Sunday, May 15, 2022

I got another ticket today while doing my job.

Both tickets are from the Lansing police department. 

You can not make any money in this town driving the fucking ridiculously low speed limits.

You get fucked every time you turn around by construction zones and trains and idiots doing 10 miles and hour under the speed limit.

Raise the speed limits and quit letting morons get behind the wheel.  

If the politician crap would regulate the fucking industry the pay would go up and there would be less need to speed around trying to do every delivery that you can.

Eventually you will even have to take a $2.50 delivery of you will get fucked out of being able to get deliveries that way the greedy assholes running the apps have them set up.

That shit should not be legal. It is set up to prey upon immigrants and minorities.

I guess I should just make $5.00/hr to obey the slow ass speed limits?

Fuck this shit hole.

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