Monday, November 8, 2021

$400 dollars less this week than the last week. I can not stay out as late because my eyes don't adjust from light to dark quick enough. The whole idiotic daylight savings time just means that it gets dark earlier.

I hate this fucking state.

It will just get worse as winter hits.  

The snow will slow things down so much that I will not even take the long deliveries. The back roads are crap in the winter here.

This state sucks.

Michigan State just made it so that there is more deliveries of $4 bullshit that isn't worth taking. 

"It's only a cup of coffee". Then get it yourself you lazy ass pampered twit. That whole downtown East Lansing area was built like it is so that the students could walk to the stores. Starbucks sucks.

Yesterday a guy ordered from a chain restaurant in Okemos to be delivered two blocks away from another store of the same fucking chain.

I do not want to cater to the whims of sorry ass Spartans. 

There are so fucking many drivers now that it is fucking ridiculous. The part timers and those just looking for party money are killing those trying to actually make a living. Fuck you assholes die.

Soon you won't be able to make a living doing it. When that happens I hope the whole thing goes belly up. 

I end up putting all my money back into my car. I will never buy any car made by Ford, GM or Chrysler again if I can help it.

There is no shortage of drivers in the gig economy. There will be when you can't make any money doing it and everyone's cars are destroyed. 

Regulate the industry and clean it up.

If I have to go back to 7 days a week, it will just be more reason to hate this shit hole country. 

Death to capitalism.

Fuck you college students. You take the restaurant jobs. I got fucked out of a restaurant job because of Michigan State students coming back. If you fuck me out of my driving job I will burn that fucking shit hole to the ground.









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