Thursday, April 21, 2022

All the pieces of shit in this assholeville do is spread rumors or try to harass someone to make them quit their job. They think that they are allowed to play games with someone else's life.
They need to be made an example of and destroyed completely.
The whole area is a bunch of cult mentality work places.
(Maybe the dweeb ass little pussies running the country's businesses have made it all that way, I do not know. There is no more construction criticism as all criticism is viewed as negativity or hurting the brand.) Fuck the brand.
The "Who is he talking to now?, Who is he looking at now?" bullshit of the worthless garage at Traveler's Club trying to push their sex cult bullshit and harass me into quitting.
The garbage management at L&L grocery store in Haslett that got all butt hurt because I didn't want to go into management there so they tried to force me to take a position that I did not want and started trying to pull every bit of bullshit that they could even telling me to get a haircut to stock shelves on third shift.
The pin dicks at Plum Crazy not telling me it was a summer job and that I would lose all my hours when the students came back. Another little shit hole of everyone fuck everyone else.
The ignorant moronic women at the stops on the Walters Vending route that can't tell customer service from trying to get in their pants and then getting all snide ass bitch when they find out. Then spreading rumors back and forth across town so you can't even keep your job and your life separate.
Form the two whores in the Mayfair "He told Doc and Jim that he wanted to work for the CIA, so they are going to.....", (trailing off when they thought I was listening), when the conversation was about when I was in the Navy in 1984 and Jim wasn't even there and took place in Plum Crazy. What exactly were they going to do?
To the "Maybe you can get it to work Terra, he thinks you're cute." and her reply of "Leave me out of it."
It worked just fine, I just wasn't interested in a useless whore like the one that said that. I said "kind of cute" about a local celebrity not because I wanted to fuck her. OUT OF WHAT? Maybe I should beat that information out of her. With a baseball bat.
To the punk ass little pussy outside of the Mayfair telling me not to go back into Sundance, which was a stop on my route, and the ignorant cocaine whore behind the counter there saying "I thought he told him not to come in here anymore", when I went back to do my job. I want them both dead.
A whole fucking town that had nothing better to do than to stick their noses in my personal life, which is the very reason that I did not have one. It is the reason that I will never have one in this fucking worthless shit hole of humanity.
Let us not forget the punk ass drug sealing turds from Dayton showing up at The Quality Dairy in Haslett and as soon as I walk in saying "There is supposed to be some big dude running all over town saying that he knows Brian and Jason." And the tinkerbell behind the counter saying "That is the man right there". 

I was set up by two little cunts in the Mayfair to say the names Brian and Jason. One time to one person. The useless gossip brigade at the Mayfair and across this shit hole did the rest.

I don't give a shit how they spell their names.


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