Death to Facebook and everyone that works there.
Just got this this morning they say it qualifies as hate speech.
An atheist Marxist fighting the good fight and being a good person. To end animal abuse, help spay and neuter the abusers, that way they can't have kids to teach the behavior to and hopefully it and them will die off. Ban all radiation weapons and eventually do away with all military industrial complexes. Think for yourself do not just accept.
Death to Facebook and everyone that works there.
Just got this this morning they say it qualifies as hate speech.
This post is waiting for approval on Yahoo.
"responsibility for the fate of the Fatherland."
The nazis referred to Germany as the Fatherland.
Russians usually referred to Russia as the Motherland.
Same type of bad people call the U.S. Homeland.
I am so sick of useless little punk ass twit computer programming wienies and their fucking censorship it isn't funny.
Fuck you all and the idiot piece of shit offended by everything crowd.
Boo fucking hoo. Go ahead and kill yourself for all I care.
I am about as left wing as you can get in the fact that I agree with what Marx and Engels wrote and would like to see a permanent end to capitalism.
I consider religions (and everything done in their names) to be the worst atrocity ever committed by humans on humans.
That stated, the LGBT community has made me hate democrats as much as I do republicans.
Gender is genetic. It simply is what you were born. nothing more, nothing less. If you can not deal with that then you should most likely be locked in an asylum.
How can someone identify as the other gender? What are you identifying with? Are you identifying with some role that you have been programmed to believe is only occupied by the other gender?
You are going against what separates humans from other species. It is called the ability for higher reasoning.
Seriously, this post was just rejected by the cunts at Yahoo.
Yahoo and Facebook are shit asshole run companies that should be put out of business.
You can not fight against the trans bullshit by pointing out facts on either one of them.=You fucking piece of shit LGBT garbage want to censor intelligent discussion that disagrees with you then die garbage die.
Here is the post:
Medicaid should not pay to further mental illness. It should pay to help treat the mental illness.
It is not possible for their to be more than two genders. Gender is what you are and is based on genetics.
The "Identity" stuff is mental. Mental is a result of your environment and not genetics.
Genetics can affect your ability to use your brain, but it can not produce WHO you are.
The whole trans thing is complete pseudoscience.
What it amounts to is a bunch of charlatans making up new names for everything so that they can get notoriety.
How the fuck does that violate any posting guidelines?
I have had it with lowlife pieces of shit and their censorship. It is time to take them all out.
Warned about this post from a year ago that I was going to share on Facebook. Facebook is a hypocritical bunch of cunt run garbage that should be wiped off the Internet along with ev erything run by that pin dick bitch Zuckerberg. It is my constitutionally guaranteed right to speak out against bullshit.
I forgot to post the one where the Meghan cunt said to another nurse "We know he is not a mormon", as I was cleaning a room across from the nurse's station.
I replied "I am an atheist".
How the fuck is it any of their business either way? Why don't they just ask if they want to know so fucking bad?
Ignorant cunts just like the pieces of shit from Travelers Club. They did the same shit in 1997. All it got them was my hatred forever.
More bi-sexual garbage in this shit hole.
June 20, 2020
June 20, 2020 notice how the same shit still happens today.
Facebook memory: June 20, 2021
I voted straight Democrat ticket last time. I did not want to vote for religion.
The fucking Democrats here are just as bad if not worse than the Republicans.
I am the one that told women back when this shit started that they had nothing to worry abut from me when dickheads were coercing them to have sex with me.
I don't play the fucking bullshit.
Any of you cunts that think that you are going to try and force me to have sex got a serious nother think coming.
All that does is make you the same as the assholes that I was already fighting.
Lowlife fucking scum that deserves to die.
You sorry ass LGBT in this area are making religion look like the lesser of two evils, so to speak.
I am an atheist and always will be.
Fuck off and leave me alone if you can't have interactions without the sex bullshit. You are worthless pathetic garbage.
I am sitting here with my stomach in knots wondering if I still have a job because of ignorant assholes fucking with me.
I do not fuck around on the job. Period.
I do my job yet I am the one that keeps getting fucked over.
Now basically Clean Team has made it so I have to look for a job just so they can say that I got fired because I was looking for a different job.
You wonder why I say this town needs to die.
I want one of you assholes to point a time when I discriminated against someone?
Don't even start in with sex bullshit assholes that is a matter of personal taste and as long ass it is between consenting adults you can go fuck yourself it is none of your business.
I don't like working with you fucking sex addicted retards because you are either too fucking stupid or too much a bunch of assholes to keep it out of the workplace.
Read the law morons what you do is illegal when you won't take no for an answer.
You do not get to harass someone because they do not share your particular pseudoscience beliefs. How exactly are you any different than the right wingers that try to force religions on people?
You all, both right and left, can take your bullshit Eugenics and stick it where the sun doesn't shine.
I bust my ass in that place trying to do my job. I do things that are not my job if asked and I can.
Why am I the one getting fucked over?
I am so sick of this fucking shit hole area that I would seriously consider nuking it off the face of the Earth if I could.
This post will be mostly about a cunt at Sparrow named Meghan. She has been fucking with me since day one and if she gets me fired I am going to kill the bitch and her fucking pussy ass husband that can't control her. This is Michigan pin dick you are responsible for your wife's bullshit.I will separate my posts about her with _____. The posts will Be in reverse order that they were posted to Facebook
Some pin dick little cunt keeps getting me restricted on Facebook for posting the truth about the trans bullshit.
They even restricted me for posting a link to an article on Yahoo about the useless shit that has sex change operations competing against real actual women.
Trans is bullshit and they are insane.
The world would be a better place without them.
I have posted about not wanting to work 2nd shift. I have posted about not wanting to work long hour days.
I have posted about not wanting part time jobs.
I have posted about not wanting to be on call or at someone's beck and call.
I have posted about not wanting to clean up other's messes.
The fucking garbage here have stuck me in a job that is all of those and I want everyone here that is involved dead.
I will find the scum running this shit and when I do I will kill them or they will kill me.
Facebook sent me a warning saying that this post may violate their community standards. How it is one hundred percent pointing out legal means of dealing with assholes.
The post in question:
Everyone involved in the remote neural monitoring, attacks and torture with the evoked potential weaponry, (including the assholes that get information from those doing it to harass the people getting attacked and tortured) deserves to be tried for crimes against humanity and executed.
If I get restricted for a post that points out legally dealing with the attackers, I am seriously thinki9ng about going to California just to slaughter everyone at fucking piece of shit Facebook.
Fuck bleeding heart bullshit California.
Have to post this here as the pussies at Facebook would ban me.
I will find out who keeps putting me in jobs that I know I do not want. I have posted here and Facebook explicitly that I do not want shit like that.
Current job aside, but it doesn't pay the bills and the person that told them to hire me knows it.
Keep fucking around. I will find those responsible and when I do I will eliminate your entire piece of shit families.
Death to everyone involved in getting this fucking weaponry used on me.
Someone please figure out why Yahoo's idiot censors flagged this post for approval?
Raising the minimum wage never works. Those at the top just raise prices so much to make more profit that the minimum wage will be worse off than before the raise.
The only way to go is to cap the maximum wages. There were people that were considered very wealthy as millionaires. If all prices and wages were put back 60 years it would still end up the same as long as the objective is to keep increasing profits instead of being satisfied with just making a profit.
Wall Street and the whole investment credit based system needs to go. Getting loans for start up capital should be payed back after that the company shouldn't be getting loans every week to meet payroll. Loans for expansions should be handled the same way.
Letting people think that they are doing something by buying stocks other than making the rich richer should be done away with. All they are really doing is inflating the stock prices so that those with millions of shares get huge sums of credit in their names.
Runaway capitalism is at its end one way or another. Too much in the hands of too few and the rest are tired of the shaft.
Seriously now Facebook says that my group activity is restricted for 22 days because a post violated their community standards.
I don't post to any groups.
When I find out who the fucking piece of shit is that keeps fucking with me on Facebook I am going to exterminate their whole fucking family.
Here is the post:
I spent my whole life before I moved to this fucking cunt hole trying to stay out of the spotlight.
I just wanted to do my job and be left alone by the assholes at corporate. If I had wanted to be in that shit I would have been in it and never needed to move here in the fucking first place.
I did not want to be a criminal and I did not want anything to do with the conniving back stabbing garbage climbing the corporate ladders. Neither can be trusted and the world would be a better place without both.
I have never wanted to be famous. I despise the spotlight. I despise the parasites that it attracts. (media)
I just wanted to be a nice guy. The fucking dumb cunts here made it so I can't even be that.
I truly hate you all.
I hope the human race dies out real soon.
This is about the fucking cunts at Facebook saying another post violat4ed their community standards.
Death to Facebook. Death to all PC pieces of shit everywhere.
The post in question:
New post if it goes through.
Now apparently another post goes against the so-called community standards of shit Facebook.
I truly hate the asshole moderators at Facebook. you just try to silence me about the truth.
I have every right to fight back against those that torture me and I can call them pieces of shit if I want to.
I am allowed to point out that i want people dead. I want Putin and his asshole Oligarchs dead.
I want all nazis dead.
All religions should be completely and totally abolished and anyone that can't live without them I want to die with them.
I want any and all spiders that come into my house dead.
Take your whatever can't fight back or tell the truth and shove it up your asses.
Death to the advertising tax write off.
There are many, many, many humans that should be referred to as pieces of shit.
I will post this and all posts that you say violate your standards all over the Internet to show your harassment.
There are a few jobs on my resume. I do not want to job jump all the time. I fucking hate looking for work.
I am not however, your slave. You do not own me.
If you use the two year old approach of seeing how far you can push employees, all you will get from me is either a fist in the mouth or flipping you the bird as I walk out the door.
You are an asshole that isn't worth working for.
If you play favorites with the ass kissers and/or your fellow cult members then the same applies.
You are an asshole that isn't worth working for.
If you are a corporation that allows local management to do either of the above, you are an asshole not worth working for.
Unfortunately, I now live in a "small town feel" shit hole where a lot of management has their heads up the asses of other power tripping turds here as well.
Finding a new job is harder when they are all scumbags in the same boat.
The internet helped to make that the way corporations are now.
I am not part of your family and I do not want to be. It is illegal for employers to push employees to socialize with each other.
It should be punishable by the death penalty.
You are turning workplaces into gangs and cults.
The only good gangs or cults are dead ones.
I am not at work to play. Two different words with two different meanings.
I just had an interview for a good job, but I am not willing to go into farmhouse basements to fill their water softeners. Been there done that before and it ain't happening again. The steps going to the basements are bullshit.
Part of the overall problem with rural areas. Everything is so old it should be torn down and built correctly.
Shame too because the houses and some buildings were built very well above ground. Buildings that last for 100 years eventually need to go.
Get rid of the capitalism bullshit or at least stop the very few from rigging the system so that they keep getting richer while everyone else gets screwed and you will be able to do it.
To sum up the many jobs, don't fuck me around and I show up and do my job. Play games and I will turn you into the federal regulatory agencies if I can. That includes stopping other employees from being idiots and assholes as well.
I do not want to climb the scumbag ladder.
I am the kind of guy that would have went to work for UPS 30 years ago and still had the same route today. I liked the job at Walters Vending, I just hated some of the customers. (Sundance)
I am a route service driver. I don't mind package delivery, but I am not going to be out there at 9pm doing it.
I do not particularly want warehouse/driver where there is a bunch of downtime.
The less people that I have to interact with, the better.
So some asshole put me in an acoustic theater for work and then tortures me none stop to get me pissed off and to fight back verbally.
I am going to kill everyone in this shit hole of an area that keeps me from doing the jobs that I want to do.
I do not want to work around people all the time. I did not want to before I moved to this shit hole either.
I fucked up and got my driver's license suspended in Dayton. That is why and the only reason why I was working in convenience stores and/or game room-poolhall-grill.
The only reason that I went to bars was because I couldn't afford a video arcade at home.
If the nerd bitch computer geeks would have developed the Internet and consoles 20 years earlier I would have been at home after work.
I have found through experience that I do not particularly like people. People are stupid. People are scumbags and some people are stupid scumbags.
The nazi scum with the weaponry are not going to stop torturing me unless someone exposes them. Then they will stop torturing me because one of us is going to die.
I did nothing but try and get stupid pieces of worthless shit to shut the fuck up.
The Nicole bitch in the bar constantly spoke of what Steve Fata would say or do. She obviously was allowed to speak for him. She threatened me on his behalf and I told her to tell him to check Dayton first.
I did not say anything about organized crime and I told the Dayton assholes that I did not want anything to do with cocaine.
All I wanted was someone to say leave him alone and tell your stupid cunts to quit running at the mouth.
Apparently, the males and females here are all stupid run at the mouth cunts. Looks pretty much like the turds from 5th Street Billiards are the same.
Die all of you.
All night at work last night the fucking nazi cunts with the weaponry put that "Bigshot" song in my head over and over and over.
They know it pisses me off when they put anything in my head, but especially when they try and twist this town's fucking bullshit onto me.
I hate and want dead every single piece of useless gossiping shit that put me in the spotlight in this garbage dump of humanity.
Personally, I think it would be wonderful if their entire families were dead.
Expose the weaponry and destroy it or die with it, I do not care.
Two quick reiterations:
1. I do not think that the music is about me. The assholes with the weaponry put images and words into my head that pertain to whatever song is being played and I respond. They do it to piss me off and it works especially when I am trying to concentrate on my job.
2. When I say leave me alone and sometimes even shout it, I am referring to the scumbags with the weaponry. If I want an individual to leave me alone I have no problem telling them to fuck off.
Death to evoked potential weaponry and all that use or develop it.
I basically have a job. 30 hours a week, but it shouldn't be too hard to find something to go with it.
The problem is that I can't stat work or look for something to go with until until some paperwork gets sent to my employer who sends it to me and that I then need to take in to get a badge made.
I can't even try and line anything else up or try to go out and deliver some. It is driving me up a fucking wall.
I hate it when my job depends on so many others doing theirs.