Sunday, May 22, 2022

They are having some stupid fucking art festival in the downtown East Lansing area. The side streets and the alleys where you park to pick up deliveries are blocked off. 

Do the businesses turn off deliveries? Fuck no, screw the drivers. Money, money, money.

Do the politicians tell them to turn off the deliveries to keep less traffic in the area for safety? Fuck no screw everyone, money money money.

Do the idiots morons that live here think about not ordered in a place that has a festival going on and the streets blocked off? Fuck no, screw the drivers.

This is one driver that hopes that everyone that ordered from the downtown East Lansing area this weekend chokes to fucking death on their food. 

Useless moron shit hole.

All the drivers should get together and say fuck you for two weeks. 

Between stupid fucking festivals, asshole street closures and that fucking bullshit construction every where, I would just as soon wipe this entire shit hole area off the face of the Earth.

You can't fix all the roads at once when there are not enough roads in the first place dumbass.

It isn't last year when everyone was staying home. 

This place is a fucking joke. Enough of the small town corrupt horsehitville.

More roads, bigger roads and less fucking swamps.

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