Tuesday, June 20, 2023

I voted straight Democrat ticket last time. I did not want to vote for religion.

The fucking Democrats here are just as bad if not worse than the Republicans.

I am the one that told women back when this shit started that they had nothing to worry abut from me when dickheads were coercing them to have sex with me.

I don't play the fucking bullshit.

Any of you cunts that think that you are going to try and force me to have sex got a serious nother think coming.

All that does is make you the same as the assholes that I was already fighting.

Lowlife fucking scum that deserves to die.

You sorry ass LGBT in this area are making religion look like the lesser of two evils, so to speak.

I am an atheist and always will be.

Fuck off and leave me alone if you can't have interactions without the sex bullshit. You are worthless pathetic garbage.

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