Monday, March 6, 2023

Again from 2 years ago:


2 years ago

Every week that goes by and I am still stuck working 6 days in that job, just makes me hate here even more.
My short day on duty time was 9 hours.
I do not get paid overtime.
I am not some dumb ass that wants to work their life away.
I have things to do at home. I live with my 75 year old mother that has a myriad of health problems.
I do the housework other than some cooking and the dishes. She does dishes because the warm water helps the circulation in her hands.
It is getting to the point where I am going to stop her from driving, so I will have to take her to the store and other things on my day off.
I do the yard work. I tend the garden. I do small home repairs.
I am not going to work my only day off away.
Only a complete stupid piece of ignorant shit would want to live like that.
I was doing just fine on 5 days before the bullshit of peak because of you people's horseshit religious holiday Christmas crap. I was told that the 6 days would only be for peak.
More lying ass conniving garbage in this shit hole of humanity.
The whole pandemic situation just makes matters worse as there are less jobs so the assholes running the companies can fuck over the employees.
I hate this fucking capitalist pig shit hole country.

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