted to say thanks to all the wonderful people out there that fucked my job up. No matter how many times I drive to a hot spot on one the apps now I still get no offers unless it is a very low one.

Even when I had a block scheduled tonight, I got 2 offers in an hour and a half. The first was for 2 deliveries that only totaled 13 dollars.

I drove back to the hot spot area, but they tried to send me back across downtown East Lansing for a 5 dollar delivery and I said fuck that and rejected it.

I used to do 20+ deliveries a day from that app. Now I am lucky to get 4. Even then they try to trap me in the campus area and I turn it off.

To all those that sit around and wait for the orders on that app: May you die a painful death.

You can all shove your religious holiday bullshit where the sun doesn't shine. 
The more the assholes fuck with any job I have to more I am going to go after everything/everyone that is fucked up.


Quit sending your kids in to get the stuff or to the house to deliver it. Lazy assholes.

If you try to do that with alcohol or cigarettes you could end up in jail.

This shit is getting completely fucking ridiculous.

Take a fucking bath or shower. Start the day with a clean set of clothes.

Don't have a vehicle that looks like you live in it because their is so much shit in it.

I have seen some drivers our there that make me worry about catching some other disease from them or getting sick from the crap in their cars.

I clean my passenger floorboard every morning when I fill up. Not everything goes in the trash bag the first time.


Isn't it way past time to mandate vaccines for delivery drivers and ride share drivers?

I am vaccinated and have my booster shot.

I come into contact with a lot of people during my day. Both inside the restaurants and those I deliver to.

Drivers were considered essential, maybe still are.

The app companies will complain that they can't check everyone, so have everyone prove it to their auto insurance company, or to the state bureau that handles driver licenses for a special endorsement to prove it.

Seems like common sense to me. I wouldn't want unvaccinated people handling my food or showing up to my door.

This should be Federal level, but states can start it.


Wednesday, December 15, 2021

When I got my new car financed, I knew I had no credit history.

I have received letter after letter from all the places that were tried.

They have all listed my credit score as 0. Not bad credit, not good credit, but absolutely no credit.

That was until today. Today I got the rejection letter from Ally. They refused my credit because of what they got back from SageStream LLC.

SageStream said my credit score was 539?????

What are they basing that on?? I have tried my whole life to not borrow. I haven't had a loan in over 30 years.

SageStream also said Length of residence too short?????

I have lived where I live since 2004. 17+ years going on 18 is too short?

I looked up SageStream and they are not accredited by the Better Business Bureau. They are part of LexisNexis. There is no way to contact Sagestream online only a 1 800 number and a P.O. box address.

Well Ally, (GMAC), you are now tied to a scam operation.

There should be a federal investigation of SageStream and LexisNexis.


Sunday, December 12, 2021

You public servants, especially first responders should stop protecting the garbage in the advertising write off scam. They are getting out of paying taxes which pay your salaries. 

Are you sick of all the gambling advertisements on radio and television?

Along with all the sell out celebrity garbage taking the endorsement money?

Every fucking dime of that money that the gambling people spend, including the endorsements, is a tax write off. 100 fucking %.

They, (the gambling people), take your money and give some of it to the scum that works in radio and television so that they, (radio and television), manipulate you into giving them, (the gambling people), more money.

The gambling people then give some of the money that you give them to celebrities to manipulate you into giving the gambling people even more money.

The garbage, (gambling people, radio, television and celebrities), are all in on it together.

They are all scamming ass pieces of shit.

It works the same way with every other business as well.



Saturday, December 11, 2021

The power went out in East Lansing today around noon maybe a little later.
Power lines down because of high winds got hit by a fucking train and it yanked poles down.
They closed Hagadorn Rd from Grand River to Mt. Hope roads.
Apparently none of the delivery apps pay attention to road closings issued by police departments since they all kept routing drivers down that stretch of Hagadorn.
A lot of restaurants were without power, but most likely they kept sending drivers back to them.
I got sent to the Taco Bell on N East, but when I got there there was a sign on the door saying that that location was temporarily closed.
Evidently either the restaurant is not informing the delivery apps or the delivery apps are not listening.
A customer informed me the other day that she could not pick the location that she ordered from if she used a particular delivery app. One of the big 3.
If all the app services are routing the pickups then they truly suck shit. They keep routing them to the worst possible areas to pick up from.
The customers should be able to pick which store they want to order from. I apologize for the names I have called customers as I was driving to their location for ordering from the store they ordered from.
I was only going to stay out until 5 pm tonight, but I decided to try and stay out later.
Big mistake. The whole area was a complete mess. There were so many people at the restaurants that there is no way that I was going to wait that long for orders.
Between the power outages, a fucking home basketball game at MSU, Saturday shoppers, holiday shoppers and Saturday night out of towners coming in to see if they can get lucky with an MSU student, I just said fuck it I am going home.
Good luck to the police, fire and electrical workers. Don't be afraid to ask Consumers for some help BWL.
Go home morons. 
Let the people without power get deliveries or go to the eateries to get food. Let the workers clean up the trees and other wind damage.
You will survive without 1 Saturday night partying.
Who knows, the students might actually crack a book.


Thursday, December 9, 2021

More fun (sarcasm) facts about driving in the Lansing area.

Michigan drivers suck.

1. Use your turn signal before you come t a stop and make the turn. Turn signals are called indicator lights for a reason. They indicate to others what you are planning to do. You put your turn signal on then brake to slow down so that people behind you know to back off while you turn.

If you brake first no one knows whether you are just slowing down a little or a lot.

2. Lanes are on the road for a reason. I get it that everyone drifts a little now and then. You fucking idiots drive down the middle of both lanes. It is only acceptable to drive down the middle of the road on rural roads in the winter. Unless there is an obstacle in the way, it is never acceptable to drive down the middle of two lanes going the same direction.

3. Put your fucking cell phone down. I use a cell phone as part of my job and it is in a cell phone holder and not in my hand. Look inside a cop car with their permission and see how everything is located so that they can use both hands on the wheel if they need to.

Might be a good idea to pass a law that cars have to have a cell phone holder in such a place as to be usable. Not a useless fucking magnet either.

4. Get to where you are going. Quit fucking around while driving. Cars are tools for transportation, not an amusement park ride.

Driving fast is not necessarily a problem. It does not mean you are a bad driver. Driving 55 on a 70 highway does mean that you are a bad driver, unless weather conditions ACTUALLY warrant it.

Fuck all the idiotic decorations that bring out the morons not paying attention to the roads.

5. Quit riding side by side when there are 2 lanes going the same direction. If one of you makes a mistake both are going to wreck. Assholes here do it to block people from being able to go around them. Not a joke they will speed up and slow down when you switch lanes trying to get by.

They need their asses kicked.

6. Quit riding in someone's blind spot. They do that on purpose too. That causes accidents and all cars need cameras to prove the asshole riding there is at fault.

Michigan sucks to be a driver in. Michigan sucks to live in.


Wednesday, December 8, 2021

I saw a Ford Focus out there this afternoon with a black front bumper that looked like the one that I used to have.

Really. if it is that one the finance guy lied to me again. He said his brother didn't have any money and lowballed me into what he paid. How did he get it fixed so fast then?

Edwin at Crippen Mazda is a scamming wienie. 

I want a federal investigation into why the car was only given a $500 trade in value and then the finance guy tried to buy it for less than it was worth.

That seems pretty unethical. 

I had every receipt from every bit of work done to that car with me when I went out there. No one asked about anything. The guy drove it around the building and then parked it. Blue book trade value is over $3000.

Where I saw the car was in Okemos where I try to work from.  

Going to be even more pissed if he is using it to get orders from where I work. 

I hate people that call you "brother" when they don't even know you. Just shoot them in the head.



I got a contract violation from Doordash tonight.

I was on a delivery from Grubhub when they sent me an offer to go from the mall in Okemos to Frandor shopping center.It should not have been that much of a problem, but the shit light timing and the bullshit traffic around the mall and all the fucking way down Saginaw made me 16 minutes late for the pick up.

Never mind that I got the ready for pick up when it was already more than 5 minutes late.

After I picked it up it had a deliver by time that I beat by 5 minutes.

Gee I wonder why gig workers have to drive fast? (rhetorical)

This whole area is full of 2 lane roads, 1 lane each direction. All it takes is one asshole that is afraid to drive or can't drive and everyone behind them gets screwed over.

You can't pass them because there is either too much traffic coming the other way or it is a no passing zone.

They even turned what used to be 2 lanes in each direction into 1 lane each direction, a turn lane in the middle and bicycle lanes on both sides.

You can shove your bicycle lanes up your asses. Too many Michiganders have drunk driving charges and are not allowed to drive anymore.

Instead of putting the schools in the neighborhoods away from the main roads, they put them right on the main roads and made them 25mph.

They ran the main highway right between Michigan State University an all the restaurants and shops built for them to walk to. Also 25 mph with about 6 or 7 fucking red lights.

The middle of the area has a stupid fucking pompous shit hole called the Capitol building right in the fucking way.

Not mention a huge GM plant just south of the downtown area.

The whole fucking Frandor area is a nightmare of intersections with US127 which is basically a freeway.

The other side of town is one main drag called Saginaw. left turns out of a business onto Saginaw are a fucking nightmare because of so much traffic. It does however have a non-retarded speed limit.

(Fuck you look up the definition of retarded it means slowed down.)

If you have to go south of Saginaw you have to drive to one of the few bridges over the Grand river.

Now picture all of that with shit roads and tons of construction.

Seriously, they are still doing construction in Michigan in December.

Now add to that packing in 70,000 extra "people" associated with Michigan State University.

You computer people need to stick all that in your algorithms and then in your asses.

Your AIs are morons. They all have reasons for turning down offers or unassigning deliveries. Yet it does not matter how many times you use the same reason at the same restaurant, they will just keep sending you back.

The whole premise that they hire you on is that you can work WHERE YOU WANT TO, WHEN YOU WANT YOU.

Only one of them is correct on that. The others have programs to limit your ability to work or the amount of offers that you get if you turn down too many.

All of them put too many drivers out there so that they make money off the orders getting picked up or ordered through them. It is almost impossible to make decent money using just one of them.

This shit hole of an area just makes it worse.


The nazi assholes with the weaponry keep pushing their bullshit of trying to get me to quit the gig delivery job and work in a restaurant.

Anyone trying to get me to work in a restaurant needs their skull crushed with a baseball bat.

If you like working in restaurants go for it.

I do not like working in restaurants.

I prefer to work alone.

The nazi assholes piss me off constantly. the only reason that they want me to work around others is to try and get me to go off on someone.

They are typical PC cunts. They purposefully try and piss you off then try to turn it around on you when they do.

Anyone like that deserves the beat down or worse that they get.

Male or female.


Monday, December 6, 2021

Enough bullshit. Holding some back because others can't keep up is fucking bullshit.

Tell those at the bottom to pick it the fuck up not tell those that can learn the math to slow it down.

Fuck the morons that came up with this bullshit.

The advanced courses should be available to anyone that can do them. Anyone period.


 Death to the evoked potential weapon system and every fucking piece of slimy shit involved in it.

Almost 2 weeks now and I still do not have my payment book for my car.

I worked Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday Thanksgiving week, so I am not giving anyone any slack for the stupid fucking holiday bullshit.

I got fucked over on my old car. The dealership was only going to give me $500 as a trade in on a car with a brand new $5000 transmission. It had less than 10,000 miles on it.

Then the finance guy said his brother needed a car and he would give me 800 to 1000 for it. his brother supposedly needed it for college.

Then when he got around to getting the car it was suddenly that his brother was between jobs and he only had $600.

Never, ever trust anyone that calls you "brother".

I had around $18,000 in that car including purchase price.

I hate this scamming ass piece of shit area.

I am also pretty sure that the salesman added tax and title in when he showed me the price, but when the finance guy got it financed the tax and title fees were added to the base price.

The finance guy is a scammer that should be fired.

If I see anyone using that car to do gig work I will beat them to death.

Now get me my fucking payment book and unless I need to go to you for service I will not be back because of Edwin.


Saturday, December 4, 2021

Well the nazi cunts are back on the sleep deprivation crap again.
If I wake up and go to the bathroom they will bombard me with so much shit that I can not go back to sleep.
Death penalty for everyone that developed/develops the weaponry.
Death penalty for everyone that uses the weaponry to attack and torture people or other animals.
Death penalty for everyone that helps them harass the people they are attacking and torturing.
Death penalty for everyone that covers up for the weaponry, the torturers and/or the harassers.
All crimes against humanity and those involved in them deserve the death penalty.


Thursday, December 2, 2021

I bought a vehicle so I could drive outside of town in the winter in Michigan.

Immediately the long drive out of town offers stop and every single app ends me to downtown East Lansing.

Downtown East Lansing is a crammed packed nightmare.

They are purposefully trying to get my new car fucked up. Yes, it is a new 2021. They can't get 2022s yet.

Death to AI.

Just more reason to hate this area, state and country.

Computer programming needs to be brought back to earth. Make it mandatory in public schools and put it on the pay level it belongs with so-called non-skilled labor.

If necessary, destroy the Internet altogether.

Fuck capitalism.


Tuesday, November 30, 2021

 This is the dickhead that said he was a confidential informant:

Monday, November 29, 2021

The proof of what I an saying about the gig crap is right in the app.

I can show how my earnings went up and then suddenly went back down on all 3 of the major apps.

The apps are set up in such a way to aid anyone staking places out or purposefully trying to make so someone else doesn't get deliveries.

Why is it at Grubhub I got more delivery offers and made more money when I was just a 'partner' and didn't have many blocks than I do now that I am a 'pro' and can schedule more blocks?

Twice as much.

You can't make any money just doing one app. Every single time I got it to where I was mainly using one app or when I started only using Doordash, the offers disappear and the money goes way down.

Too many fucking drivers is one problem and only keeps getting worse.

An area where all the sheeple all have to do the same thing at the same time makes it worse.

The job isn't worth it when the restaurants get too busy and you can't get the orders fast because everyone has to go to the same place at the same time.

There are open blocks for dinner delivery on Grubhub all week long, because no one wants to be out there fighting the traffic or crowds especially if they are only getting little 5 and 6 dollar orders.

Saturday, my last delivery was assigned to me at 5:30 pm. because of everyone calling in orders at the same time, I sat there for over 30 minutes waiting for the order.

I would have left, but I was planning on going home for the day anyways and the delivery was pretty close to where I live.

You are not going to have any more luck getting your order faster if you go get it yourself, because you all have to do the same thing at the same time.

Think about it like going to the bathroom at halftime.


All gangstalkers deserve the death penalty.

As I was exiting Walmart yesterday, I was voicing my displeasure with the entire area full of scamming assholes when a guy parked in front of me heard it and came at me.
He started out with "You got something to say to me?"
I told him I wasn't talking to him. He started in with some bullshit about being a confidential informant for some tri-county law enforcement group.
Then he called me a public nuisance and started asking me if I wanted to go to jail. Then he started threatening me with calling the cops and started taking pictures of my license plate.
He looked drunk and he is a typical inbred redneck of the area.
I also took pictures of him and his license plate and will post them tomorrow or maybe later today.
It was funny how the chest posturing went down to calling the cops after I got right back in his candy ass pussy face.
He is a piece of shit as are whoever would employ him.
He was digging beer cans out of his truck so he most likely drinks and drives a lot.
The door of the truck had a company logo. Not exactly sure of it should have taken a picture of that as well, but I had to work. I doubt he does much of that.
If he is an informant, someone should tell him that he is not allowed to identify himself as such or he is no longer confidential. Also that he has no police powers at all.
If he ever gets in my face again, he will need an ambulance.


Well I have to work today on one of my days off because it is the end of the month and two of the apps are not high enough for next month.
Because Grubhub gave me no offers at times yesterday I turned on Doordash.
Within seconds I got fucked. Doordash sent me an offer for Walmart deliveries that had 7 of them bunched together. If I turn them down it counts as turning down 7 offers. They are dicks like that.
As I went into Walmart, of course Grubhub sends me a food delivery for the McDonalds just up the road. Ok I can get it and do the 7.
Nope. One of the seven orders at Walmart is not done correctly so I have to call customer service. It takes so long that Grubhub cancels the delivery and I get charged with removing it.
It was still taking too long so I just said fuck it and unassigned that particular one of the seven.
That screwed me in too low of a completion rate for Doordash.
Why I have to try and raise that today and maybe tomorrow.
I fucking hate this whole bullshit gig system.
Fuck Walmart. They should pay their own drivers or hire their own contractors this time of the year.
When I finally left the store to start delivering the 6 remaining orders, Grubhub hits me with an offer for the Bob Evans in Dewitt and the order goes 5 miles north of there.
I did 3 deliveries and then got the Grubhub order and delivered it. I am not going back out into the farm area north of Lansing in the winter. The area is too open and the wind freezes the roads.
I just bought a vehicle that can drive in/on snow, but nothing drives on ice.
Not worth the safety risk regardless of pay.
I hate this time of year.
Fuck you all with your psychobabble bullshit.
I can go to my sister's house with the rest of the family if I wanted to. I do not take part in religious holidays.