Sunday, May 15, 2022

Back when I first started doing Doordash, I went into a place called Blondie's Barn. I was standing there waiting for an order with my hands together in front of my genital region holding my phone. There were 2 waitresses behind the counter.

One of them said to the other one" Looks like he is protecting it". The other replied, "I would protect it to if I had it".

They were talking about my penis. 

How would either of them that I have never met know anything about my penis?

The gossip bullshit of this cesspool is what got my life destroyed in the first place.  

The useless sack of shit LGBT crowd from Travelers Club started it.

I used to defend someone's right to be homosexual. After living here, I hope you all die. You are weak minded, useless, no self-control run at the mouth garbage that think you can get away with doing anything that you want.

Fuck you.Take your homophobic card and shove up your asses until it comes out your nose. 

I hate you as much as I hate the religious right wing nuts.  

Texas is correct in investigating the parents of trans children for child abuse. Children are not intellectually capable of making such decisions for themselves. That is the whole fucking point of being a parent.

The gossip bullshit of this town got me tortured for over 20 years now. I want everyone involved dead.

There is no pretending it didn't happen when I still get tortured every fucking day because of it.

All psychobabble pieces of shit promoting children being trans need their licenses revoked and should be banned from ever practicing again.

Any pharmaceutical company providing drugs for it needs to be fined out of existence.

Any doctors performing the operations need to have their licenses revoked and be banned from practicing ever again.

For the record: Abortion should be legal.

Time for a war on all bullshit.

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