Monday, May 16, 2022

For the record, as far as I am concerned the deliveries going into Lansing proper can be done by someone else. 

I want nothing to do with delivering or picking up within Lansing city limits. 

You can all starve or go out of business for all I care. 

I am done getting tickets for trying to do my job well and insure timely and quality deliveries because of this retarded shit hole.

I wrote before that the worst part of this area is the closer you get to the middle of it.

I am not the one out there swerving in and out of traffic. I do not take chances when traffic is around. 

I have driven over 70,000 miles since I started doing the gig work April of 2021.

Lansing proper is a shit hole that I do not want to be in.

Fuck you politicians downtown. I have pointed out repeatedly about cleaning up the job but you do nothing. Every fucking one of you should be voted out of office. 

Just the other day I was making a pick up at Steak n Shake on Edgewood and some fat ass in a Ford Flex with handicap plates was sitting in the parking lot. I went inside and there was a younger guy waiting for an order. He had two cell phones in his hand.

He checked them and left because he got a different order. He got into the backseat of the Ford Flex and the disgusting fat ass in the front seat had another cell phone that she was checking.

They are criminals committing fraud. 

I get ticketed for going fast when no one is around and they get to keep committing fraud. 

Fuck this turd shit hole of an area.

If you fucking assholes running the restaurants do not start cracking down on the fraud I will do everything that I can to label you as complicit. That means you corporate scamming assholes that are getting out of hiring your own drivers and passing the costs on others.

Keep playing games mother fuckers, because I just do not give a shit anymore.

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