Friday, March 17, 2023

I spent my whole life before I moved to this fucking cunt hole trying to stay out of the spotlight.

I just wanted to do my job and be left alone by the assholes at corporate. If I had wanted to be in that shit I would have been in it and never needed to move here in the fucking first place.

I did not want to be a criminal and I did not want anything to do with the conniving back stabbing garbage climbing the corporate ladders. Neither can be trusted and the world would be a better place without both.

I have never wanted to be famous. I despise the spotlight. I despise the parasites that it attracts. (media)

I just wanted to be a nice guy. The fucking dumb cunts here made it so I can't even be that.

I truly hate you all. 

I hope the human race dies out real soon.

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