Monday, November 29, 2021

Well I have to work today on one of my days off because it is the end of the month and two of the apps are not high enough for next month.
Because Grubhub gave me no offers at times yesterday I turned on Doordash.
Within seconds I got fucked. Doordash sent me an offer for Walmart deliveries that had 7 of them bunched together. If I turn them down it counts as turning down 7 offers. They are dicks like that.
As I went into Walmart, of course Grubhub sends me a food delivery for the McDonalds just up the road. Ok I can get it and do the 7.
Nope. One of the seven orders at Walmart is not done correctly so I have to call customer service. It takes so long that Grubhub cancels the delivery and I get charged with removing it.
It was still taking too long so I just said fuck it and unassigned that particular one of the seven.
That screwed me in too low of a completion rate for Doordash.
Why I have to try and raise that today and maybe tomorrow.
I fucking hate this whole bullshit gig system.
Fuck Walmart. They should pay their own drivers or hire their own contractors this time of the year.
When I finally left the store to start delivering the 6 remaining orders, Grubhub hits me with an offer for the Bob Evans in Dewitt and the order goes 5 miles north of there.
I did 3 deliveries and then got the Grubhub order and delivered it. I am not going back out into the farm area north of Lansing in the winter. The area is too open and the wind freezes the roads.
I just bought a vehicle that can drive in/on snow, but nothing drives on ice.
Not worth the safety risk regardless of pay.
I hate this time of year.
Fuck you all with your psychobabble bullshit.
I can go to my sister's house with the rest of the family if I wanted to. I do not take part in religious holidays.


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