Tuesday, May 17, 2022

I hate this whole fucking area.

Going back to 1997 and the useless garbage from the Travelers Club restaurant.

They are the ones that got the destruction of my life started here in assholeville.

Why the fuck was it so important to any of them whether or not I had sex? Who the fuck do you pieces of shit think that you are trying to force or coerce someone into having sex?

I told those pieces of shit repeatedly that I do not have sex with men ever and that I do not have sex with women that I work with. All they did was keep harassing me. Yes it is sexual harassment when women and fags do it too.

If it wasn't bad enough in the workplace these pieces of shit spread the crap throughout their LGBT community all over this disgusting cesspool of an area. 

They are a big part of the yapping all over town bullshit that I got blamed for.

 I hated them then, I hate them now and I will hate them for the rest of my life. 

I did not have an ID when I moved here. They hired me and I needed a job. 

Imagine that, someone without an ID gets hired in an industry notorious for taking advantage of people.

I had a conversation with one of the managers at Travelers Club one time about the place and its owners. I said something like "What is this place their private commune?". He said "Yes".

Now you know what I mean by death to the fuck cult.

I am a supporter of actual Marxism. Try reading morons. Some tweaks need to be made.

Communes have nothing to do with communism. Communes are cults. Usually ran by people that want to sexually abuse their followers just like larger cults or religions.

That is illegal in the workplace.

Unfortunately, it appears that most major corporations in this country now support the local management running places of employment like it was there personal commune.

All companies/corporations like that need to be destroyed.

Sanctuary cities need to be stopped or destroyed don't really care which. It isn't the idea of helping people escape crap in their countries if they need it. It is the fact that it just provides more people in a bad way for the garbage to take advantage of.

I do not give a rat's ass about your culture bullshit. No matter where you are from, you can shove your religions up your asses and die with them.

I used to support anyone's choice to have sex with any consenting adult and it was no one else's business. Since you fucking pieces of shit made life everyone else's business, screw you die.








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