Tuesday, June 20, 2023

 June 20, 2020 notice how the same shit still happens today.

If you wonder why I posted about the crap in the bar 20 years ago again, it is because of the assholes with the weaponry.
They have been continually putting, "They said it was there or nothing" phrase in my head as a part of their psychological warfare against me.
My reply is always the same. Who said it? If I find out someone said that I will kill their whole fucking family.
I am sick of being fucked with by the garbage in this shit hole area.
I can not move as they still attack me no matter where I go. I lived in Indiana for 3 fucking years and they did the same fucking shit there.
I came back here because my mother had two heart attacks and got "downsized" by the lowlife company that she worked for, Aegon. She wanted to come back to Lansing to be around my sister and my sister's kids and grandkids in case she was going to die.
The only other choice that I had was to remain there or walk somewhere else and be homeless.
That is what these fucking nazi cunt pigs have done to my life. They all need to die. They all deserve to die. Anyone that would make this weaponry for any reason other than to expose and get a defense system set up for it is a piece of shit that deserves to die.
This weaponry is a crime against humanity. It is a fucking torture device.
I can not leave now because I will not leave my cats behind. I would rather kill every human on the planet that let anything happen to my cats. If I moved my mother would have to move somewhere to be looked after.
She can not maintain the trailer or the yard. She can barely drive anymore. She has a fucking pacemaker and people keep stressing me out when i am around her which isn't helping her.
Death to everyone that took part in developing or using this weaponry. Death to everyone that covers up for it.
You do not rate being called human beings.
All I am trying to do is make a fucking living and save up money to get out of this piece of shit area when the time comes.
All I get is fucked around by the lowlife garbage that has lived here all their lives. An area full of useless turds and their families that have never left the area.
I keep trying to work for companies from outside of the area, but they all seem to let the local yocals run the shit like they owned it and harass anyone that they don't want working there.
I do not want anything to do with anyone here other than on my job or their job. Keep it professional then go away.

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