Monday, March 6, 2023

Memory from 3 years ago: 

On this day
3 years ago

Here is a situation/scenario.
A company has a salesperson and a delivery driver.
The delivery driver position is relatively new. (Almost a year now).
The salesperson keeps taking deliveries because he is going in that direction anyways. The salesperson also sets it up so that the transfer truck comes in with deliveries to the places he will be going in that direction one of the truck days.
Before the delivery position it may have had to be that way.
Now the salesperson takes deliveries that were called in to him by the customer. He likes to say that it is good for him to stop in to the customer every once in awhile. ????????
When both positions are there shouldn't the salesperson be stopping by the customers a whole lot more and to get the order instead of just after they call him with an order?
Doing it his way results in a delivery trip where he obtains no order and spends time that he could have been selling elsewhere.
He still should go to all of his customers regularly, but he should only take product when it is a demo or something that neither he nor the customer was sure would work for the customer's needs.
If it is something that is very small and/or to put it bluntly pretty inexpensive that needs to go far away then he can take it when he goes that way.
Stopping by the customer to get an order can also result in a sale that may be something that the customer forgot that they needed or that they did not know was on sale.
That way the delivery trip should have the entire order and not an extra delivery trip if he sells something when he takes the delivery.
I say should have because most likely there will still be a backorder at the company where I work.
Just a thought.

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