Grubhub is really starting to suck.
Their whole spiel is complete bullshit.
Get your acceptance rate up so you can schedule blocks. Blocks are small periods of time.
I had blocks scheduled all fucking day today. The morning was so few offers that I did Doordash and Uber with only a couple of offers from Grubhub.
When Grubhub did give me an offer it was some little 5 or 6 dollar McDonalds delivery.
I take deliveries from the other apps and do them. No app has priority over any other.
If I am already doing a delivery from a different app I will only take the Grubhub app delivery while on a block if I can get to it within a reasonable amount of time.
When you have a block scheduled you have to leave the app on or they will send you a message to turn it on or they will charge you with dropping the block.
Apparently, they think that you should be at their beck and call for any delivery they want to give you.
Apparently, they think that you should just sit around and wait on their offers instead of actually trying to make money while you are out there.
I made less than half of my highest week on Grubhub this.
Fuck them if they think I am going to sit around and wait for that.
There are assholes that just sit around and stake out places that they know are busy. They get the offers before the people on blocks because they are already sitting there.
The whole fucking thing has turned into scamming ass little pieces of shit and their 'friends' staking places out and most likely they are the ones stealing the food orders.
One of my first offers this morning sent me to IHOP to pick it up.
When I got their I parked and in the car next to where I parked there was a guy setting up two cell phones. Two phones?
Do you assholes realize that if you log onto one of the apps under a false name you are committing a crime? It isn't just against company policies, it is an actual crime.
I am going to start taking pictures and posting them online.
Let everyone know the bullshit that the app companies let people get away with.
Grubhub, your AI piece of trash can not interpret anything about my ability to deliver.
The actual delivery starts when I get the order until when I drop the order off.
I can drop the delivery anytime before I pick it up.
I have been known to do that if it becomes clear that I can not complete other deliveries quick enough to do that delivery without sacrificing the quality of the food.
Your pathetic piece of grade school programming AI can not even use the data collected from arrival times to get the order times to know not to send a driver to Cracker Barrel immediately after receiving the order on a Sunday morning.
The driver now gets to get rid of the delivery or wait for 20+ minutes to get it.
Your AI can not take acquired data to know that when there is a home football game the orders take a lot longer to get made.
I have had restaurant people literally tell me that they put into the system that the order would not be ready for 20 minutes only to have a driver show up almost immediately after they did.
Grubhub, you are the company that the restaurant owner was talking about when she said that a lot of orders were disappearing.
You have a system of scammers here in the Lansing area working for you. Most likely because of all the idiot 'invite friends' crap on all of the apps.
You make it too easy for them to do it.
Apparently, your AI can not even tell when 2 or more contractors are in the same vehicle. At least their phones are.
Uber makes the driver take a picture of themselves every so often to prevent that kind of bullshit.
Uber's app won't let you take the picture unless you stop the car.
All the app companies need to get rid of the scammers, thieves and those out there to play instead of to work.