Wednesday, April 27, 2022

I want a job where I go in, stay busy and do my job until it is time to go home. Then I go home.
I do not want to be part of a "family". That is nothing more than bullshit to keep wages down.
I do not fraternize with co-workers. I do not date them, or engage in activities with them outside of work.
I will not stay over at work with no notice. I am diabetic. I need to plan my schedule to control my blood sugar. If my blood sugar gets too low it is a very bad thing.
You fucking pieces of shit think it is some kind of game when you are literally fucking with my health. G
Given the opportunity I would press a button that makes you all drop dead.
Tee-hee-hee. Assholes.
I can not do repetitive standing or siting on an assembly line. The assholes with the weaponry will either try to distract me to get me injured or try to put me to sleep with the entrainment.
I need to move around for both my mental and physical well being.
I do not want to stand around and talk. I didn't do that before I moved to this shit hole and I am not going to do it now.
I do not want to use my personal vehicle.
I do not particularly want my own company.
I just want to work and be left the fuck alone.


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