Tuesday, June 20, 2023

 I want one of you assholes to point a time when I discriminated against someone?

Don't even start in with sex bullshit assholes that is a matter of personal taste and as long ass it is between consenting adults you can go fuck yourself it is none of your business. 

I don't like working with you fucking sex addicted retards because you are either too fucking stupid or too much a bunch of assholes to keep it out of the workplace. 

Read the law morons what you do is illegal when you won't take no for an answer. 

You do not get to harass someone because they do not share your particular pseudoscience beliefs. How exactly are you any different than the right wingers that try to force religions on people?

You all, both right and left, can take your bullshit Eugenics and stick it where the sun doesn't shine.

I bust my ass in that place trying to do my job. I do things that are not my job if asked and I can. 

Why am I the one getting fucked over? 

I am so sick of this fucking shit hole area that I would seriously consider nuking it off the face of the Earth if I could.

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