Wednesday, April 20, 2022

This morning is all the "you are going to go blind" bullshit.
"Sugar, Sugar, sugar".
I check my blood sugar. It is not high right now.
My eyes are being fucked with by the radiation weaponry.
I can feel it. They try to make my eyes not focus together.
Then they start in with the "you put too much emphasis on looks" bullshit.
Fuck off. I can decide for myself what I find attractive and what I do not. No one has a right to tell me what I have to find attractive.
More manipulation attempts by the chicken shit coward nazi pigs behind the weaponry. Their psycho babble bullshit is just that, BULLSHIT.
Now they started in with the "Legendary" song from the television commercial about Xfinity.
I have not turned the television on this morning and usually don't in the mornings.
I have noticed in my time off work, television sucks. I am glad that I go to bed at 8:30 to 9:00 pm when I work.
Now back to the making my eyes not work together properly.
Anyone that is not for the death penalty for the scum behind the weaponry is someone that I want to die with the scum behind the weaponry.


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