Thursday, May 19, 2022

 I had a block tonight from 5 pm to 6:30 pm. 

At 6 pm they gave me a pick up for Eastside Fish Fry & Grill. It was supposed to be a 6:09 pickup.

I finally got the order at 6:53. Total fucking bullshit.

I called Grubhub support after a half hour and asked them how long of a wait time before it did not count against me to get rid of the delivery. Of course there is no limit to how long a driver has to wait without cancelling the order counting against them.

Support offered to call the restaurant and I said o.k. they told support it would be about 5 minutes. It took another 15 to 20 minutes.

While I was there waiting a customer reached down and caught a fucking baby mouse running acrothe floor. He picked it up and took it outside. Heavy guy with a pick up for Chad.


Typical of the bullshit lack of health inspections in this disgusting filthy ass shit hole.

There is no fucking way that I would ever eat at that place. It should be closed down.

Unfortunately the ignorant garbage here doesn't care. This whole disgusting area should be burnt to the ground.

I told support to never send me to that fucking place again. As a matter of fact fuck that whole section in there. 

You can take your gross ass hippie bullshit and stick it where the sun doesn't shine. All of your nasty ass bullshit. You are just as gross as the rednecks that don't bathe.

This pig sty can die.

Too bad the federal health people are just as bought and paid for and lazy as those here or I would turn here in to them.

Remember me, I am the one that actually tried to clean up the disgusting pig sty called the Travelers Club.

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