Monday, November 29, 2021

As I was exiting Walmart yesterday, I was voicing my displeasure with the entire area full of scamming assholes when a guy parked in front of me heard it and came at me.
He started out with "You got something to say to me?"
I told him I wasn't talking to him. He started in with some bullshit about being a confidential informant for some tri-county law enforcement group.
Then he called me a public nuisance and started asking me if I wanted to go to jail. Then he started threatening me with calling the cops and started taking pictures of my license plate.
He looked drunk and he is a typical inbred redneck of the area.
I also took pictures of him and his license plate and will post them tomorrow or maybe later today.
It was funny how the chest posturing went down to calling the cops after I got right back in his candy ass pussy face.
He is a piece of shit as are whoever would employ him.
He was digging beer cans out of his truck so he most likely drinks and drives a lot.
The door of the truck had a company logo. Not exactly sure of it should have taken a picture of that as well, but I had to work. I doubt he does much of that.
If he is an informant, someone should tell him that he is not allowed to identify himself as such or he is no longer confidential. Also that he has no police powers at all.
If he ever gets in my face again, he will need an ambulance.


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