Thursday, April 21, 2022


Great now my eyes are fucked up from the time I get up. My right eye is blurry all all the time.

This is because of all you asshole lowlife a]sacks of fucking garbage in this shit hole state and you fucking cunts from Dayton.
Death to all drug dealers.
All you pieces of shit that thought this was some game.
I literally want all of you dead.
I did nothing to you pieces of shit except tell you that I did not want to be involved in your garbage. I want all of your families exterminated because you forced your shit on me.
I will never stop hating Michigan or Dayton, Ohio.
I will never stop hating the mass media no matter where I am.
I will never stop hating mainstream entertainment industries no matter where I am.
I was 32 years old when I moved here and I had never tried to be involved in entertainment. Why the fuck would I suddenly start when I moved to this piss ant little shit hole of garbage?
I flat out told you assholes that if you put me in the spotlight I would use it to destroy you.
Die assholes, DIE.

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