Thursday, April 28, 2022

I have posted in the past about the moron scheduling the bridge replacement on basically the main thoroughfare going north and south in Meridian Township during the school year.

That alone should be enough to get the idiot fired.

Now however some genius decide to add more bullshit in the same area.

The bridge detour makes you go east or west on Grand River. So for about a mile east and 2 miles west the have construction going on and both directions are down to one lane.

The two lane road that is the detour back to the south called Dobie road has construction on the corner of Dobie and Grand River making no turn lanes on Dobie backing up the northbound traffic there as well as the southbound detour.

If the trifecta of moronism doesn't get those responsible fired then whoever is over them needs to be replaced. 

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