Tuesday, June 20, 2023

 This post will be mostly about a cunt at Sparrow named Meghan. She has been fucking with me since day one and if she gets me fired I am going to kill the bitch and her fucking pussy ass husband that can't control her. This is Michigan pin dick you are responsible for your wife's bullshit.I will separate my posts about her with _____. The posts will Be in reverse order that they were posted to Facebook



The very same Meghan that a few months ago said she got divorced 5 years ago is now telling an ambulance driver that her husband works for LPD.

She is insane.
*edit. She also told the doctor on duty later that she was married.
Seriously, Meghan just whispered loud enough to another nurse " he likes to masturbate"
Who. I haven't mistreated in a long time. I just like to have the live rooms open while I play video games. Currently playing League of Angels: Pact.
Was she talking about a patient?
Either way she should be fired.
*edit Not strictly about her just the area.
Whitmer, another thing that might help stop the population decline of Michigan is to establish a government entity that goes after sexual harassment in the workplace and make sure that it covers everyone.
It is sexual harassment even when it is being done to straight white males.
What do you call someone that likes to purposefully do things that they know will piss someone else off?
A three year old pushing their boundaries.
TEEE Heee Heee ignorant cunts.
 There is nothing like a Sparrow nurse to completely kill any nurse fantasies you ever had.
Ugly jelly roll nasty ho.
Travelers Club harassing sex addict cunts = Spartans.
Doc and the harassing cunts in Plum Crazy = Spartans
Mayfair people = Spartans. There was a huge face of Ron Mason painted on the wall of the bar.
Everyone that has pushed the sex in the workplace crap here was a Spartan or Spartan fan.
The nurses here that started the shit are most likely Spartans.
I fucking hate MSU.
Now the fucking ignorant little girl nurses at Sparrow are making fun of my disability to humiliate.
2 nurses and the woman that was working the front desk all started laughing because my metFormin caused me to have gas.
I have told people there several times that I have type 2 diabetes. Pretty much everyone with type 2 takes metFormin. One of the many side effects of metFormin is that it cause gas.
Since I am repeatedly bending over and standing back up in there and walking and twisting there is not way that I can stop the farts if they need to come out.
Think about it. What if it were a patient and they tried to humiliate them by laughing at them?
Those 3 have no business working in a medical facility.
They act like they are in junior high school. Giggling, laughing, talking about the patients behind their backs, and fucking with me trying to do my job.
They kept a bunch of rooms until right at the end tonight. When I got done with room 8 there was only 5 minutes left until I no longer got paid.
Sure enough a room assignment came through. Too fucking bad I am not going to work for free.
Not to mention that another room other than the one they tried to cram in was just vacated because of the patient being transported to the real hospital.
If you think that it is funny that someone's medication for a disability causes gas then you have no place in a medical facility.
I take gas pills to try and get rid of the gas, but they do not always work.
I don't know 2 of their names. Meghan was one of them, the other was a early 20s nurse short, stocky, brown hair. The one out front has a name that starts with an S, I think. She is black.
The early 20s nurse was the one with Kayla when they were laughing loud and uncontrollably.
If I ever need a hospital, I better get taken to McLaren.
For the record, Meghan is the one that whispered "I'm Bi" as she walked past me.
Imagine that another piece of shit ignorant bi-sexual Lansing area cunt fucking with me.
I would rather never have sex again than to have sex with 10 of you at the same time.
Grow the fuck up, do your job and leave me the fuck alone. Idiots.
*edit not aimed specifically, but counts.

To every idiot ignorant cunt piece of shit on the planet that thinks customer service or just being a nice guy means that I want in your pants: I would rather kill you fucking morons than have sex with you.
Wonder who the Megan cunt was referring to when she said "..... get an old man out of Okemos"?
I didn't catch the first part.
If they harass me I am going to fight back.
She looks like Donald Trump, she is orange.
She could have been referring to the nurse named Doug. 


*edit Aimed at everyone but applies.

For the record.
I do not find tattoos and body piercings attractive. Tattoos only look good on strippers and they follow the shape of the body.
I do not like nor do I want to have sex with the LGBT community of mid Michigan.
I do not harass you, quit harassing me.
I am not a swinger. I do not have sex with married women if I know they are married.
 *edit Courtney has stopped talking to me like I was a 4 year old.
The three worst nurses here are Megan (however it is spelled), Courtney and Kayla.
Last night as I was walking by Megan Said very loudly, "Get him fired". I have no idea who she was referring to, but it gives you an idea if how much of a bitch she is.
Megan also walked by me a couple of days ago and whispered "I'm bi". Seriously, after everything that 
I have posted about hating the LGBT community in this area she would say that???
How fucking stupid can you be? Either that or she was trying ro start shit.
The other two like to play games. Courtney is extremely condescending. Kayla is the one that had to purposefully show me she was eating a donut while walking through the ER.
Megan and Kayla were the ones fucking around about sex when I first started and posted about it.
20+ years of posting that I do not have sex with women that I work with or men ever and dumb ass Michiganders still try.
Do your job and leave me alone to do mine.
No one has the right to force or coerce anyone else into having sex that they do not want to have.

The more you try, the more I hate you.
Think about this:
Has a patient ever complained about me?
Or is it just the cunts trying to get me fired?
I told you they need to break up the 2nd shift cabal here.
Pretty soon no one will want to work with the fake ass people here.
They are only pleasant as a ruse. If they can't get anything from you they show who they really are.
Names in the next post.

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