Saturday, June 11, 2022

 I hate bullies. 

Anyone trying to force or coerce someone else into having sex is a bully.

That is why I kept telling the women that they tried to push into having sex with me that they had nothing to worry about from me as I do not engage in bullying activity like that.

I could not even say "hello" or have a normal conversation with a woman without some piece of shit pushing that I wanted to have sex with them.

It did not matter if it was on my job or outside of my job.

I wish they would have pointed out who was behind the pushing them because I would have caved their skull/skulls in with a baseball bat.

That is one of the many reasons that I hate religions.

I used to stick up for homosexuals as it was no one else's business as long as they were having sex with a consenting adult and not trying to bullying anyone or manipulate into having sex with them. 

Same rules apply for heterosexuals. Bisexuals as well. 

Note the "used to", as in past tense. 

After the sex cult brigade spread my life all over this shit hole of an area, I will no longer stick up for any of them. Anyone else in this area that was involved in that bullshit is now my enemy for life as well. 

Anyone that became involved in that bullshit from anywhere else is now my enemy for life.

I hate religions, but if they want to wipe out the sex cult brigade then I am not going to stand in their way.

I have never needed to force women into sex nor will I ever do it. Sex isn't worth lowering myself to that level.

If religions take over and women are basically forced back into servitude, well after what this area has done to my life it just ain't my problem anymore.  

Either expose the weaponry or become my enemies.

I flat out told the assholes attacking me that if they did not stop I would stop caring. 20+ years later and they are still attacking, torturing and playing games with my life with the help of the idiots here. 

Fuck you all.


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