Monday, May 16, 2022

Time to go after all the bullshit in this sorry ass corrupt shit hole of a country.

Unions: Unions violate the EEO act by giving preferential treatment to family members of people already in the union. That is called nepotism and is corruption.  

Especially in government unions. 

Why should tax payers foot the bills for jobs that they have no chance at getting because they are not related or no friends with politicians?

The government is the largest employer here in the Lansing area, which is why it sucks so bad. 

They also have it rigged so that you can not get 99% of the jobs without a college degree.

They are like the military and think that someone straight out of college is better than someone that has done the work for 10 years. That or they just want someone that is trapped by student loan debt. 

Perhaps they just know that they can send their kids to a joke school like MSU and their kids will get a worthless piece of paper so they can work for the government also.

Wonder how many of them have useless psychobabble type degrees?

Unions were formed in the first place to fight unfair practices in the companies/corporations. They were formed to fight the ridiculous hours and unsafe work environments. they are supposed to protect the workers.

Now all they care about is how many people they can get paying union dues. Now they fuck over a worker in favor of slackers so they get more sets of union dues. Now they are full of 10th generation inbreds that don't need no skoolin cause they is gonna work for the union.

Hence MSU and their land contract. By their charter that can not turn away any student that can pay.

Basically one big daycare center for 'mentally challenged' students. There are more beer pong tables at MSU than there are intelligent students.

I seriously hope the new Amazon union doesn't go the way of the rest. They need to bring the nerd assholes back down to Earth and get some real pay for their work. 

The drivers need to organize and get rid of the contractors as well. Same with FedEx Ground.

The greed is screwing those doing the work. Time for a revolution. 

Fuck all you overpaid entertainers. You are part of the problem, not the solution.

End the advertising tax write off and you will decimate the entertainment industry as well. Let them all stand on a street corner in their underwear playing guitar for quarters. 

There will be more and more bullshit pointed out.

Atheism tends to let you see bullshit and point it out. Religion keeps you as a quiet little sheeple.

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