Sunday, May 1, 2022

The real reason that the supply chain woes even exist or are exasperated so much is..........


Who led the way in the 'just in time' bullshit? GM and the other car manufacturers.

They do not warehouse anything anymore. They cried about having too much inventory and it hurt their profits.

They made no plans in case of supply chain disruptions.

They raise the prices during the supply chain disruptions. Seems like they planned to fuck over everyone any way that they could.

The driver shortage is because the job sucks. Very few trucking companies are run anymore to have hubs all over the place so drivers can go out and back and not have to be over the road for extended periods of time.

When Reagan deregulated trucking he fucked that all up. He should have just went after the corruption in the unions instead of deregulating the whole industry.

Hopefully the Amazon union will keep a close eye on those running it and not let them get like the other union heads.

Saturday, April 30, 2022

The lowlife nazis with the weaponry like to use the "You don't know what you gave up" and "You could have had anything".

I state back, "Really, because I said I didn't want your weaponry hooked to me."

I did not give up anything, you fucking pieces of shit took it from me. You took my life when you hooked this shit to me.

I really and truly hate you assholes.

Fuck off and leave me alone.

Friday, April 29, 2022

I used to be able to meet people just moving around the area in Dayton, Ohio.

Not everyone had their head up everyone else's ass.

Pretty sure the drug dealers never heard of me before they met me and I have met a lot of people in my life.

I fucking hate the small town feel bullshit.

I moved back here after living in Indiana for a little over 3 years and when I went to the donation place a female there that I had never met stated "We know who you are."

You mind telling me who you think I am?

Shove your gossip up your asses crawl in a hole and die with it.

I did not want the spotlight then. I do not want it now. Everyone that took part in putting me in it needs to die a painful death.

Wonderful. I just found out that one of the parts to fix my car is on backorder until mid June.
I am so fucking sick of this bullshit it isn't funny.
Not the repair shop's fault. Just more 'supply chain' garbage.
I fucking hate capitalism.


Thursday, April 28, 2022

Imagine that there was this scummy corporation that closed its factories time after time and moved to locations elsewhere including out of the country, ruining the lives of so many in those towns and cities that it left.
Often times criminals take over as money gets scarce from the job leaving.
Imagine there was another town that was proud to call itself a that corporation's name town.
Imagine living in that town even though one of the places fucked over was where you would rather have been.
Fuck you GM. Fuck everyone that bailed you out.
Your vehicles are shit.
Don't forget that the person that the town calls a hero for GM staying is also one of the corrupt piece of shit politicians that was good friends with the radio assholes fucking you over.  He is also part of the local LGBT community of idiot run-at-the-mouth garbage. Fuck you Hollister.


Imagine living in a shit hole where the mass media outlets are hugely supported by scumbags that fucked you over and friends with the corrupt government officials as well.
The Lansing area sucks and the world would be a better place without it.
On top of that the pieces of shit in Washington D.C. keep promoting the useless corrupt ex-governors and other politicians for here to national posts.
Both republicans and democrats. Same shit different name.


Every word or image that the nazi assholes with the radiation weaponry put into my brain goes right back to when this shit got started.

The hatred for everyone involved in that will never stop.

Even without the weaponry the pieces of shit with the Sundance commercials on radio and television would take the hatred back to them fucking me over.

That whole family is garbage that needs to die.

One of the punks for 5th Street Billiard is related to them. He is/was a drug dealer. His name is Brian Combs.

Friends of him or that family are my enemies, forever.

Had I known that those inbred cowshit morons were his family I would have quit before ever going in there.

I despise, loathe and detest them as much as the garbage from the bars by the lake.

The Lansing area needs a serious enema.

Fuck downtown Lansing as they are just bought and paid for shit.

There is nothing here that I want except to be left alone while I make enough money to get away from this shit hole.

Get this fucking weaponry off of me or I will find a way to destroy this piece of shit country.

Death to God, Guns and Gold.

I have posted in the past about the moron scheduling the bridge replacement on basically the main thoroughfare going north and south in Meridian Township during the school year.

That alone should be enough to get the idiot fired.

Now however some genius decide to add more bullshit in the same area.

The bridge detour makes you go east or west on Grand River. So for about a mile east and 2 miles west the have construction going on and both directions are down to one lane.

The two lane road that is the detour back to the south called Dobie road has construction on the corner of Dobie and Grand River making no turn lanes on Dobie backing up the northbound traffic there as well as the southbound detour.

If the trifecta of moronism doesn't get those responsible fired then whoever is over them needs to be replaced. 


Great. The scammers running two cell phones are back out there.

There is no way that anyone would need two cell phones unless they are committing fraud.

You are not allowed to have two different accounts on the same delivery app. Their policies and they call it fraud.

You are not allowed to use someone else's cell phone and claim to be them. That is defrauding the app services, the merchant and the customer and is very illegal.

The one I saw today was in a black Honda Civic. He was younger than me probably in his 20s, short curly hair about 5'10 or so, medium build, red sweat pants, white t-shirt and red pull up mask.

Next time I see him with 2 cell phones I will write down his license plate and turn him into all 3 apps.

I don't forget people that make my job harder than it has to be. Take longer.

I also do not like anyone that runs so many deliveries that the quality suffers and the customers stop ordering or stop tipping.

Fuck you scamming ass weasels. 

 Immediately after that last post they start in with the "You weren't using it" bullshit.

I reply "So what. What business is it of yours?" or "I was before I moved to this shit hole".

"I never will in this shit hole, or anwhere else as long as this weaponry is hooked to me."

Then they go into their "Why have it then?" bullshit. 

I reply "Just to piss you off is enough reason." 

 I am not and will never be a transsexual. 

Anyone trying to push that shit on me dies when I get the proof.  

Fuck off and stay out of my life.

I don't point out enough about the pieces of shit with the weaponry using their psychobabble bullshit about my penis.
They constantly use shit like "you are not having sex, why have that dick?", "We have to kill that dick".
Any time they bring up sex, they add in the "why have that/your/a dick?
Then they use the "you said you were a woman", bullshit. About a joke that I said in the Mayfair.
I said that I have short hair, wear flannel and hiking boots and only like women, I am basically a lesbian. It was a joke that comedians have even told in comedy specials. It does not mean that I am a woman or that I want to be.
No one told me that you could not tell jokes in this moronic happy zombie drug shit hole of humanity. 
I literally hate this fucking shit hole.
They use it to try and push that ignorant transsexual bullshit.
Never gonna happen. That shit should be completely and totally exposed and stopped in kids. When you are an adult, it is your body if you want to be one then that is up to you.
I am not interested in any way and never will be.
Just more reason to wipe this weaponry and everyone involved in it off the face of the Earth.
Anyone covering up for the weaponry, deserves to die with the weaponry. Same goes for covering up for the psychobabble assholes.


Wednesday, April 27, 2022

I knew that I was a person with pre-diabetes back in high school.

It was in my medical history.

I stayed away from too much sugar and got plenty of exercise at work or at play.

Everyone involved in the bullshit doen to my life either didn't bother to check, didn't care or did it on purpose to destroy my health.

Fuck you all, DIE.

I want a job where I go in, stay busy and do my job until it is time to go home. Then I go home.
I do not want to be part of a "family". That is nothing more than bullshit to keep wages down.
I do not fraternize with co-workers. I do not date them, or engage in activities with them outside of work.
I will not stay over at work with no notice. I am diabetic. I need to plan my schedule to control my blood sugar. If my blood sugar gets too low it is a very bad thing.
You fucking pieces of shit think it is some kind of game when you are literally fucking with my health. G
Given the opportunity I would press a button that makes you all drop dead.
Tee-hee-hee. Assholes.
I can not do repetitive standing or siting on an assembly line. The assholes with the weaponry will either try to distract me to get me injured or try to put me to sleep with the entrainment.
I need to move around for both my mental and physical well being.
I do not want to stand around and talk. I didn't do that before I moved to this shit hole and I am not going to do it now.
I do not want to use my personal vehicle.
I do not particularly want my own company.
I just want to work and be left the fuck alone.


You should try losing weight when the nazi cunts with the radiation weapons are attacking the parts of your brain that send signals to the body to eat.
The constant attacks that make me angry and make it so that I have to do something because I can't get my hands on them.
Everyone seems to think it is some kind of fucking game.
A whole town of tee-hee-hee little turds with their pinky up to the corner of their mouth.
The less deliveries the more I have to sit around with nothing to do. I fucking hate sitting around with nothing to do.
I will never stop hating this shit hole of an area for what they have done to my life. Same goes for anyone from anywhere else that joined in.
Any country that allows this weaponry to exist is a country that needs to be destroyed.


Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Great. I have went out the past two days to try and make some money with the delivery apps.
I am basically not making much of anything.
Grubhub counted the blocks that I had to delete when my car got hit against me so now I am back in the lowest tier and do not get much of anything for good deliveries.
It will take a month or more to get those off of there.
I had to actually run some Doordash deliveries today.
I also rejected 4 Grubhub deliveries because of where they were and/or how low the money was. I unasigned 2 of those because on the restaurant said it would be at least 15 minutes wait for an under 6 dollar order going to that fucking campus and the other I unassigned because it was a $4 delivery only going 2 blocks, but I was on Dobie road and the pick up was the Subway by campus on Grand River. It would have taken me longer to drive there than the lazy cheap asshole to walk there. Construction zone very backed up in between.
Fuck Michigan State.
I do not want to deliver or pick up in the Michigan State campus area.
My car was hit once, I would rather not go into downtown East Lansing.
I am not going to do $4 or less deliveries. Fuck you go it yourself.
If I refuse a delivery offer it isn't just not making that money. Grubhub and Doordash count it against you and against getting offers outside of the area you don't want to work in.
The whole "Work where you want, when you want" spiel is bullshit.
Uber Eats only counts it against you if you accept the offer then get rid of it. You can not accept 2 
deliveries for $5.66 and it does not hurt you. Actually happened today in downtown East Lansing.
Personally, I would rather bulldoze that college and downtown area into the ground than be stuck there all day. I would rather not go there at all.
Basically I will be completely fucked for at least a month or more because of someone else.
I am done being fucked over because of useless pieces of shit in an idiot, moron, incompetent asshole of an area.
I do not coddle you fucking worthless twits.
Negligence is not an accident.


Thursday, April 21, 2022


Since I have been off work for a couple of weeks now the garbage with the weaponry has been using the same shit that they did when they first fucked me out of work.
They use entrainment and other radiation attacks to cause anger and stomach problems. They can cause a fake hunger, tricking the body with the entrainment and other radiation attacks.
They keep using the "You'll get fat" or "You'll gain all that weight back", type attacks to piss me off because they know I do not want to be a fat ass.
I used to try and get jobs that involved exercise. I hate going to gyms. They do everything that they can to make me sedentary and destroy my health.
Anyone that says that I do not have a right to want them dead is an ignorant piece of shit that deserves to die with them.
One of the worthless pieces of shit at Traveler's Club told me that I needed to gain weight. They use that as an attack all the time as well, "She said you needed to gain weight".
Why? Because you have no self control? Fuck you cunt, die.
I hate this fucking shit hole.


You pieces of shit didn't just fuck me out of a job or even jobs, you destroyed my life and fucked me over no matter where I go because of this weaponry you hooked me to. FUCK YOU ALL. DIE.

You assholes got this weaponry hooked to me and I still get tortured every single fucking day. I will never forget or stop wanting you all dead.

All the pieces of shit in this assholeville do is spread rumors or try to harass someone to make them quit their job. They think that they are allowed to play games with someone else's life.
They need to be made an example of and destroyed completely.
The whole area is a bunch of cult mentality work places.
(Maybe the dweeb ass little pussies running the country's businesses have made it all that way, I do not know. There is no more construction criticism as all criticism is viewed as negativity or hurting the brand.) Fuck the brand.
The "Who is he talking to now?, Who is he looking at now?" bullshit of the worthless garage at Traveler's Club trying to push their sex cult bullshit and harass me into quitting.
The garbage management at L&L grocery store in Haslett that got all butt hurt because I didn't want to go into management there so they tried to force me to take a position that I did not want and started trying to pull every bit of bullshit that they could even telling me to get a haircut to stock shelves on third shift.
The pin dicks at Plum Crazy not telling me it was a summer job and that I would lose all my hours when the students came back. Another little shit hole of everyone fuck everyone else.
The ignorant moronic women at the stops on the Walters Vending route that can't tell customer service from trying to get in their pants and then getting all snide ass bitch when they find out. Then spreading rumors back and forth across town so you can't even keep your job and your life separate.
Form the two whores in the Mayfair "He told Doc and Jim that he wanted to work for the CIA, so they are going to.....", (trailing off when they thought I was listening), when the conversation was about when I was in the Navy in 1984 and Jim wasn't even there and took place in Plum Crazy. What exactly were they going to do?
To the "Maybe you can get it to work Terra, he thinks you're cute." and her reply of "Leave me out of it."
It worked just fine, I just wasn't interested in a useless whore like the one that said that. I said "kind of cute" about a local celebrity not because I wanted to fuck her. OUT OF WHAT? Maybe I should beat that information out of her. With a baseball bat.
To the punk ass little pussy outside of the Mayfair telling me not to go back into Sundance, which was a stop on my route, and the ignorant cocaine whore behind the counter there saying "I thought he told him not to come in here anymore", when I went back to do my job. I want them both dead.
A whole fucking town that had nothing better to do than to stick their noses in my personal life, which is the very reason that I did not have one. It is the reason that I will never have one in this fucking worthless shit hole of humanity.
Let us not forget the punk ass drug sealing turds from Dayton showing up at The Quality Dairy in Haslett and as soon as I walk in saying "There is supposed to be some big dude running all over town saying that he knows Brian and Jason." And the tinkerbell behind the counter saying "That is the man right there". 

I was set up by two little cunts in the Mayfair to say the names Brian and Jason. One time to one person. The useless gossip brigade at the Mayfair and across this shit hole did the rest.

I don't give a shit how they spell their names.



Great now my eyes are fucked up from the time I get up. My right eye is blurry all all the time.

This is because of all you asshole lowlife a]sacks of fucking garbage in this shit hole state and you fucking cunts from Dayton.
Death to all drug dealers.
All you pieces of shit that thought this was some game.
I literally want all of you dead.
I did nothing to you pieces of shit except tell you that I did not want to be involved in your garbage. I want all of your families exterminated because you forced your shit on me.
I will never stop hating Michigan or Dayton, Ohio.
I will never stop hating the mass media no matter where I am.
I will never stop hating mainstream entertainment industries no matter where I am.
I was 32 years old when I moved here and I had never tried to be involved in entertainment. Why the fuck would I suddenly start when I moved to this piss ant little shit hole of garbage?
I flat out told you assholes that if you put me in the spotlight I would use it to destroy you.
Die assholes, DIE.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

 Maybe the rest of the world should do a pre-emptive strike before a mad man like Putin gets such a formidable weapon?

Speaking of economic sanctions on Russia, shouldn't the US be wiping out any Russian crime organizations that they can?
Other countries should as well.
Shit, if other criminal organizations want to wipe them out, go ahead.


Just so you fucking ignorant pieces of shit know. Gaining weight is bad for diabetics.
I truly hate everyone involved in this shit.


This morning is all the "you are going to go blind" bullshit.
"Sugar, Sugar, sugar".
I check my blood sugar. It is not high right now.
My eyes are being fucked with by the radiation weaponry.
I can feel it. They try to make my eyes not focus together.
Then they start in with the "you put too much emphasis on looks" bullshit.
Fuck off. I can decide for myself what I find attractive and what I do not. No one has a right to tell me what I have to find attractive.
More manipulation attempts by the chicken shit coward nazi pigs behind the weaponry. Their psycho babble bullshit is just that, BULLSHIT.
Now they started in with the "Legendary" song from the television commercial about Xfinity.
I have not turned the television on this morning and usually don't in the mornings.
I have noticed in my time off work, television sucks. I am glad that I go to bed at 8:30 to 9:00 pm when I work.
Now back to the making my eyes not work together properly.
Anyone that is not for the death penalty for the scum behind the weaponry is someone that I want to die with the scum behind the weaponry.


Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Yesterday, while at the self service check out in Kroger I overheard an employee and a couple of customers talking about Michigan.
They were talking about where they were from and how long they had been here or if they were born and raised here.
All seemed to agree on one point. They stated that Michigan is a bi-polar state.
I thought it was just an ass backwards shit hole.
I am not bi-polar at all. The whole thing is just a con made up to get people on the happy zombie drugs that make them more susceptible to suggestions.
The only other way it would be a real thing is if it were a complete bullshit name and actually referring to hemispheric desynchronization where the two halves of your brain are not working together properly.
That can be caused by entrainment. The entrainment can be caused by numerous things including radiation broadcasts.
It would also seem that it became a pop culture thing and idiots would get diagnosed just to be popular.
Either way, I do not like living here. I will get a different job when my car gets fixed and if I can get away from the gig bullshit I will.
No matter what job I have, I am there to do my job and get a paycheck. Away from work I want nothing to do with anyone from work.
I have no plans to ever even try and socialize here.


Monday, April 18, 2022

Lucrative for the delivery app writers and the restaurant owners.
It sucks for the delivery drivers and the restaurant workers.

The only things crossing the border should be empty trucks.
If the trailer is full or has any contents then make them drop it and leave with just the tractor.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

The Who head is wrong. It is not about racial bias.
Ukraine is basically white people attacking white people. The media is showing white people, Russians, as the villains.
The reason that the other mentioned places are not getting attention is because of money and religions not their so-called races.
Not to mention that the media would also have to paint the blacks attacking other blacks as the villains.
Or paint certain religions as the bad guys attacking other religions.
The areas are not wealthy so the media doesn't make as much money off of the coverage and the PC turds would pitch a bitch if they presented certain religions or 'races' as the bad guys.

Wow. By definition if the color of your skin is important in who you are then you are a racist.
The only way that your perceived race affects who you are is if you let it.
That is true of any so-called race.
There is only one human race. Period.
Everyone is a variant genetically unless you have identical twins or however many.
Who you are is on you not your genes.
The best way to end the racist bullshit is to end religions.
You fucking idiot groups that keep pushing the Eugenics crap are going to be in for a rude awakening if it becomes accepted.
From the LGBT crowds to the skin color/race crowds you are pushing the shit that white supremacists came up with in the first place.
Are you looking to be considered lesser or maybe you want to twist it to say you are superior? 
Either way fuck off morons.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

 The assholes with the weaponry also like to use the "you started it" bullshit.


Just going back to when I first started working at the old Plum Crazy Sports bar, a customer in there tried to start shit between me and someone else. 

I got off work and went over to the dartboard area. One of the waitresses was off work and sitting there at a table. I merely walked over and said hi to her. 

Immediately 3 or 4 guys ran over behind another guy standing there and one J.T. McKinley stated "You may have to fight him over her." 

Seriously. That is how bad this shit hole is. You can not even talk to a female in a normal conversation without someone trying to start shit. 

Too fucking bad you pin dick jealous little worthless pieces of shit. You and the ignorant cunt stupid enough to be with you can take a long walk off a short pier. 

I had already stated at previous jobs in this fucking useless shit hole that I do not date women that I work with. Guess the worthless garbage forgot to spread that one around because then they couldn't start any shit.

The guy that made the comment in the bar, J.T. McKinley, is also one of the morons that likes to put their pinky finger up to the corner of their mouth in a Dr. Evil gesture. He is or was also someone that worked at a defense contractor called BS&A Software.

He repeatedly tried to get me into arguments or fights. He is a sniveling little computer programming bitch that can't fight.

I get fucked over because this is an area full of garbage trying to start shit to get their kicks.

I would burn this whole fucking area to the ground if I could.

The assholes with the weaponry are back on their "You said this or you said that" bullshit again.
They make false claims of me swaying something or doing something because they know it pisses me off.
Same kind of shit that the gossiping pieces of garbage in this shit hole did to me that got my life destroyed and got me tortured.
It is reason to want them all dead for doing it.
So called people here would rather gossip than ask the person if they actually said it or what they meant by it.
They would rather sensationalize it to get attention for themselves are they are useless garbage.
The punks that joined in on that shit from elsewhere are just as much a bunch of sniveling little candy ass crap as those here that did it.
Especially those that were related to or in the drug dealing business with the scumbag shit here.
I will never stop hating all of you or wanting your families and you dead


Thursday, April 14, 2022

Q: Why is every body repair shop in town booked up for over a month?
A: Because Michigan has some of the worst drivers in the world.


Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Shipping and flying are the problems. There are probably enough ways to overcome the lack of GPS. They did it before GPS they can use the same methods as then and restrict amount of ships and plane.
Learn to be more careful with your pets.
Google has all the data needed to print up maps like the old City Guide maps and the Rand McNally Motor Carrier's Atlas.
Just tell the younger crowd to get out of the way and those of us that can actually read a fucking map can get the job done.


When lowlifes try to convince other that exposing corruption within any kind of group or organization would hurt the group or organization it is because it would expose them.
Be a whistleblower. Fuck the garbage.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

If Michigan had taken the child labor laws seriously, I would have never worked at Traveler's Club restaurant because it would/should have been shut down.

They even had a 16 year old serving alcohol. 16 and 17 year olds working on the grill and using other equipment in the kitchen, mixers, slicers, fryers, etc.

No one said anything about it because they had the gay lifestyle magazine on the shelf as you walked in.

The place literally had cockroaches running up the walls in the middle of dinner service while the place was lit up and noisy. Nothing was said about it because the inspector had lots of purple spots on his skin.

The LGBT community here is as bad if not worse at covering up for their own as the rest of the cult like groups here. The Lansing area sucks.

Monday, April 11, 2022

The Russia religious leader used some interesting terminology.

“May the Lord help us all in this difficult time for our Fatherland to unite, including around the authorities,” Kirill said in the sermon.

Nazi Germany had the Fatherland. The U.S.S.R. called itself the Motherland.

Nothing but right wing youth indoctrination facilities under the guise of education.

The world would be a better place without Hillsdale College and everyone associated with it.

If the world does not stop Russia and its allies now, it will embolden right wing religious nutcases everywhere.

How about a NATO show of weapons to Helsinki and Tallin over in the gulf of Finland? Next door to St. Petersburg. Just a recruitment exercise.

May a carrier battle group in the Black sea doing some war games with the Turkish Navy?

Make Russia have to defend its rear flanks and not be able to send everything at Ukraine.

Some UN Peacekeeper drills in every country surrounding Belarus, Hungary and Serbia.

Someone just assassinate that Chechnian/Chechnyan piece of trash.

China, keep pushing. You know your military is mostly made up of boots on the ground soldiers and defensive weapons. You have nukes, but you are not completely insane like the little asshole in N Korea.

Let Japan arm itself with offensive weapons bought from the U.S. or EU

Friday, April 8, 2022

Picked a close shop and took my car in to get an estimate started.

Minimum 2 to 3 weeks if parts are available. If taking it apart shows more damage may take longer. Everyone was booked until mid May or later.

My insurance only covers a rental for 30 days so I am going to wait 2 weeks before getting one and that should take me through mid to late May.

My car got hit because I was moving to a "hotspot" to try and get deliveries.

I hate that fucking job. I have screenshots that show how the orders have basically disappeared from the area that I pointed out I work in and moved to the areas that I pointed out that I do not want to work in.

This whole piece of shit town fucks me around.

Why? Because I want to stay single? Because I do not want anything to do with gossiping morons? Because I actually try to do my job right?

Because of lies told about me that the useless idiot her would rather believe than to actually ask me and find out the truth?

Consider fucking up my new car the straw that broke the camel's back.

I want this shit hole decimated.

Michigan drivers are the absolute fucking worst drivers on the planet.

I have to call around this morning to find a place to get it fixed the fastest.

Does Micgian even teach people not to ride in someone else's blind spot? They do it to me all the fucking time.

Does an Equinox not have a back-up camera? I was sitting at a stop for a red light for at least 15 to 20 seconds before the woman just put her vehicle in reverse and slammed into me.

She closed the 5 feet so fast I did not have time to react. All I could do is try and honk the horn and say "what the fuck are doing?".

I am surprised that the airbag didn't go off.

The grille is flexible plastic and she broke it to where there is a hole in it.

If she didn't look so distraught when she got out of her car I would say it was done on purpose.

I am not the greatest driver in world, but I try very hard to be a good driver.

This whole area has shit just crammed into places and the parking lots are too fucking small.

Downtown East Lansing has a fucking alley behind the restaurants to park and go in to get the orders. Two cars barely fit side by side in the ally and trucks pull in to deliver sometimes so you can't even use the alley.

No restaurant in that area that does not have parking should be allowed to have deliveries. If the alley is blocked you literally have to park illegally on the fucking side streets.

The people involved do not give a rat's ass about the drivers, they only care about the money.

No one at Grubhub asked me if I was o.k. They were more concerned about charging me with dropped blocks.

The gig economy is not a good thing

Thursday, April 7, 2022

If police and/or other law enforcement agencies wonder why the criminals seem to always be one step ahead of them it is probably because someone in your midst is hooked up to the weaponry.

Every plan you make is known by the people at the other en of the weaponry.

They will play both sides against the middle and do not care who dies.

The mass media gets a story either way.

The best way to put the mass media back in their place is to do away with the advertising tax write offs.

Think about how many people that really don't contribute anything other than some short entertainment to make life better or easier are overpaid because of advertising dollars.

End the gravy train.

Think about how much of that money ends up with drug dealers    

Well, I am pretty well screwed for work for awhile.

Around 3p.m. at the intersecton of Okemos Road and GRand River Ave in Meridian township, I pulled up to a red light behind 2 other cars in the right lane.

I stopped about 4 or 5 feet behind the SUV in front of me. The woman driving the SUV backed into me very hard.

The police acme and filed a report, but my car is damaged enough not to drive it all day delivering.

Her Equinox bumper hit my grille and dislodged the front wrap around/ bumper on the driver's side. The piece at the bottom of the grille is broken and the grille was smashed in enough to break it and damage the radar system.

The radar system is in the Mazda symbol in the front grille. The dash said it was damaged and not operable on the way home.

That is all I could see and all the dash told me. I have no idea if anything else is damaged.

My new car that I just bought in November of last year.

Every fucking time I get anything going for myself or get anything nice for myself in this state it gets fucked up.

I hate living here.

I am going to double down on trying to get everyone that was or still is involved in fucking up my life exposed and punished.

I tried to contact Grubhub about the situation and all I got is that the scheduled blocks for the rest of this week being dropped will count against me.

I will be out for at least 2 weeks I would guess.

If I come back I am going to go right back where I was.

That car was my only income source.

I will not be a criminal, but I might go to them and beat them with a baseball bat. I really need to get a gun.

If anyone outside of Michigan ever wondered why so many ex-politicians from Michigan get appointment to Federal cabinet posts, it is because Michigan is a state where the government would rather cover up for Michiganders than expose them.

The whole state especially the Lansing area is corrupt. If you try to go over their heads even to corporate offices in businesses they just send it back to the state and you are the one that gets fucked over by the local garbage.

The Federal government just loves people that are already corrupt and willing to cover up. Apparently that is all corporate offices want now as well. just a bunch of 'yes' men and women.


Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Beware: All the crisis resulting from Russia invading Ukraine will result in religions trying to prey upon the victims and indoctrinate them into the religious cults.

All religions are made up bullshit. There is no such thing as a god or a devil.

There is no afterlife, but there sure are a lot of assholes fucking up life. The vast majority of those assholes are religious


Tuesday, April 5, 2022

There is a state law in Michigan that trailer parks have to have a place for children to play that is at least 50 feet from all trailers.

It has been over a month since I got my yearly eye exam for diabetic retinopathy and it was "not good" according to the eye doctor.

He made an appointment for 6 months instead of 1 year.

I told him my regular doctor said he didn't need to see me for year and he said that he may want to see you sooner.

A couple of weeks ago I had labs done from paperwork that my regular doctor gave me the last time I saw him.

The lab is literally in the same small doctor's office building as my doctor.

I got the results through McClaren's website in 2 days. Everything was fine except the most important thing.

My A1C was back up to 7.9. Very bad.

I still have heard nothing from my doctor.

I realize this is ass backwards Michigan, but in normal states the doctor gets the lab results and contacts the patient especially if their is a problem.
7.9 is a fucking problem.



Friday, April 1, 2022

I had blocks all day and this was the lowest day I have had since back when I first started doing Doordash.

Neither Grubhub or Uber had much of anything. Probably do now though that I came home. I hate this town.

Doordash was busy almost all day though. I even have screenshots to prove it. I hate this town. Fuck Doordash. Fuck Doordash customers.

I had one person accuse me of not delivering the food to the correct apartment. Which is bullshit. I called support about it as the order was even a remake Wendy's said. Apparently they did the same shit twice.

I put the food at their door which if you get off the elevator and turn left is the first apartment on the right and I even told the person cleaning the floors that let me in which apartment I was going to. I knocked on their door and texted them that the food was there.

I got all the way back to car and was driving away when they started asking me where I was so they could get the food. Scammer.

I plan on taking pictures of every single delivery even though Grubhub doesn't have a photo option from now on.

If I catch you in a scam I will call the police. Fuck you.

I also got an offer while in Okemos to go to the Eaton Rapids Road Wendy's or McDonalds for $14+. I accepted and started heading there. After I got on the fucking highway they cancelled the order.

So I got fucked into orders over by campus because they got me away from where I wanted to be.

Don't think for a minute that you actually get to choose whatever offers that you want. If you do not keep a certain percentage of acceptance you can not schedule blocks and you may not get any orders.

If your acceptance rate gets too low they threaten you with deactivation.

If you make $13/hr and use a gallon of gas in that hour, you actually only made a about $9/hr and you still have to pay taxes out of that. Not to mention the wear and tear on your car and regular maintenance.

The only people making money are the app writers and the restaurant owners.

Unfortunately, the fucking pieces of shit behind the scenes here have trapped into this job. I will never, ever work in a fucking restaurant again because of this fucking shit hole area.

I have type 2 diabetes so I need to be able to take bathroom breaks
and eat when necessary.

I hate what the workplace has become in this fucking candy ass country.

This fucking shit hole screwed me out of 15 years of my life earning wages because of their harassment. If I wanted anything to do with anyone here outside of work interactions I would talk to you. I am not shy.

Since some pin dick nazi piece of shit hooked this fucking weaponry to me and started spreading what I am supposedly thinking all over the place, I just hate everyone even fucking more.

This weaponry will get exposed and when it does executions are in order. Even in a pussy state like Michigan that doesn't have a death penalty.

Someone is fucking around with the offers, every single place or area that I do not want to go to was in the offers today. Way too many for it to be coincidence. That someone needs to suffer.

This fucking are declared war on me when they pulled their shit 20+ years ago and then hooked me to this weaponry.

Screw all of you busy body useless gossiping pieces of shit


Thursday, March 31, 2022

Positivity = Butter them up so you can take advantage of them.
Con men and other criminals have been using it for a long time.