Friday, March 17, 2023

This is about the fucking cunts at Facebook saying another post violat4ed their community standards. 

Death to Facebook. Death to all PC pieces of shit everywhere.

The post in question:


To everyone associated with the weaponry: GET OUT OF MY FUCKING LIFE.
I want to know why the fuck the idiot useless pieces of fucking ignorant shit in this asshole of an area were so fucking concerned with whether or not I had sex?
Who the fuck do you sorry ass pieces of worthless busy body cunts think you fucking are?
This shit started when I met the garbage in East Dayton and then moved to this fucking cunt hole of an area.
What the fuck did those pieces of shit in Dayton put out there about me? I want them all dead.
Same with that piece of shit crowd from Travelers Club. I hate you pieces of shit.
They couldn't stop pushing that bullshit in the work place. They and all like them are garbage that don't rate human rights.
Death to everyone involved in the radiation weaponry.

New post if it goes through. 

Now apparently another post goes against the so-called community standards of shit Facebook.

I truly hate the asshole moderators at Facebook. you just try to silence me about the truth.

I have every right to fight back against those that torture me and I can call them pieces of shit if I want to.

I am allowed to point out that i want people dead. I want Putin and his asshole Oligarchs dead.

I want all nazis dead.

All religions should be completely and totally abolished and anyone that can't live without them I want to die with them.

I want any and all spiders that come into my house dead.

Take your whatever can't fight back or tell the truth and shove it up your asses.

Death to the advertising tax write off.

There are many, many, many humans that should be referred to as pieces of shit.

I will post this and all posts that you say violate your standards all over the Internet to show your harassment.

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