Wednesday, March 29, 2023

 Someone please figure out why Yahoo's idiot censors flagged this post for approval?


Raising the minimum wage never works. Those at the top just raise prices so much to make more profit that the minimum wage will be worse off than before the raise.

The only way to go is to cap the maximum wages. There were people that were considered very wealthy as millionaires. If all prices and wages were put back 60 years it would still end up the same as long as the objective is to keep increasing profits instead of being satisfied with just making a profit.

Wall Street and the whole investment credit based system needs to go. Getting loans for start up capital should be payed back after that the company shouldn't be getting loans every week to meet payroll. Loans for expansions should be handled the same way.

Letting people think that they are doing something by buying stocks other than making the rich richer should be done away with. All they are really doing is inflating the stock prices so that those with millions of shares get huge sums of credit in their names.

Runaway capitalism is at its end one way or another. Too much in the hands of too few and the rest are tired of the shaft. 


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