Wednesday, June 29, 2022

 Interesting read.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Why no outcry over other species abortions?

I eat meat so I am guilty of that. I had no idea about the shit in the paragraph quote from the article link.


"However, the dairy industry isn’t through with her. It is common practice to impregnate her one last time, and send her to slaughter when she is about eight months pregnant or so, for the extra profit that her unborn fetus can bring at the slaughter-plant. So after hanging her upside down and slitting her throat so that she dies by the slow and painful death of being bled out, workers cut her open and perform a late-term abortion, stabbing her unborn calf because of the extra profit this calf brings to the industry in three ways. First, the skin of unborn calves can be used to make fine leather that fetches a higher price. Second, the stomachs of these unborn calves have already started to produce rennin, the hormone substance that we don’t have that breaks down the main protein in cow milk, casein, and this rennin is used by the cheese industry to coagulate milk to make cheese. Third, the pharmaceutical industry wants to use the “fetal bovine serum” that is in the calf’s heart and circulatory system for their vaccines, and so workers insert a long needle into the beating heart of the calf to extract this substance, before slitting his or her throat."


Oh that's right your non-existant god put other species of animals here for humans to do whatever they want with.

Shove your religions up your asses and die with them.

 Yahoo is pathetic. 

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Overturning Roe v Wade has nothing to do with politics.
It is all about religious bullshit.
There are no gods and the world would be a better place without religions.


Saturday, June 25, 2022

 For all you Military Industrial Complex supporters and share holding garbage.

The economy sucks. 

Where do you think that you are going to get the money to replace all the weapons that you are sending to Ukraine?

I support Ukraine. Poo Poo fucked up and should be held accountable. 

Putin, in case you didn't know poo poo is a synonym for shit in English.

The military has been bankrupting this country for a long time.

Remember jackasses, the U.S. did the same thing to the Soviet Union.  

Quit fucking around and take out the Kremlin assholes. 

Fuck their religion as well.

 If you haven't noticed, I say fuck you to the left and/or fuck you to the right when either of you push bullshit.

Fuck all your bullshit.

Next up for the religious Court; The banning of homosexuality.

Followed by burning all science curriculum books.

I am not a fan of the LGBT yada, yada, yada community especially the tranny kid bullshit, but I fucking hate religions.

Maybe Trump can be the Supreme Leader and sit around all day in a room full of delusional idiots like himself and talk about grabbing women by the pussy. 

 Time to impeach 6 supreme Court Justices. 

How many medical professionals would be willing to testify that abortions should be allowed and are indeed needed in certain cases?

The 6 justices have proven that they can not do their jobs without the influence of their religions. 

They can not be impartial and should be impeached. 

This is all about religious bullshit.

A huge part of the problem is the psychobabble pieces of garbage not helping get rid of the insane religious bullshit.

Religion is the worst atrocity ever committed by humans on humans and needs to be completely and totally eradicated from existence.

All of them.

There is no such thing as a god.

Friday, June 24, 2022

 A couple of days ago I looked at my Doordash ratings and suddenly they dropped. I have no idea why anyone would rate me low on there. I read the instructions every single time. 

Are the people here so pathetic that they would be snide ass little bitches trying to rate me low enough to not be able to use Doordash either.

Sooner or later I will get proof on who is behind this shit and when I do it will be either me or you.

Well with Roe v Wade gone there will most likely be another Civil War pretty soon.

Religious states against secular ones.

Biden better take it seriously and start moving military equipment out of the religious states. That includes the missile silos.

Do you really want religious controlled nuclear armed states?

Do you really want religious controlled heavily armed with military equipment states?

These religious fanatics do not care about anything but their religious bullshit. They want the end of the world or judgement day to happen.

Do you really want a bunch of Putin states attacking their neighbors?

Congress has to close bases, but the Commander in Chief can redeploy without Congress.

Probably should neuter Texas and the like.

 I had one block this afternoon on Grubhub from 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm. 

All the assholes did was send me to a part of town that they know I do not want to work in. Nothing but small orders even on a block on a Friday night.

I fucking hate app writing little cunt programmers. The world would be a better place without smart phones and all the app bullshit.

Earlier in the day when I was able to try and schedule blocks for next week, there was nothing fucking left.

So all the fucking pieces of shit started doing Grubhub to fuck me out of making any money since Uber garbage fucked me out of using it on the word of one lying ass cunt from Lansing without any proof. 

That cunt and the cunt that supposedly investigated the incident are both garbage that the world would be a better place without. If I find out that the one that supposedly investigated it is from Michigan I am going to go ballistic.

The next person in this state that twists my words around or fucks me out of my job is as good as dead. 


The next time I see someone doing this job with out of state plates I am going to go off on them.

One asshole with Florida plates said "just wait" when I left Cracker Barrel with an order to deliver after he had just picked up an order to deliver and was getting in his car.

 Die asshole, die.

A couple of days later two people in a van with Indiana license plates each using a cell phone were picking up Uber orders from Uni Sushi. 

This town is just full of bullshit assholes and I hate every fucking one of them.

You assholes that took all the blocks can get out there and make $200 dollars in 12 hours and put 300 miles on your car.

Everyone out in the boonies, especially the dirt roads order away on August 2nd and 3rd as I have no blocks and most likely won't get the deliveries. Let the assholes see what it is really like.

I sent an email to Grubhub technical support today telling them about their crap app and to stop sending me the same bullshit to try and blame it on me. I also pointed out that there is no way that I would join their driver safety council as I will never use Zoom for anything and that the other drivers are not my friends they are my competition and I particularly want them safe.

Fuck any company that would rather have ass kissing weasels that do not care about anything other than making the pickups regardless of it making someone else's order sit around longer. 

Everything would be much better if the whole gig economy were done away with and companies that wanted to deliver had to hire their own drivers.

I have also seen a lot of younger drivers out there. Screw you. You take your turn working in the restaurants like most of the older people did when they were your age. Sorry ass little punks.

Clean this shit up. Require drug testing and a chauffeur's license. Require insurance verification. Immediately drug test any driver that is in an accident. 

Fuck you assholes, driving is a profession not a fucking game.

 Here is a typical screenshot of some of the bullshit that these apps, in this case Grubhub, will pull on the drivers.

They give you what they know are shit orders just to get you to reject the offer and to keep your acceptance rate down so you can not schedule blocks. 

I was sitting in a hotspot in Okemos and they sent me all the way to MLK for an $8 delivery. 




 Have you ever watched the movie 'Ready Player One'? 

It is nothing special just a movie. 

There is a scene in it though that is pertinent to something happening now.

The main bad guy in the movie wants to take over the virtual reality world and turn it into advertising, advertising, advertising.

Is that where Zuckerberg got his idea for Metaverse?

He claims it can make billions. The only way is through advertising in it, selling products advertising it and making everything in it for sale. (If you have money to spend on things you can look rich in the virtual reality world.)

The whole thing will be about taking your personal information and trying to sell you things inside the virtual reality world. 

Product placement will be everywhere with companies buying billboards and the like inside the virtual reality world. 

It will be worse than the real world as far as the advertising bullshit. 

Griefers will run rampant. They will use the excuse of "it's only a game" or "it isn't real" to justify their pathetic behavior. 

Think GTA, only your avatar will be the hookers. 


Thursday, June 23, 2022

Well once again I get charged with missing and offer that never came through to my phone. It counts against my acceptance rate and affects my ability to schedule blocks.

It should not be legal to do it. 

Today's bullshit supposedly happened while I was stuck at a train on Hagadorn. They resent the same offer 2 minutes later and I accepted it so why the fuck would I have sat there and let the timer run out on it?

I could point it out to Grubhub for years and they still won't do anything about it. 

Doordash sends a message that they tried to send an offer but it did not get through to my phone so they are pausing the app. That is how a legitimate company would do it. 

It seems to happen mostly either around the downtown Lansing area or around the MSU campus/downtown East Lansing area.

My service has went out when driving through construction zones where the workers had radios. 

The Grubhub app is supposed to ring a cowbell noise when there is an offer. That works about half of the time. 

I fucking hate this shit job that they trapped me into. I do not want my own company and never have. I especially do not want the 1099 bullshit.

I would not in any way shape or form want to contract with the fucking government. 

I am not allowed to have a security clearance. If I wanted one I could have appealed my discharge over 35 years ago. 

 Death to Uber/Uber Eats.


Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Wonderful. I try to work and save money to get out of this fucking shit hole of a state and now they summon me for fucking jury duty to miss more work.

Fuck Michigan they are all guilty.

Just more reason to hate this fucking area.

Ingham County no less. You know the assholes that have fucked up almost every single road in the area.

Apparently they didn't get the message 22 years ago when i said if they didn't stop torturing and harassing me I would stop caring.

The only people that I hate more than the ones involved here are the punk assholes from East 5th street Dayton.

You do not want me on your jury. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

All any defense contractor or weapons seller cares about is money. They do not care about right or wrong they just want wars to continue so they can profit.

The U.S. would not even be sending weapons to Ukraine right now if it wasn't going to be a windfall for weapons makers.

Everyone that works in psyops for every country should be rounded up and tried for crimes against humanity then executed.

Religions try to psychologically bully children into believing in their garbage.

The LGBTQ+ community tries to psychologically bully children into their garbage.

Both group are pieces of shit.

Religions are cults. They brainwash people with fear of fairy tales. They use bullshit 'science' to try and push their mantra. 

The whole 'trans' bullshit of the LGBTQ+ community is the same way. You have become a cult. You use complete bullshit 'science' to try and force your cult bullshit on children.

Most people did not give a shit about you being homosexual or bisexual. You crossed the line with the tranny crap especially when you started pushing it on children.

You are just as bad as religions. 

You need to be abolished with the religions.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

The lowlife garbage with the weaponry is back to not letting me sleep again. 

Everyone involved in using, producing, funding or covering up for the weaponry deserves the death penalty.

Everyone involved in the gang-stalking deserves the death penalty. 

Friday, June 17, 2022

Well I get back out there today and when I go to schedule blocks for next week, they are all gone.

Grubhub has 3 tiers of program level as they call it. Acceptance rates of 95, 85 and below 85 percent of offers required for each level.

I have been doing this shit for 6 months with Grubhub now and the only way that you can get 95% acceptance rate is to either not care about making any money or not care about the food quality for the customers. (Or both). 

Seriously, they fuck you around on purpose to try and get you to reject offers. 

2 minutes before my block ended tonight, I was traveling south on Hagadorn between Mt. Hope and Bennent roads when they sent me an offer for Wendy's on Marsh road across from the mall to be delivered to Williamston for $10. 

To keep 100% acceptance I had to take it. 

Do the math, if you reject 1 offer you have to deliver 19 of 20 that day to still be at 95%.

You rarely get 20 offers in a day anymore. 

Last week  offers did not even come through to my phone because of the fucked up coverage in Lansing and I still got screwed over on the acceptance rate as they say that I missed them. 

The week before that I had a choice of either waiting in a drive thru line for 15 minutes while the other order that I had already picked up sat in the car or getting rid of the offer when I saw the drive thru line. 

Fuck that. They should have never even gave me the second offer as the first was a long distance delivery. Any extra waiting is unacceptable. 

So I get screwed on my acceptance rate because I actually want to do the job correctly.  

These app delivery companies are total bullshit. All they care about is someone picking up the order and they get their commission from the sale. Anything else and they blame the drivers.

Next week I have a total of about 4 or 5 blocks. I have 5 blocks tomorrow alone.

Anyone in government that is not trying to regulate this industry needs to be voted out of office.

I am getting so fucking sick of this shit hole it is not funny. 

Monday, June 13, 2022

 My car is finally in the shop as the parts came in. I won't be back out delivering until Friday at the earliest.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

The more weight that the assholes try to make me gain the more hatred for everyone involved and the more I want to destroy everything they are a part of. 

They use the entrainment and the radiation weaponry to affect my stomach. 

The trapped me in a job that I get no exercise. 

Everyone that covers up for them deserves to be destroyed with them.

All of you people that take part in the friends at work or having sex with co-workers bullshit are being played by your corporate masters.

They encourage that kind of shit to keep you 'happy' without paying you.

If you were trying to keep your work and life separate you might be looking for more pay so you could live your life away from work.

The rich get richer and if you speak out you get blacklisted.

The less people that there are running mega-conglomerates the easier it is for them to blacklist you.

The more small companies that are absorbed by big companies the easier it is to fuck over anyone trying to speak out against them.

Pay attention to something other than social media.

Break up all conglomerates, especially the mass media so they can't spoon feed you bullshit.

The mass media tries to tell you that certain candidates are un-electable. Ever wonder why they tell you that about candidates that want to go after corporations?

Because the mass media is made up of corporations.

The whole advertising dollar thing is why.

End the tax write offs for advertising and you end all the idiotic "influencer" stuff as well.

Ending the tax write off would stop a lot of the data mining, (information about you), collecting because they would have no one to sell it to. Well other than the government.

The news channels would either disappear or have to go back to actual news instead of opinion television.

All the talking heads would lose their paychecks without the advertising dollars to pay them.

Sports salaries would be brought back to Earth without the advertising dollars.

If the corporations still spent the advertising dollars there would be a huge increase in tax revenue, because they couldn't write it off.

Maybe people would want to do something useful instead of being a useless celebrity


All health gains I made working from 2015 to 2021have been completely wiped out by being in this job for 1 fucking year.

I hate all of you for relegating me to this shit work.

My weight gain keeps getting worse because I have to sit on my ass all day in my car. 

There is nothing to carry and the walking part is a joke. 

FedEx Ground wouldn't have been a bad job is it were not for the whole fucking operation. Fuck the contractor bullshit, fuck the daily pay instead of hourly bullshit and mostly fuck the hand holding, ass kissing company culture.

The actual work wasn't the problem. 

Aldi Warehouse is pretty much exactly the same just with fuck cult thrown in. 

I go to work to do my job and get my paycheck to live my life somewhere else with people other than I work with.

I despise, loathe and detest your whole fraternization bullshit.


 Can you idiots get it through your heads. I am not going to give up the small amount of time I have to do things that I enjoy to work out.

I hate working out. I despise going to gyms.

I got my exercise from working.

The garbage with the weaponry has made it so that I can not be around anyone at work because they won't leave me the fuck alone.

They constantly attack and torture me. They try to destroy my concentration. 

I would not be able to work as a cook with them constantly putting shit into my head. They purposefully try to make me make mistakes at work to get their jollies and to try and embarrass me.

I told everyone involved in this shit that I did not want this kind of shit and I specifically stated that I do not want the spotlight.

My hatred for all involved in putting me in the spotlight because they want it will never cease. 

All I want to do now is use it to destroy them.

I specifically posted that I am a route driver and not a delivery boy. So you assholes make it so that the only job I can get is as a delivery boy. I want you all dead.

Not a joke, not a game, I hate you all enough to kill every single one of you and it wouldn't bother me a bit. All I need is the proof of your shit and I will walk away scot free due to self defense.

Those that tell people here to hire or not to hire people all need to be exposed and dead would be a good thing.


Once again this morning the pieces of shit with the weaponry make it so that I can not get back to sleep if I wake up for any reason.

Their sleep deprivation tactics deserve the death penalty.


 For those of you that think this torture of me is funny, I want you dead.

My life is basically over because of you pieces of fucking shit. I am totally screwed because you nazi pigs hooked this weaponry to me.

Think about it.

When my mother dies, I am fucked. I have no savings because every time I get some it gets wiped out.

I will be 60 years old when her pacemaker expires. My health is destroyed because you ignorant fucking garbage and the nazi pigs won't leave me alone on jobs where I get exercise. 

The hatred is very, very real for all of you involved.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

The prices are going up because of corporate greed. The media raises its advertising prices and makes more money.
They are washing each other's backs.
The media is a few corporations.
End the tax write off for advertising and maybe the media will be truthful about the cause of the price hikes.


 I hate bullies. 

Anyone trying to force or coerce someone else into having sex is a bully.

That is why I kept telling the women that they tried to push into having sex with me that they had nothing to worry about from me as I do not engage in bullying activity like that.

I could not even say "hello" or have a normal conversation with a woman without some piece of shit pushing that I wanted to have sex with them.

It did not matter if it was on my job or outside of my job.

I wish they would have pointed out who was behind the pushing them because I would have caved their skull/skulls in with a baseball bat.

That is one of the many reasons that I hate religions.

I used to stick up for homosexuals as it was no one else's business as long as they were having sex with a consenting adult and not trying to bullying anyone or manipulate into having sex with them. 

Same rules apply for heterosexuals. Bisexuals as well. 

Note the "used to", as in past tense. 

After the sex cult brigade spread my life all over this shit hole of an area, I will no longer stick up for any of them. Anyone else in this area that was involved in that bullshit is now my enemy for life as well. 

Anyone that became involved in that bullshit from anywhere else is now my enemy for life.

I hate religions, but if they want to wipe out the sex cult brigade then I am not going to stand in their way.

I have never needed to force women into sex nor will I ever do it. Sex isn't worth lowering myself to that level.

If religions take over and women are basically forced back into servitude, well after what this area has done to my life it just ain't my problem anymore.  

Either expose the weaponry or become my enemies.

I flat out told the assholes attacking me that if they did not stop I would stop caring. 20+ years later and they are still attacking, torturing and playing games with my life with the help of the idiots here. 

Fuck you all.


Friday, June 10, 2022

An excerpt from an article that I will post a link to at the end of this post.

"A 2018 report from the University of Louisiana found that all kinds of narcissists, along with manipulators and psychopaths, (the so-called “dark triad” of personality traits) are capable of being caring towards others; as long as they see benefit to themselves in doing so. "

Think about it. The whole positive reinforcement and/or reward group is making or has already made, nutcases out of their children.

The whole PC crowd is nice to you to get you to like them so that they in turn can get something from you. Then they get pissed when you tell them NO.

The article also basically states that pop-culture idiots are not completely sane in their quest for attention. 

Think about how these things mentioned pertain to any cult/religion and its teachings of superiority or that women should be submissive. 

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Can someone please tell the woman at Hop Cat in East Lansing that she has to card the person picking up the alcohol order and that it is not on the app company.

The driver has to card the customer before they get the alcohol.

The establishment has to card the driver before they get the alcohol.

A person under the age of 21 is not allowed to leave any establishment with alcohol.  

She is going to get them fucked over. 

Try training people morons.

How is it legal for someone living in Michigan to use their car for an occupation that requires using the roads extensively allowed to have out of state plates?

Fuck that I pay for my tags here and pay the gas tax for the roads. 

Anyone doing the gig work should be subject to pay for their tags in whatever state that they are using the vehicle for the gig work. Unless they are just visiting which needs to be followed up on. 

Clean the gig economy up or end it. 

The way it is now is complete bullshit. 

All people running the governments of a sanctuary city are guilty of aiding and abetting a crime at the federal level.


Aiding and abetting at the federal level occurs when an individual intentionally performs an act or counsels another person in furtherance of the commission of a federal crime. Federal law states that all that is necessary in order to convict you of aiding and abetting a crime is to show you had some affirmative participation that at least encouraged the principal offender to commit the offense with all of its elements.

Essentially, this means that you could be convicted as a “principal” even if you were not personally involved in committing the acts constituting the elements of the substantive crime. If you are convicted of aiding and abetting a crime, you could face the same harsh penalties as the principal defendant and have the same sentence imposed. The punishment you face will depend on the crime you aided and abetted.



Feel free to send this to the republicans or the Supreme Court if you want. I might send it to a few myself.  

I am sick of being fucked with by the assholes in this area. I am not joking when I say that I want it ended. 

Both the fucking with me and the area. 


Monday, June 6, 2022

Ask women in sports if they want to compete against a man that had his testicles removed, his penis turned inside out and took some hormone injections.
The whole tranny thing is complete bullshit.

Probably more likely to be the NSA or Homeland Security inside the U.S. borders.
The mass media is in bed with all 3.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

The PC and LGBT communities are no different when they try to silence people critical of them. They try to label them as some kind of phobic when they get called on their bullshit.
Fuck them and their bullshit. Same with religions and dictators.

They are arms dealers. They are all scum.

 Feel free to nuke San Francisco.

There is no such thing as a god.

It said right on my Uber account where all customers could read it that I was saving money to get out of Michigan.

You ignorant cunts here keep fucking me out of being able to save money and trapping me here. 

All you do is increase the hatred that I already have for this shit hole state.

The more you try to trap me here the more I want to destroy everything here.

Time for the republicans to get the Supreme Court to point out that sanctuary cities are unconstitutional and in violation of Federal law. Put those running them in jail. Including state and local politicians that are allowing them.

You keep fucking with me. I told you that I would just stop caring if you didn't stop.

You made it so that I can no longer enjoy smoking pot, so I do not care if it gets criminalized again. 

Death to everyone that uses, produces funds or COVERS UP FOR the electromagnetic radiation weaponry used on me.

While the cunt that was supposedly investigating the report was talking to me on the phone she tried to put words into my mouth.

 I told her what I said. Then later she tried to twist it around saying that I said I was going to. I immediately corrected the psychobabble cunt and said I did not say that I was going to I said that they deserved it.

I am done being fucked with by psychobabble cunts that want to twist my words around. 

You women want an enemy? 

The psychobabble cunt brigade has one now.

She is another psychobabble game playing cunt that needs to die.

Saturday, June 4, 2022

For the record there was a man standing behind what I believe is 1542 Hamilton that was probably about 6 foot 230 and had a small white dog. He heard everything that I said and watched as I went back to the woman after she yelled for me. She yelled after I made my statements.

If I had threatened her why the fuck would she yell for me to come to her?

Lying cunt. I want you dead bitch. 

Someone find out what she is a part of around here and that will be one faction to destroy.

How many times now have I been fucked out of jobs by assholes twisting my words around?
Because I am not a useless hand holding PC piece of shit that wants to spend my entire life working or have sex with anyone that I work with.
Because this whole shit hole of an area is full of places of employment that have PC management that try and turn the place into a sex cult.
Because this whole shit hole of an area doesn't want someone that actually wants to work.
Because of the garbage that run businesses here that have them set up as college sex playgrounds so that they do not have to pay the workers.
Do not send your children to Michigan State unless you want them pressured into sex on the job.
That is especially true of the bars and restaurants.
They should all be put out of business.


Seriously, the woman that complained about me said that I said she should be shot. She also said that I said it to her.

Now my Uber Eats account is disabled because she is a lying cunt. 

If I can not afford my cat's medication anymore because of a lying piece of shit like you, you will suffer for it. That is a promise.

I should sue you for slander and defamation. Screw you crocodile tear assholes. It is the 21st century and you are just as responsible for your actions as anyone else. That includes the LGBT crowd.

Uber disabled my account even after I told them what I said. Even after I pointed out that the woman was 50 to 70 feet away from me and behind me so that I didn't even know that she was there.

They have the GPS on my car. They can see where it was parked and where she had to walk from. I told them that I was walking away from my car and her building when I said that the DEVELOPERS DESERVE TO BE SHOT.

Fuck this candy ass PC Cuntry.

Figures Uber is in San Francisco. Another LGBT filled sanctuary city. 

Hey dumb ass republicans you know you can have sanctuary cities declared illegal now that you have the Supreme Court.  

I fully apologize to any immigrants that are working and not criminals other than being here illegally, but I am done supporting the PC crowd. 

I hate them as bad as the right wing nuts.

The next time any of you fucking pieces of shit in this town twist my words around I will kill you right fucking then and there if I can.

Death to Uber. Any business that uses Uber needs to be shut down.

This is the bullshit that they sent me:

Hi James,

After reviewing the information received and your account history, your account has been deactivated.

As explained in our Community Guidelines, any behavior involving violence, sexual misconduct, harassment, discrimination, or illegal activity while using the Uber app can result in losing access to the app permanently. While we understand that this news may be upsetting, compliance with our guidelines is required to use Uber apps.

If you think this deactivation was an error or can provide additional information (video, photo, or other documentation not previously submitted) that’s relevant to your deactivation, you can request a review here. A member of our team will review your account and any information you provide with your review request. The review process usually takes 7 business days, but we sometimes need additional time. We’ll send you an email letting you know the outcome of your review.

If you’re not requesting a review of your account status, please discard or return any Uber-branded decals or signage that you may have used for your vehicle as outlined in our Community Guidelines.

Keep in mind, local and/or state laws in your area may prohibit the display of decals to impersonate a rideshare driver, and criminal penalties may apply.

We appreciate your understanding.
Apparently an opinion of what someone deserves is now unprotected speech.
Uber and everyone that works for it deserves to die. The death penalty should be expanded to the PC crowd and the Karens. 
Open season for the shooters to take out Uber drivers. 
Tell your children not to use Uber at college.  Most of their orders are students. Most of their rides are students. 

Use Lyft.

Here is a screenshot of my account stats before they deactivated it. 

99% customer satisfaction, no complaints and one lying cunt gets me fucked over. Think maybe they were trying to get rid of me anyways and just looking for and excuse? 

Makes good business sense Huh?






 Something for you people to consider.

If I make $20/Hr delivering, gas is $4.99/gallon, unless I drive under 21 miles in that hour I have to spend at least $4.99 of what I make. 

If I drive 42 miles which is more like it I spend almost half of what I make in gas alone not counting wear and tear on my car.

Yes it is a tax write off, but all that means is I don't have to pay taxes on the half of my pay that went back into the car. 

I do not get that money back.

This job is bullshit when the prices are so high.

One oil change and I make no money at all for a whole day of delivery.

I am not out there for charity. I am out there trying to make a living.

You fucking assholes that keep trying to fuck me around are already past the point of no return.

I do not now, nor have I ever worked in the entertainment industry. I have never wanted to and I never will. 

I do not like the spotlight and I despise what it attracts.


End the tax write off for advertising.
Bring the tech, celebrity and mass media machine back down to Earth.
Let them work the sidewalk for pennies.


 While working yesterday my Uber Eats delivery account got shut down/blocked.

Apparently someone reported me for something that I did not do. 

I have 1557 deliveries for Uber with a 99% customer satisfaction rating and I get shut off because of one person????

The only one it could have been was a delivery to 1546 Hamilton rd. It is an apartment complex and I do not remember the apt number. It was a woman. She was about 5'7 to 5'9 with black hair. She probably weighed about 160 to 170. Maybe less hard to tell with the difference in density between fat and muscle.

I had a Grubhub pick up from Panera bread. On my way around and then into the bullshit construction zone I got an offer from Uber for a Panera pickup. I took it. As I was trying to switch back to the Grubhub screen from the Uber pop-up GPS another Uber offer came up and I accidentally accepted it as I was touching the phone. 

The second offer would not have even been accepted as it was low pay and I already had 2 offers. 

Anyways, I ended up with 3 deliveries so i was in a hurry to get them all done for quality purposes.

It turns out the first one from Grubhub was some idiot that ordered from one side of the bridge that is out to be delivered to the other side. You have to go around the whole detour to get there. 

(They have illegally blocked access to go through the neighborhood by the golf course. Those are public roads and if they are blocking them because of traffic due to the construction them they can pay for them themselves. Assholes.)

After that delivery I had to go back past the bridge to get to the Hamilton road delivery. I pulled into the complex and went to where the GPS took me. The building was not there.

I did a circle around a building to see if the numbers were on the other side. Nope.  

By this time I was getting pissed off because of the whole situation. 

I got out of my car and started to walk to a building that was at the end of the parking area where the GPS took me. I flat out stated how much I hate the developers of this area and that they all should have a bullet put through their heads. 

I was talking to no one and yet everyone. This whole area sucks fucking shit because of them cramming buildings in just to meet the green area bullshit.

As I started walking toward the other building a woman yelled to me from about 50 feet or more behind my car. I walked back to her and asked if she was the customer. I handed her the order and finally saw the numbers on the building and said "There it is."

No special instructions and an incorrect GPS location. That building looks more like the leasing office than an apartment. 

I got back in my car and left. I went to the third delivery and finished it. Next thing I know my account is blocked. 

I know it wasn't the third delivery because no one was outside and the tip from that delivery came through. 

This is total bullshit.

I am telling you now that I will not vote for Whitmer or anyone associated with her. You can take letting them fuck up that whole side of town and shove it up your ass. They have barrels running all the fucking way past Cornell and they are not even working over there. 

The person in charge of that shit is an asshole that needs to be fired.

Take your green areas and put them with the construction.

I do not own any guns, but the Lansing area is enough to make me want to buy Nuclear bombs. 

This are became my enemy for life as soon as this weaponry was hooked to me or I was hooked it it. Same goes for anyone connected to this area.



Friday, June 3, 2022

Driving in the Lansing area is like trying to find logic in a space cadet artist's mind. 

The road system was designed by someone on acid, or a child with a crayon. 

The apartment complexes for the most part make no sense in the building numbering or even which side is A or B. Hint: A goes on the left, B goes to the right of A , C goes to the right of B and so on. 

This isn't England. The ground floor is also the first floor here.

I fucking hate the designers/developers that built this area. 

Sorry Ms. Eyde you seemed pretty nice when I delivered to you when I worked at FedEx, but this area sucks to drive in. 

Just when you start getting a system down to deal with the idiotic road system, along comes construction to fuck up the entire area.  

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Fuck you NBC. Once again they pre-empt Jeopardy for some bullshit special news update about another shooting that happened earlier in the day. 

My Comcast Internet is complete shit now and just stops during playing video games. 

No other channels have the crap on. 

Comcast should be broken up.

Bring back Net Neutrality and stop allowing the cable monopolies. 

Fuck the mass pin dick, asshole, piece of shit media.

Do away with the advertising tax write off and bring the shit mass media back down where it belongs.