Sunday, June 5, 2022

It said right on my Uber account where all customers could read it that I was saving money to get out of Michigan.

You ignorant cunts here keep fucking me out of being able to save money and trapping me here. 

All you do is increase the hatred that I already have for this shit hole state.

The more you try to trap me here the more I want to destroy everything here.

Time for the republicans to get the Supreme Court to point out that sanctuary cities are unconstitutional and in violation of Federal law. Put those running them in jail. Including state and local politicians that are allowing them.

You keep fucking with me. I told you that I would just stop caring if you didn't stop.

You made it so that I can no longer enjoy smoking pot, so I do not care if it gets criminalized again. 

Death to everyone that uses, produces funds or COVERS UP FOR the electromagnetic radiation weaponry used on me.

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