So the other drivers have effectively taken all the morning orders on Grubhub from the intersection that I work out of. I drive straight there every morning that I work and this morning it was a dark red hot spot supposedly meaning lots of orders. I logged in and got nothing for the 20 minutes that I sat there before Doordash gave me an offer.
I fucking hate the other drivers. I worked that area well for months and now they take everything and Grubhub lets them.
Today completely sucked. If Spartans come out there and take orders I am going to buy a baseball bat and hurt someone. You fucking little punks go work in the restaurants and stay out of the driving. Today I heard about 2 different times that drivers have stolen orders recently from two different restaurants.
Screw you thieving ass bastards whether Spartans or not.
I try to show the people in the restaurant how to make sure that the drivers confirm that they picked up the order so there is no way that they can get the order then unassign the delivery and say that they never got it.
You need your asses kicked majorly and so so the pieces of shit that coddle you. Ever notice how those most opposed to violence are generally those that need an ass kicking for pulling bullshit?
They kept sending me deeper into Lansing when my block started at 4:30 p.m. I toggled it off and on so that I could get all the way back to where I want to work out of.
Imagine my surprise when there was another driver parked exactly where I park when I got back there.
EGC 2056 was his license plate.
The are was completely devoid of hot spot coloring so why was he waiting there?
How would he know that that is what I do and just wait for anything in that area?
Grubhub's AI would have to know that is what I do so why let others do it unless they want a conflict?
Trying to fuck with me and then claim some bullshit to deactivate me like the cock-sucking asshole at Uber did?
After about 3 or 4 minutes GRubhub gives me these 2 offers together:
The blue dot is me.
The closest pick up is at Sree Saffron which isn't that bad. The second pick up is at Panda Express in downtown East Lansing. The same downtown East Lansing that I specifically told Grubhub they could stick up their ass and die with it. The same downtown East Lansing that is now 50,000+ times worse.
I do not give a rat's ass about the so-called scenery. I am at work.
Because of the harassment and destruction of my life by this shit hole area, I would rather be dead than have sex here. Fuck you pieces of shit and your crap. There are things way more important than sex.
If you think that sex is the most important thing in life then you are insane. It is not O.K. to be crazy.