Friday, November 12, 2021

Prices go up and everyone pays except Wall Street and the lowlife garbage running the companies.

Supply chain, supply chain, supply chain.


The prices will not go back down if they get the supply chain fixed. They raise the prices so that the fuckwad investors, Wall Street, and the scumbags at corporate can still make MORE money.

The piece of shit politicians will tell you to turn to religions for help in order to HERD you into their mind control and make it easier to manipulate you.

The mass media/celebrities are complete sell outs that only care about their paychecks and their spotlight. Useless drama queen garbage.

The military industrial complex will find some way to start a war to keep their profits high and keep the sheeple distracted.

They will work together to keep the workers fighting amongst themselves for scraps because they are too fucking stupid to kill the real problems.

A real revolution to end god, guns and gold forever is what is needed.


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