The assholes with the weaponry also like to use the "you started it" bullshit.
Just going back to when I first started working at the old Plum Crazy Sports bar, a customer in there tried to start shit between me and someone else.
I got off work and went over to the dartboard area. One of the waitresses was off work and sitting there at a table. I merely walked over and said hi to her.
Immediately 3 or 4 guys ran over behind another guy standing there and one J.T. McKinley stated "You may have to fight him over her."
Seriously. That is how bad this shit hole is. You can not even talk to a female in a normal conversation without someone trying to start shit.
Too fucking bad you pin dick jealous little worthless pieces of shit. You and the ignorant cunt stupid enough to be with you can take a long walk off a short pier.
I had already stated at previous jobs in this fucking useless shit hole that I do not date women that I work with. Guess the worthless garbage forgot to spread that one around because then they couldn't start any shit.
The guy that made the comment in the bar, J.T. McKinley, is also one of the morons that likes to put their pinky finger up to the corner of their mouth in a Dr. Evil gesture. He is or was also someone that worked at a defense contractor called BS&A Software.
He repeatedly tried to get me into arguments or fights. He is a sniveling little computer programming bitch that can't fight.
I get fucked over because this is an area full of garbage trying to start shit to get their kicks.
I would burn this whole fucking area to the ground if I could.