Thursday, April 21, 2022

Since I have been off work for a couple of weeks now the garbage with the weaponry has been using the same shit that they did when they first fucked me out of work.
They use entrainment and other radiation attacks to cause anger and stomach problems. They can cause a fake hunger, tricking the body with the entrainment and other radiation attacks.
They keep using the "You'll get fat" or "You'll gain all that weight back", type attacks to piss me off because they know I do not want to be a fat ass.
I used to try and get jobs that involved exercise. I hate going to gyms. They do everything that they can to make me sedentary and destroy my health.
Anyone that says that I do not have a right to want them dead is an ignorant piece of shit that deserves to die with them.
One of the worthless pieces of shit at Traveler's Club told me that I needed to gain weight. They use that as an attack all the time as well, "She said you needed to gain weight".
Why? Because you have no self control? Fuck you cunt, die.
I hate this fucking shit hole.


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