There are a few jobs on my resume. I do not want to job jump all the time. I fucking hate looking for work.
I am not however, your slave. You do not own me.
If you use the two year old approach of seeing how far you can push employees, all you will get from me is either a fist in the mouth or flipping you the bird as I walk out the door.
You are an asshole that isn't worth working for.
If you play favorites with the ass kissers and/or your fellow cult members then the same applies.
You are an asshole that isn't worth working for.
If you are a corporation that allows local management to do either of the above, you are an asshole not worth working for.
Unfortunately, I now live in a "small town feel" shit hole where a lot of management has their heads up the asses of other power tripping turds here as well.
Finding a new job is harder when they are all scumbags in the same boat.
The internet helped to make that the way corporations are now.
I am not part of your family and I do not want to be. It is illegal for employers to push employees to socialize with each other.
It should be punishable by the death penalty.
You are turning workplaces into gangs and cults.
The only good gangs or cults are dead ones.
I am not at work to play. Two different words with two different meanings.
I just had an interview for a good job, but I am not willing to go into farmhouse basements to fill their water softeners. Been there done that before and it ain't happening again. The steps going to the basements are bullshit.
Part of the overall problem with rural areas. Everything is so old it should be torn down and built correctly.
Shame too because the houses and some buildings were built very well above ground. Buildings that last for 100 years eventually need to go.
Get rid of the capitalism bullshit or at least stop the very few from rigging the system so that they keep getting richer while everyone else gets screwed and you will be able to do it.
To sum up the many jobs, don't fuck me around and I show up and do my job. Play games and I will turn you into the federal regulatory agencies if I can. That includes stopping other employees from being idiots and assholes as well.
I do not want to climb the scumbag ladder.
I am the kind of guy that would have went to work for UPS 30 years ago and still had the same route today. I liked the job at Walters Vending, I just hated some of the customers. (Sundance)
I am a route service driver. I don't mind package delivery, but I am not going to be out there at 9pm doing it.
I do not particularly want warehouse/driver where there is a bunch of downtime.
The less people that I have to interact with, the better.