Saturday, June 4, 2022

 Something for you people to consider.

If I make $20/Hr delivering, gas is $4.99/gallon, unless I drive under 21 miles in that hour I have to spend at least $4.99 of what I make. 

If I drive 42 miles which is more like it I spend almost half of what I make in gas alone not counting wear and tear on my car.

Yes it is a tax write off, but all that means is I don't have to pay taxes on the half of my pay that went back into the car. 

I do not get that money back.

This job is bullshit when the prices are so high.

One oil change and I make no money at all for a whole day of delivery.

I am not out there for charity. I am out there trying to make a living.

You fucking assholes that keep trying to fuck me around are already past the point of no return.

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