Wednesday, May 18, 2022

The entire gig economy is a scam.

It needs to be done away with.

All it is is corporations and smaller companies getting out of hiring their own drivers. Mostly the restaurant industry, but also grocery stores and convenience stores. 

The insurance offered is complete crap. By offering insurance they screw drivers out of the Marketplace or any money to help get insurance through it.

Unless someone scams the system which needs to be cracked down on.

I already have over 30,000 miles on my car. I bought it in November of 2021 and it had 17 miles on it.

Now the government assholes are telling people to slow down even if you are on the job which will make the earnings even lower. 

How about you garbage pieces of shit in government cracking down on the fraud. Both the scamming ass drivers and the 'people' running the apps. 

Thanks for fucking up every road in town making things even worse for drivers.  

Just makes me want to take a huge bulldozer and level the whole fucking shit hole area.

How about fill in the fucking swamps build roads and have an actual city instead of an inbred swampville.

Move the wildlife that you all seem to like running over so much somewhere safer for them. 

Know why there are lots of bow hunters in Michigan? Because the guns make too much noise when they are illegally hunting in the backyards.

Living here isn't too far from one of the Wrong Turn movies. 

Now in the city area it is getting like a bad gangster movie with all the gun violence. 

The whole are sucks because of corruption.

Politicians and all the scum that wants to buy them.

A giant septic tank that needs drained and cleaned.


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