Monday, November 8, 2021

 A few reasons to regulate the 'gig' economy.

1. Getting drivers that shouldn't be on the road off the road. They only check the insurance of the person that applies (Doordash just asks and doesn't require proof). That doesn't mean that the person behind the wheel should be there as they allow and even encourage teams. They also encourage immigrants that may not be used to driving.

2. It can be a front for drug trafficking. Think about. Driving all over the place making deliveries. No one is going to question multiple people showing up, they just think that person gets lots of deliveries. No one is going to question a dealer making the rounds if they look like a delivery driver. 

3. It can be used as a front for illegal payments to college athletes. No athlete should be allowed to work in a position that allows tipping. Even the delivery could be an exchange for illegal payments. A few extra ones as a tip is actually a few 100s and no one knows the difference.

4. It is too easy for someone to have a fake ID and get alcohol underage. The scan function doesn't work worth a crap so you have to manually type in the dates. 

5. Most importantly driver safety. Regulate so that more information is known about those ordering or getting rides. Stop allowing the app companies to punish drivers for not taking every order. It makes for fast driving and for going into some shady places. 

6. Enough bullshit.

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