Thursday, December 2, 2021

I bought a vehicle so I could drive outside of town in the winter in Michigan.

Immediately the long drive out of town offers stop and every single app ends me to downtown East Lansing.

Downtown East Lansing is a crammed packed nightmare.

They are purposefully trying to get my new car fucked up. Yes, it is a new 2021. They can't get 2022s yet.

Death to AI.

Just more reason to hate this area, state and country.

Computer programming needs to be brought back to earth. Make it mandatory in public schools and put it on the pay level it belongs with so-called non-skilled labor.

If necessary, destroy the Internet altogether.

Fuck capitalism.


Tuesday, November 30, 2021

 This is the dickhead that said he was a confidential informant:

Monday, November 29, 2021

The proof of what I an saying about the gig crap is right in the app.

I can show how my earnings went up and then suddenly went back down on all 3 of the major apps.

The apps are set up in such a way to aid anyone staking places out or purposefully trying to make so someone else doesn't get deliveries.

Why is it at Grubhub I got more delivery offers and made more money when I was just a 'partner' and didn't have many blocks than I do now that I am a 'pro' and can schedule more blocks?

Twice as much.

You can't make any money just doing one app. Every single time I got it to where I was mainly using one app or when I started only using Doordash, the offers disappear and the money goes way down.

Too many fucking drivers is one problem and only keeps getting worse.

An area where all the sheeple all have to do the same thing at the same time makes it worse.

The job isn't worth it when the restaurants get too busy and you can't get the orders fast because everyone has to go to the same place at the same time.

There are open blocks for dinner delivery on Grubhub all week long, because no one wants to be out there fighting the traffic or crowds especially if they are only getting little 5 and 6 dollar orders.

Saturday, my last delivery was assigned to me at 5:30 pm. because of everyone calling in orders at the same time, I sat there for over 30 minutes waiting for the order.

I would have left, but I was planning on going home for the day anyways and the delivery was pretty close to where I live.

You are not going to have any more luck getting your order faster if you go get it yourself, because you all have to do the same thing at the same time.

Think about it like going to the bathroom at halftime.


All gangstalkers deserve the death penalty.

As I was exiting Walmart yesterday, I was voicing my displeasure with the entire area full of scamming assholes when a guy parked in front of me heard it and came at me.
He started out with "You got something to say to me?"
I told him I wasn't talking to him. He started in with some bullshit about being a confidential informant for some tri-county law enforcement group.
Then he called me a public nuisance and started asking me if I wanted to go to jail. Then he started threatening me with calling the cops and started taking pictures of my license plate.
He looked drunk and he is a typical inbred redneck of the area.
I also took pictures of him and his license plate and will post them tomorrow or maybe later today.
It was funny how the chest posturing went down to calling the cops after I got right back in his candy ass pussy face.
He is a piece of shit as are whoever would employ him.
He was digging beer cans out of his truck so he most likely drinks and drives a lot.
The door of the truck had a company logo. Not exactly sure of it should have taken a picture of that as well, but I had to work. I doubt he does much of that.
If he is an informant, someone should tell him that he is not allowed to identify himself as such or he is no longer confidential. Also that he has no police powers at all.
If he ever gets in my face again, he will need an ambulance.


Well I have to work today on one of my days off because it is the end of the month and two of the apps are not high enough for next month.
Because Grubhub gave me no offers at times yesterday I turned on Doordash.
Within seconds I got fucked. Doordash sent me an offer for Walmart deliveries that had 7 of them bunched together. If I turn them down it counts as turning down 7 offers. They are dicks like that.
As I went into Walmart, of course Grubhub sends me a food delivery for the McDonalds just up the road. Ok I can get it and do the 7.
Nope. One of the seven orders at Walmart is not done correctly so I have to call customer service. It takes so long that Grubhub cancels the delivery and I get charged with removing it.
It was still taking too long so I just said fuck it and unassigned that particular one of the seven.
That screwed me in too low of a completion rate for Doordash.
Why I have to try and raise that today and maybe tomorrow.
I fucking hate this whole bullshit gig system.
Fuck Walmart. They should pay their own drivers or hire their own contractors this time of the year.
When I finally left the store to start delivering the 6 remaining orders, Grubhub hits me with an offer for the Bob Evans in Dewitt and the order goes 5 miles north of there.
I did 3 deliveries and then got the Grubhub order and delivered it. I am not going back out into the farm area north of Lansing in the winter. The area is too open and the wind freezes the roads.
I just bought a vehicle that can drive in/on snow, but nothing drives on ice.
Not worth the safety risk regardless of pay.
I hate this time of year.
Fuck you all with your psychobabble bullshit.
I can go to my sister's house with the rest of the family if I wanted to. I do not take part in religious holidays.


Sunday, November 28, 2021

Grubhub is really starting to suck.

Their whole spiel is complete bullshit.

Get your acceptance rate up so you can schedule blocks. Blocks are small periods of time.

I had blocks scheduled all fucking day today. The morning was so few offers that I did Doordash and Uber with only a couple of offers from Grubhub.

When Grubhub did give me an offer it was some little 5 or 6 dollar McDonalds delivery.

I take deliveries from the other apps and do them. No app has priority over any other.

If I am already doing a delivery from a different app I will only take the Grubhub app delivery while on a block if I can get to it within a reasonable amount of time.

When you have a block scheduled you have to leave the app on or they will send you a message to turn it on or they will charge you with dropping the block.

Apparently, they think that you should be at their beck and call for any delivery they want to give you.

Apparently, they think that you should just sit around and wait on their offers instead of actually trying to make money while you are out there.

I made less than half of my highest week on Grubhub this.

Fuck them if they think I am going to sit around and wait for that.

There are assholes that just sit around and stake out places that they know are busy. They get the offers before the people on blocks because they are already sitting there.

The whole fucking thing has turned into scamming ass little pieces of shit and their 'friends' staking places out and most likely they are the ones stealing the food orders.

One of my first offers this morning sent me to IHOP to pick it up.

When I got their I parked and in the car next to where I parked there was a guy setting up two cell phones. Two phones?

Do you assholes realize that if you log onto one of the apps under a false name you are committing a crime? It isn't just against company policies, it is an actual crime.

I am going to start taking pictures and posting them online.

Let everyone know the bullshit that the app companies let people get away with.

Grubhub, your AI piece of trash can not interpret anything about my ability to deliver.

The actual delivery starts when I get the order until when I drop the order off.

I can drop the delivery anytime before I pick it up.

I have been known to do that if it becomes clear that I can not complete other deliveries quick enough to do that delivery without sacrificing the quality of the food.

Your pathetic piece of grade school programming AI can not even use the data collected from arrival times to get the order times to know not to send a driver to Cracker Barrel immediately after receiving the order on a Sunday morning.

The driver now gets to get rid of the delivery or wait for 20+ minutes to get it.

Your AI can not take acquired data to know that when there is a home football game the orders take a lot longer to get made.

I have had restaurant people literally tell me that they put into the system that the order would not be ready for 20 minutes only to have a driver show up almost immediately after they did.

Grubhub, you are the company that the restaurant owner was talking about when she said that a lot of orders were disappearing.

You have a system of scammers here in the Lansing area working for you. Most likely because of all the idiot 'invite friends' crap on all of the apps.

You make it too easy for them to do it.

Apparently, your AI can not even tell when 2 or more contractors are in the same vehicle. At least their phones are.

Uber makes the driver take a picture of themselves every so often to prevent that kind of bullshit.

Uber's app won't let you take the picture unless you stop the car.

Clean it up.

All the app companies need to get rid of the scammers, thieves and those out there to play instead of to work.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Quit stealing food from the restaurants and from the customers you worthless assholes.

Another reason to crack down on the way that the app companies hire and to make laws regulating the industry.

Apparently drivers and their friends get together and call in fake orders or call their friends to come in and pick up orders they are assigned so the restaurant has to make the order twice.

A restaurant owner talked to me about it today and I showed her how one of the apps works. Hopefully it helps to stop some of the thieving ass little punks.

From what she said drivers are just stealing the orders as well, but some of that could be attributed to delivering the food to the wrong address.

I have fucked up before, but I always try to fix it. Most drivers won't take the time to try and fix it.

I would feel bad if I did not try.

If I catch anyone stealing the food, I will turn you in to the police.

Fuck you. You are fucking with my job.

Why don't you take one of the restaurant jobs and earn the food?

Customers, if you order through an app you can not send someone to pick up the food. Read the terms of service of the app.

No restaurant should ever give out food unless they verify the order is on the phone of the person picking it up.

Some of the orders can get quite pricey. The police need to get involved as well when necessary.

Petty theft can result in jail or fines somewhat higher than the food stolen.

Those restaurants are how I make a living. I am not on your side if you are stealing from them.

The customers that want deliveries are how I make a living. I am not on your side if you are stealing from them.

The dickhead programmers that run the app services need to start giving a shit about their companies reputation or they need to go out of business.

Big companies can go under quick if no one wants to do business with them.

Enough bullshit.


Monday, November 22, 2021

Well the bank refused to pre-qualify me for a car loan because I have no credit.

I have no credit because I fucking hate the credit based bullshit economy that is due to go under.

I have almost as much money in their bank as I asked for in a loan and they still said no. The money is there, how would I default?

I guess I should just close out the account with a cashiers check as a down payment and get a dealer to finance the rest.

This country fucking sucks.


Friday, November 19, 2021

I started looking at new cars because the one I have is a fucking piece of shit American made garbage that will be practically undrivable in the snow in Michigan.

I even checked with the bank about what is possible to do.

Every car I looked at is gone.

I am not going to buy a new car if I can not get what I want.

More reason to destroy this fucking asshole of a country.


Tuesday, November 16, 2021

To all trying to change me.


Monday, November 15, 2021

 Fuck PC:

Bad Conduct Discharge for insubordination for all of them.
There you go Okies now you are no longer eligible to work in any position that requires a security clearance.


More and more restaurants are closing their lobbies making the delivery job not worth it. The lines at the drive thru are fucking ridiculous at times. 

The delivery apps are basically con jobs. They allow areas to become over saturated with drivers just so they can make sure every single order is picked up. They do not give a shit about how much the drivers make or whether they make anything.

Yesterday, I made more money than the day before because I rejected at least 6 offers that would simply take too long for the money. 

If you take everything they offer you, you will be fucked. 

If you don't take everything they offer you then they set the apps up so that you can't get scheduled. You get fucked.

Their "choose where and when you work" is complete bullshit. If you try it they will screw you over. 

If you take all the offers to get your acceptance rate high you will end up making less because you will be spending so much time in a drive thru. 

Some restaurants are even worse than the drive thru crap as you will be standing there waiting on the order for 20 to 30 minutes.

The restaurant companies are greedy, greedy, greedy and do not give a shit about how long a driver stands there or how little they make because of it. The drivers are not their employees and are considered even lower.

It even gets worse when you live somewhere that everyone has to eat at the same fucking time. 

You people keep quitting your jobs, adjust your fucking schedules. Thought you wanted to break out of the rut?

It also gets worse when no one is working and everyone sleeps in so that most of the deliveries are at night, especially in a northern state that gets dark at 5:30.

For the record, the hide your address shit in this state really sucks. Whoever laid out most of the apartment complexes here is an idiot that tried to hide the addresses inside the complexes as well. 


The scooters that they ride around have a directional headlight that you can't see until it points right at you which means you are in front of it. 

I wanted to try and get a better vehicle to drive around here in the winter, but if I go into debt the fucking nazis with the weaponry and all their gangstalking punks in the area will just fuck me out of any money that I make. 

Every time I have that I have used a delivery app and got it going good suddenly the offers stop. Doordash was first, then Uber Eats and now GrubHub. 

I hate everyone involved. 

The only good gangstalker is a dead gangstalker.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

 If I had money, I would not live in Michigan.

I might have enough money saved up to gt away from this shit hole if it were not for the fact that I spent 15 years out of the workforce because of the harassment due to the weaponry and the sex cult in this fucking asshole of an area.

I did not have money. I was not retired.

I just flat out hate everyone involved and wanted to stay away from them.

The only reason I got back into the workforce here is to get money to make sure my cats were taken care of.

I still do and always will hate living here.

No matter where I go I will want everyone involved in the weaponry or the harassment dead.

No matter where I go I will point out that here sucks and everyone should stay away.


Friday, November 12, 2021


Fuck Zazzle. More candy ass PC pussies.

They sent me an email saying that the custom shirt that I ordered from them contained excessive violence.

The saying is "The only good gangstalker is a DEAD gangstalker".

How is that excessively violent. It simply states my opinion that all gangstalkers should receive the death penalty.

More useless garbage covering up for the piece of shit gangstalkers.

I will try other custom companies to get it printed up.

For the record, listening in to private conversations and then spreading the content of said conversations around the workplace or even town in order to get others to act in certain ways to the person that was eavesdropped upon is gangstalking.

It doesn't just have to be the lowlife garbage that does it as a business.
Pertaining to my job.

An example of bullshit:

Yesterday I had a pick up at Panda Express in the Mall food court.

I went there and went to the area designated by the overhead sign for online pick ups.

The female behind the register there just kept ringing up the customers in the regular line instead of asking if I had a pick up between them.

After about 6 customers the female making the orders came over and asked me if I had an order.

The female at the register had not even given her the order to make yet.

The orders have a pick up time. The deliveries are ordered online and already paid for.

I do not make money standing around waiting, I actually lose pay per hour that way.

I have never had a problem at that store before.

I also lost some deliveries yesterday because I am not going to stand around and wait for orders when the place is packed with 'veterans'. Fuck your holiday bullshit.


Prices are going up keeping the profits high for Wall Street and the CEOs.

They will not raise wages to meet those increases.

Those prices will not go back down so any wage increases will end up being making minimum wage even worse.

The workers will be forced into the low paying jobs that no one wants.

Either make a price freeze or everything will be worse than before.

The CEOs know this by the way.

Death to crapitalism.


Why celebrate people that fought so that the country could become what it is today?

Did they fight so that useless politicians and government workers could have another day off to not get their jobs done?

Did they fight so that the rich could rig the stock market and screw over the working class?

Did they fight so that the contractors could make billions?

Did they fight so that garbage could hide behind the national security cover up blanket and torture citizens of the U.S.?

Did they fight because one religion pitted them against another?

Did they fight because they were brainwashed by nationalistic propaganda?

Sure looks that way.

Quit fighting to enable the scum and start fighting against the scum. Plenty of it right here running things.


Prices go up and everyone pays except Wall Street and the lowlife garbage running the companies.

Supply chain, supply chain, supply chain.


The prices will not go back down if they get the supply chain fixed. They raise the prices so that the fuckwad investors, Wall Street, and the scumbags at corporate can still make MORE money.

The piece of shit politicians will tell you to turn to religions for help in order to HERD you into their mind control and make it easier to manipulate you.

The mass media/celebrities are complete sell outs that only care about their paychecks and their spotlight. Useless drama queen garbage.

The military industrial complex will find some way to start a war to keep their profits high and keep the sheeple distracted.

They will work together to keep the workers fighting amongst themselves for scraps because they are too fucking stupid to kill the real problems.

A real revolution to end god, guns and gold forever is what is needed.


Monday, November 8, 2021

 A few reasons to regulate the 'gig' economy.

1. Getting drivers that shouldn't be on the road off the road. They only check the insurance of the person that applies (Doordash just asks and doesn't require proof). That doesn't mean that the person behind the wheel should be there as they allow and even encourage teams. They also encourage immigrants that may not be used to driving.

2. It can be a front for drug trafficking. Think about. Driving all over the place making deliveries. No one is going to question multiple people showing up, they just think that person gets lots of deliveries. No one is going to question a dealer making the rounds if they look like a delivery driver. 

3. It can be used as a front for illegal payments to college athletes. No athlete should be allowed to work in a position that allows tipping. Even the delivery could be an exchange for illegal payments. A few extra ones as a tip is actually a few 100s and no one knows the difference.

4. It is too easy for someone to have a fake ID and get alcohol underage. The scan function doesn't work worth a crap so you have to manually type in the dates. 

5. Most importantly driver safety. Regulate so that more information is known about those ordering or getting rides. Stop allowing the app companies to punish drivers for not taking every order. It makes for fast driving and for going into some shady places. 

6. Enough bullshit.

To solve the school bus driver shortage, why don't all the parents get their Class B CDL with passenger endorsement and take turns driving their kiddies to school?

Get rid of the school of choice nonsense and fix all the public schools. 

Get rid of the turds that cause problems in the schools with a stay at juvey. Screw their feelings.

Get rid of the bullshit religious charter schools. 

Get rid of the bullshit and put the money where it should be. 

Another hint: It shouldn't be in the pockets of school administration or school boards.



Another example of the worthless shit that goes to MSU.
MSU should have to pay for all the damages caused by its fucking morons.


Typical MSU punk ass cunts. The world would be a better place without that fucking school.


$400 dollars less this week than the last week. I can not stay out as late because my eyes don't adjust from light to dark quick enough. The whole idiotic daylight savings time just means that it gets dark earlier.

I hate this fucking state.

It will just get worse as winter hits.  

The snow will slow things down so much that I will not even take the long deliveries. The back roads are crap in the winter here.

This state sucks.

Michigan State just made it so that there is more deliveries of $4 bullshit that isn't worth taking. 

"It's only a cup of coffee". Then get it yourself you lazy ass pampered twit. That whole downtown East Lansing area was built like it is so that the students could walk to the stores. Starbucks sucks.

Yesterday a guy ordered from a chain restaurant in Okemos to be delivered two blocks away from another store of the same fucking chain.

I do not want to cater to the whims of sorry ass Spartans. 

There are so fucking many drivers now that it is fucking ridiculous. The part timers and those just looking for party money are killing those trying to actually make a living. Fuck you assholes die.

Soon you won't be able to make a living doing it. When that happens I hope the whole thing goes belly up. 

I end up putting all my money back into my car. I will never buy any car made by Ford, GM or Chrysler again if I can help it.

There is no shortage of drivers in the gig economy. There will be when you can't make any money doing it and everyone's cars are destroyed. 

Regulate the industry and clean it up.

If I have to go back to 7 days a week, it will just be more reason to hate this shit hole country. 

Death to capitalism.

Fuck you college students. You take the restaurant jobs. I got fucked out of a restaurant job because of Michigan State students coming back. If you fuck me out of my driving job I will burn that fucking shit hole to the ground.









Wednesday, November 3, 2021

I have posted several times over the years that I am a route driver and not a delivery boy.
What do the assholes here force me into? Being a delivery boy.
I wrote that I don't play the stupid fucking opposite games. They try to do the exact opposite of whatever I write.
The problem with being a route driver is that the dumb asses that work in the businesses can't tell the difference between customer service and trying to get in their pants. Either that or they can't just leave someone alone when they are trying to do their job.
Even without the weaponry I would hate living here.


Tuesday, November 2, 2021

I will reiterate a sentiment from the job at FedEx.

That was using a delivery truck that wasn't even mine.

Now I have to use my own car.

Fix your fucking rural driveways or DO NOT get deliveries.

I am not going to get stuck or tear my car up just to deliver to you.

Any delivery company that does not ban people like you deserves to be put out of business.

I will start taking pictures and posting them so everyone knows to reject your address.

There needs to be a way for drivers to sue any company that makes them deliver to those people.

You choose to live there, tear up your own vehicles.


Monday, November 1, 2021

This is what I am talking about.

A tune up, rear brakes and rear shocks = $1300.00.

What I want is my little Yugo back. Disposable little $3000 car.

Unfortunately, GM paid Clinton/Pentagon to bomb it 'by accident'.

Of course with the ridiculous bullshit prices today they would probably be about $20,000.

The automotive industry is out of hand.

The automotive industry, the restaurant corporate offices, the app writers and stock holders benefit while the workers get screwed.

Fuck crapitalism.


The Land Grant program for colleges and universities needs to be completely stopped.