Sunday, February 13, 2022

Well the guy with the car that drives around everyone out there pretty much is now home during a winter weather advisory event.

Once again I just said fuck it.

I even had blocks today for Grubhub and the assholes still kept sending me into downtown East Lansing and the Frandor area. Even the pick up in Meridian Township went to that area so that they could try and trap me there with more offers.

I said fuck it and deleted the first block about 1/2 hour into it.

I did Uber and Doordash for awhile.

When the other blocks for Grubhib started, I made sure that I was int the Meridian Mall area or down Okemos road further.

Even when sitting in one of the hotspot areas the fucking assholes kept sending me or trying to send me back to the campus area.

I do not want to work on campus or in the downtown East Lansing or Frandor areas for anyone except Uber. Then only because of the Starbucks orders.

I have written that over and over and over. I wrote about how bad campus sucks after 10 am when I delivered construction supplies years ago.

I am going to beat the fucking asshole that keeps sending me there on purpose. It happens way to often to be coincidence.

Shove MSU up your ass.

On top of that crap everyone panicked that it started snowing and had to get to the stores, on a fucking Sunday. They drive 5 miles and hour to the store and then 5 miles and hour home.

My car goes in this shit. Get the fuck out of my way. I am working. You shouldn't be on the road.

If you had a brain you would have planned for snow events as this is fucking Michigan. No need to flood the grocery stores.

A winter weather advisory and you morons still want to go out to eat.

I hate this fucking place.

Thanks for making it impossible to do my job because you are in the way.

I honestly thought about staying out there until later, but with all the idiots in cars that can't go anywhere out there it is just pointless.

I encourage all delivery drivers to pack it in a say fuck you to this idiot filled shit hole tonight.

Oh yeah, I got to fall down twice today. You can not see the solid sheet of ice under the snow. You know the ice that should have already been taken care of.

I am going to start taking pictures of sidewalks and driveways that should not get deliveries. I wrote about that shit when I worked for FedEx as well.

I do not care if you clean your shit or not, but do not expect deliveries if you do not.

I am an fragile old man I could have been seriously hurt. (I am not that fragile and I'll be 57 in April, but you get the idea).

Send the young people or those that want to go into the campus area in there.

I only want to deliver to the animal clinic, the service road regular and the dorms if food. I will then proceed to leave the area. No pick ups unless Starbucks or a good Hop Cat order.

I was sitting in the Biggby parking lot at Okemos and Jolly roadswhich was in a hot spot at the time and they gave me an offer to go to Lou and Harry's in downtown East Lansing and deliver it to Dewitt?????? WTF.

Lou and Harry's there is slow as shit.

It would have been a good order for someone already in the downtown East Lansing area if they wanted to wait for 15 to 20 minutes. It is a crap offer for someone where I was.

There were 2 more hotspots in Okemos/Haslett at that time as well.

Total bullshit from some game playing asshole that needs a beat down.


Thursday, February 10, 2022

I will reiterate something that I originally posted in alt.mindcontrol almost 20 years ago:

The Truman show should have ended with him slaughtering every single piece of shit that took part in it and then flipping off the camera.

He should have exited and then ended the lives of every viewer that did nothing to stop it.


Before I moved to the Lansing are, I used to tell people to mind their own business if they did not like someone else's lifestyle.

Legal lifestyle.

I move here and those same people decide to spread my life all over town instead of minding their own fucking business.

Fuck all of you. You are now my enemies along with the garbage that I told to fuck off before.


Once again, I have written how many times about not wanting to be in the downtown Lansing area?
I even bought a car that I could delivery in the rural areas in the snow.
Not one delivery yesterday went out to a rural area.
I ended up going to the Campus and downtown Lansing areas all fucking day long.
I am going to find out who is giving out these offers and I am going to beat them to death with a baseball bat.
I fucking hate driving in the city especially with the idiot Michigan drivers.
This whole area inside of the so-called delivery zones that the app companies have set up was designed specifically so that you can't get anywhere.
It gets even worse when morons schedule construction projects while MSU is in session.
Some brainiac has a project scheduled to shut down south bound Okemos road near where the bottleneck with Marsh road is starting February 14th.
Why in the fuck would you do that then instead of shutting down a major road in the summer when there is less demand for it because there are 70,000 less people in the fucking area???
There are shit tons of fucked up roads in residential areas that need fixed. Do them now and do the main roads in the summer.
Quit dilly dallying and get the shit done or get fired.


I bought a new car. A 2021 Mazda CX-30. It was still new on the lot and only had 17 miles on it.

Apparently it weighs so much more than the Ford Focus that my license tab fees went from $81 to $147?????

It is a compact crossover not a fucking full size SUV.

The Ford was a hatch back and both vehicles are listed as station wagons.

This state is fucking moronic.

All states should however have a requirement of a commercial license plate for small vehicles that are used for the gig work. Pretty much straight up $100 delivery plate.

It would help everyone identify that the vehicle is used for that including police officers.

All drivers should have a DOT physical and a Chauffeur's license to do the gig work.

Michigan needs a vehicle inspection, especially the exhaust, for all cars and trucks used commercially or not.

I am fucking sick of sitting at a red light getting blasted by the exhaust of the vehicle in front of me through the vents on my car. It is an attack with a deadly weapon.

Car/diesel exhaust is full of CO and CO2 along with other chemicals.

Clean the shit up.

Are all diesel engine vehicles required to have a place to put the exhaust additive???? They should be.

What happened to the "Green" people???


Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Yea, woo hoo. I got to stay out there an extra 2 hours today just to make the money that I would normally make on a Wednesday.

It seems that all the candy asses came back out today as the temps got into the 40s and there was no snowstorm.

If the app writers think that I am going to get screwed over when the weather is nice and still come out when it is bad they are seriously mistaken.

Tell the candy asses to crawl back under their rocks.

Fucking useless ass pieces of sniveling shit.

Take that as the drivers or the app writers, I don't really care.


The mass media up to their bullshit again.

NBC took Jeopardy of the air to broadcast the propaganda event called the Olympics.

ABC is now broadcasting the college tournament of Jeopardy from 8pm to 9 pm in a double show format. (That will not work well with the masses. They don't want to rack their brains for a whole hour.)

Either way have you noticed all the Transgender types on Jeopardy lately?

All the religious contestants spouting off about their religion?

Of course religious people can do well on a show like that. They are told to memorize and not to think.

More propaganda promoting what should be considered mental illness.

Male and female are what you are not who you are. Same goes for the color of your skin.

Either the politicians destroy the advertising write off, or they all get voted out of office.

Break up the mass media conglomerates.


Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Someone needs to challenge the tax codes as far as the differences between single and married taxes.

No fucking way is it constitutional to charge people more and discriminate against them for being single.

Nor should I have to pay more because you have children.

You should have to do more because you put more of a burden on the system with your children.

Women do not stay at home as a rule anymore. The tax break is nothing more than endorsing religious and mysogynistic bullshit.

I have 3 cats that I call my kids, shouldn't I be able to write them off if you can write off your rugrats?

Remember the lowlife politicians are the ones writing these laws. LMAO. (It is actually the garbage that buy and pay for the politicians that write the laws.) The politicians are just puppets with their hands out.


Monday, February 7, 2022
I wrote the top part. The response at the bottom is by that poster.
Long read.


Well I talking to a CPA this morning about my taxes. Deciding whether to take the standard mileage or itemize.

There was a bill of sale missing from the paperwork for the Ford Focus.

I contacted the salesman and he emailed me a copy.

It says that the car was $5474.18. Tax, title transfer and everything out the door.

Yet I took $6500 out of the bank and they still charged my debit card $859 and some change.

They conveniently left out a receipt for the cash as well.

Someone want to explain what happened to the other $1900??????


Sunday, February 6, 2022

 I have had it with the fucking morons in this town.

Last night I went to McDonalds and paid for a quarter pounder and got a double cheeseburger.

Today I stopped at Grand Traverse Pie company on the way home to surprise my mother with a couple of Cherry Pecan muffins and the stupid bitch gave me Chocolate muffins.

I am seriously going to start beating the fuck out of these imbeciles.

If you can't do your fucking job you need to go home and starve.

I am so sick of morons it isn't funny.

No wonder I see so many things on the app about the orders being wrong before.

Monday, January 31, 2022

Hey Republishit garbage, you say you want more parental control over education?
How is remote learning not giving more parental control?
The parents can sit there and go over the lessons with the kids or at least control their behavior while they are supposed to be learning.
The parents can monitor everything the kid does while they are supposed to be in class, including taking away their cell phones.
Fuck private and charter religious brainwashing academies.
The way to fix public schools is to bring back discipline.
Parents need to stop raising coddled little worthless wastes of space.
Children need to learn that there are consequences for their actions including sometimes physical ones.
Children are not adults and should not be making adult decisions for themselves.
The biggest problem with all schools is that the prisoners are running the jail.

No matter where I go when I leave this state I will want everyone involved in the weaponry dead. 

Great. I bought a Ford Focus from Champion in Howell. They gave me the title back for the Volkswagen Golf that I traded in.
I sold the Ford when I bought a new car and basically got ripped off, but I couldn't afford two cars.
The guy said he would apply for a lost title.
He called me and said that the Secretary of State told him that they had a duplicate title and I needed to go get it?
I have to make an appointment to get into the SoS here.
There is no way to make an appointment to pick up documents so I had to use the title transfer option.
The only other option is to request one online which I would have pay for.
I am done getting fucked around in this state.
This ass backwards, shit hole called Michigan.
I will go to Ohio if I ever need to buy a car again. I will register it to a P.O. box and use Ohio license plates.
Never trust a salesperson in Michigan especially in the automotive industry. You could make that dealership person. Although when I bought an Aveo the asshole in Howell lied about it running over something that even bent the rim.
I hate this fucking state


Sunday, January 30, 2022

Anyone else having problems with the delivery apps or any 1099 being under reported here are some links for you:

Saturday, January 29, 2022

I tried to reply to an Uber email about one of the phone conversations I had with their idiots in support.

This is what I got back:


Thanks for your reply to a previous support inquiry.

To make sure we get your messages to the right place, we’re unable to respond to phone conversations via email. Please note that your message has not been received by our support team.

We'd still love to help out with any issue you’ve run into.

Just tap “Help” in the app or visit from a web browser. There you’ll find answers to frequently asked questions and be able to contact us.

We look forward to chatting with you soon!.


There is no way to contact them about 1099 issues on the help.uber site.

The support there is a fucking joke just like the assholes that wrote the app. More useless turds that got rich because of a disease scare. Their product was needed not used because it was good.

My day off Monday is going to be a busy one.

Search for a way to contact Uber headquarters


I got my 1099 NEC tax form from Uber this morning.

It says that I only made 2333 and some change from them last year?????

I will add a screenshot at the bottom that shows I have 1,103 deliveries for them as of today. just under 1000 of those were last year. So someone is saying that I only made a little over $2.30 per delivery last year. Screenshot came through at the top.

I called support for them 3 times today and got nothing but bullshit.

The first woman said she needed to speak to her supervisor and then said that she would forward the problem to their tax department and i would get a call back within 15 minutes.

I waited a little over 20 minutes and then called them again. I spoke to another woman and told her what the first one said and she said that they do not have a tax department. She said that she would send me and email of how to address the situation.

I checked a couple of times during the day and no email. so as I was coming home I pulled over and called again.

This time I spoke to a male that tried to tell me some shit about write offs and deductions?? Then he told me that I should seek professional tax advice????

Do your idiot support people even know what the fuck a 1099 is Uber??????????

A 1099 shows how much money that Uber paid me so that I can use that for my taxes.

Conveniently, support people are employees so they probably don't know what a 1099 is. Since all 3 had a heavy India accent they might not even be in this country.

I took screenshots of every single weeks pay from last year in the app. There are either 21 or 22 weeks, (I think I did one twice), of pay.

Does anyone seriously think that I would have stayed working for them if in 21 weeks I did 100 deliveries and only made $2,333?

That would result in a giant fuck you.

Monday I am going to ask my credit Union for a print out of all the deposits from Uber to see if they even match the money in the app.

Then I am going to add everything up and send all the screenshots and scans from the credit union to the IRS to show them how Uber is defrauding the government by under reporting taxable earnings.

I do not cheat on my taxes. I do not like people that do.

I also do not like politicians that spend my taxes on bullshit


I do not point out where I prefer to work to get others to go there.

I point out where I work to get others to stay away.

I do not do this job to help other drivers.

I do this job to help myself get a paycheck. Helping the competition would be fucking stupid.

I do not try to do my job right and develop a working relationship with the merchants and customers to have morons that don't give a shit come in and fuck it up.

I do not put up with long delays from the merchants. If they are slammed then I will unassign the order unless it is enough to make the wait worth it. That is not the merchants fault, that is useless AI technology from the app companies not taking into account times of day or days of the week.

I am not going to lose money to kiss Grubhub's ass. Fuck them I do not need to work for them at all and can use the handy bags that they gave me to deliver Uber Eats and Doordash.

I am not going to lose money wasting time doing shop and delivers for Doordash when there are other deliveries that I could be doing


Hooking me to this piece of shit weaponry was done to destroy my life.

When I find out who did it, I will do everything that I can to kill their whole family.

The job I have now and how it is going is a prime example of their bullshit.

Every fucking time I get something gong on the delivery stuff, someone or some group jumps in and fucks me out of it.

Not because I tell anyone, but because of the run at the mouth useless idiot brigade in this fucking assholeville and because they spread everything I am doing all over town to harass me.

They know that the conniving weasel morons here will try to scam anything that they can. So everything I do and how I do it gets spread around.

Then there are those that can figure out how to do something and they are so fucking stupid that they tell all their friends and now there are way too many people trying to do the same things.

You cut your own paychecks you fucking ignorant pieces of shit.

You cut mine with your crap and I would like to cut your throat


I start doing Grubhub and got a shit load of long distance orders headed away from the city.
I even bought a car and put tires on it that could do those orders in the winter as well.
Now I get nothing but bullshit orders mostly taking me to downtown East fucking Lansing.
Because Grubhub hired more drivers than are needed and they have a moronic block system set up where the only thing that matter is your acceptance rate to be able to schedule the blocks.
What kind of idiotic company would set up a system that awards doing fewer orders, but accepting every single one of them?
The Saturday of the UM - MSU football game I delivered 23+ orders. I rejected 9 offers. I made $345 in 14 and 1/2 hours.
Had I waited around and/or accepted the orders I rejected I would have made probably $100 less in the same amount of time?????
Is that proof enough that Grubhub doesn't give a shit about the drivers???
My acceptance rate was in the 70s percent wise.
Someone that made 5 deliveries and accepted every one of them would have a 100% acceptance rate and they would reward them.
Ass backwards morons.
Yesterday I turned down at least 6 or 7 offers from Doordash, but I also delivered around 20 of them. I do not get punished because I only need 70% acceptance rate and 95% completion rate to keep Top 
Dasher status. Along with at least 100 deliveries per month.
For the record when I started delivering, I only did Doordash and my highest delivery day was 43 deliveries and 167 deliveries that week.
But since everyone has decided to do the gig shit now that job sucks.
I fucking hate everyone that put too many drivers out there and would just as soon destroy the whole fucking gig economy than put up with the bullshit.
The more you assholes keep trying to take what I am already doing, the more I want to exterminate your families.
Fuck you. You go take the jobs in the restaurants or other jobs


Thursday, January 27, 2022

Today started out bad and ended up worse.
First thing I did was call Uber support because I didn't see the pay for two deliveries that I had yesterday.
They checked and I did get the base pay for the deliveries, however apparently both of them stiffed me for the tips.
Both deliveries were picked up from Popeye's slow ass Chicken on W. Saginaw.
I spent 25 fucking minutes in that drive thru waiting for the orders. I texted both of them that I was still waiting and when I finally got to the window.
One of the deliveries went to the basically student housing area on Ann St. and the other one went all the way by the intersection of Okemos and Jolly roads.
Seriously, what the fuck do they expect when they order from that far away and from Popeye's? They can see where I am in that app.
I will never, ever accept any delivery offer from Popeye's again.
The day was mostly a crap day because I kept getting sent to areas that it takes a long time to get to and back because I will not make pick-ups in those areas.
The day ended with me refusing 3 of the last 4 offers.
I came back from a Bath delivery to Marsh road and got hit with a little over 4 dollar offer that I rejected as "offer is just too low". 10 seconds later they gave me another 4 dollar offer that was actually 5 cents lower than the first one. "offer is just too low"
Dumbfuck AI.
Then a $3.45 offer came through and I dismissed it.
Finally an offer came through and I just said fuck it and ended up all the way across town on the south end.
Screw it, I went home.
I have a car that I just put some serious tires on and it is now very, very good in the winter weather as well. It was starting to snow when I got sick of the cross town runs.
Have fun with your drivers that have vehicles that do not go anywhere in the snow tonight. I am sick of being fucked around


Wednesday, January 26, 2022

The pieces of shit with the weaponry will do anything they can regardless of how petty to fuck you over.

They truly are piss ant little griefer punks with a weapon system that allows them to attack and torture people.

They keep trying to make me gain weight again. Every single time I get a job and get my diabetes under control and lose weight, they fuck me out of the job and try to make me gain the weight back.

That is extremely bad for a diabetic.

If they get the diabetes to kill me then they have a cover.

Every single one of them deserves to die. Anyone that says that they do not deserve to die deserves to die with them.

I want everyone that was involved in the harassment in this fucking shit hole dead.

Including the punks that called up here to their gossiping useless piece of shit families before I even got here.

Any country that would allow garbage nazis to hide behind a national security cover up blanket and develop the weaponry is a country that should no longer exist and everyone that lets them keep hiding deserves to be executed.

Any government that is in bed with criminal organizations deserves to be executed with the criminal organizations.

Fuck the big brother tech industry garbage. More that should be exterminated. 
Death to god, guns and gold.


Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Well kiddies it is almost that time of year for some of the biggest tax write offs. Called Super Bowl ads.

Did you also know that every time some company pays millions and millions of dollars to name a stadium, arena or other sports venue it is a tax write off? 

100 percent of the money spent is a write off.

All money paid to celebrities for endorsements is also a 100 percent write off. 

Not just sports celebrities, but actors and actresses as well.

The whole television model is basically set up to run on tax write offs for advertisers. 

It isn't just the government screwing you, it is your favorite athletes and other celebrities as well. 

It is way past time to end the advertising write offs and bring the salaries of entertainers back down where they belong. 

Does it amount to extortion when a delivery app company hires someone under the premise of working where they want and when they want, and then they make it so that you can not get orders or get shut out of the good orders if you don't take the offers that you do not want?
Basically they are saying either take everything we offer you or you won't get anything.
Are these mob companies?
If they supposedly have an AI that makes the offers, how can it not tell when you purposefully shut down taking offers and drive to a different area that you don't want to just keep getting sent back to that area?
More bullshit from computer wienies.
Let me see if I can simplify this. For years I have had jobs delivering in that area. Mostly construction supplies to campus buildings and for those asinine apartments and stores across the street.
For years I have been posting how much I fucking hate driving in that area, especially when the students are there.
Why as an independent contractor can I simply state to the delivery apps that I do not want to go to certain areas or to certain stores so that they do not waste their time and my time giving me the offers?
There are even options when you refuse an offer to give the reason that you avoid that store, but then they just try and send you right back to it.
Every time they send me on a delivery to the MLK road area I turn everything off and drive all the way back across town because I am not getting stuck in that area making pick-ups.
Same with the downtown Lansing area.
This job sucks because this area sucks and because of the useless government in this county not regulating the industry.
Trying to run me out of the job will only make me fight very hard to end the entire industry.
Put the food back into the grocery stores, lower the prices and learn how to cook for yourselves. Get your own groceries as well.
Just a reminder: Help control the computer tech industry greed by ending the tax write off for advertising.