Thursday, April 28, 2022

I don't point out enough about the pieces of shit with the weaponry using their psychobabble bullshit about my penis.
They constantly use shit like "you are not having sex, why have that dick?", "We have to kill that dick".
Any time they bring up sex, they add in the "why have that/your/a dick?
Then they use the "you said you were a woman", bullshit. About a joke that I said in the Mayfair.
I said that I have short hair, wear flannel and hiking boots and only like women, I am basically a lesbian. It was a joke that comedians have even told in comedy specials. It does not mean that I am a woman or that I want to be.
No one told me that you could not tell jokes in this moronic happy zombie drug shit hole of humanity. 
I literally hate this fucking shit hole.
They use it to try and push that ignorant transsexual bullshit.
Never gonna happen. That shit should be completely and totally exposed and stopped in kids. When you are an adult, it is your body if you want to be one then that is up to you.
I am not interested in any way and never will be.
Just more reason to wipe this weaponry and everyone involved in it off the face of the Earth.
Anyone covering up for the weaponry, deserves to die with the weaponry. Same goes for covering up for the psychobabble assholes.


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