Friday, November 12, 2021

Pertaining to my job.

An example of bullshit:

Yesterday I had a pick up at Panda Express in the Mall food court.

I went there and went to the area designated by the overhead sign for online pick ups.

The female behind the register there just kept ringing up the customers in the regular line instead of asking if I had a pick up between them.

After about 6 customers the female making the orders came over and asked me if I had an order.

The female at the register had not even given her the order to make yet.

The orders have a pick up time. The deliveries are ordered online and already paid for.

I do not make money standing around waiting, I actually lose pay per hour that way.

I have never had a problem at that store before.

I also lost some deliveries yesterday because I am not going to stand around and wait for orders when the place is packed with 'veterans'. Fuck your holiday bullshit.


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