Thursday, June 9, 2022

All people running the governments of a sanctuary city are guilty of aiding and abetting a crime at the federal level.


Aiding and abetting at the federal level occurs when an individual intentionally performs an act or counsels another person in furtherance of the commission of a federal crime. Federal law states that all that is necessary in order to convict you of aiding and abetting a crime is to show you had some affirmative participation that at least encouraged the principal offender to commit the offense with all of its elements.

Essentially, this means that you could be convicted as a “principal” even if you were not personally involved in committing the acts constituting the elements of the substantive crime. If you are convicted of aiding and abetting a crime, you could face the same harsh penalties as the principal defendant and have the same sentence imposed. The punishment you face will depend on the crime you aided and abetted.



Feel free to send this to the republicans or the Supreme Court if you want. I might send it to a few myself.  

I am sick of being fucked with by the assholes in this area. I am not joking when I say that I want it ended. 

Both the fucking with me and the area. 


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