Monday, May 30, 2022

 I quit talking to anyone anbout anything because of the lowlife pieces of shit that started repeating everything that I said.

Starting with the garbage at the Travelers Club. Anytime I talked to another employee about anything from work to where I lived to a co-workers nice ass, somehow it got back to everyone. I told another employee about how weird it was and he showed me the intercom system that the piece of shit owners, William White and Jennifer Brooke, sat next door and listened in on. 

I started turning it off, so they know I hated that shit.

Every time I said that I do not date women that I work with they replaced a large portion of the ones working there and started the shit all over again.

Then they started in with spreading rumors about wanting whoever I talked to. Then whoever I looked at. 

They are insane garbage that deserves to die. 

At one point even after saying that I do not have sex with women that I work with, William "runt" White told a 17 year old girl that she could have her job back if she fucked me. Excuse me???

Leave me out of your pathetic bullshit runt. 

I want everything that that fucking piece of garbage has anything to do with destroyed. 

If I had heard him say it I would have beaten him severely. 

After I left there things were somewhat quieter on the job, but still bullshit from the gay management at L & L giving me shit because I didn't want their promotions which meant dealing with them every morning.

Anyways, once William and Jennifer showed up at Plum Crazy the same fucking harassment from the Travelers Club starting going on in there. 

Then once again after the runt and cunt showed up at the Mayfair. Only this time it started going back and forth across town affecting my job. Especially to the piece of shit inbred car dealership called Sundance.

This asshole town starting gossiping about me all over the place and repeating anything I said while even twisting the words around and I am the one that got fucked over for it.

I want everyone involved exposed and exterminated. I want all their causes wiped off the face of the Earth.

Expose this fucking weaponry and kill it and everyone that uses, produces, funds or covers up for it.

Until such time I have nothing to say to anyone that isn't work related.

Death to the bunch of garbage from Dayton that joined in and made it worse.

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