Thursday, January 27, 2022

Today started out bad and ended up worse.
First thing I did was call Uber support because I didn't see the pay for two deliveries that I had yesterday.
They checked and I did get the base pay for the deliveries, however apparently both of them stiffed me for the tips.
Both deliveries were picked up from Popeye's slow ass Chicken on W. Saginaw.
I spent 25 fucking minutes in that drive thru waiting for the orders. I texted both of them that I was still waiting and when I finally got to the window.
One of the deliveries went to the basically student housing area on Ann St. and the other one went all the way by the intersection of Okemos and Jolly roads.
Seriously, what the fuck do they expect when they order from that far away and from Popeye's? They can see where I am in that app.
I will never, ever accept any delivery offer from Popeye's again.
The day was mostly a crap day because I kept getting sent to areas that it takes a long time to get to and back because I will not make pick-ups in those areas.
The day ended with me refusing 3 of the last 4 offers.
I came back from a Bath delivery to Marsh road and got hit with a little over 4 dollar offer that I rejected as "offer is just too low". 10 seconds later they gave me another 4 dollar offer that was actually 5 cents lower than the first one. "offer is just too low"
Dumbfuck AI.
Then a $3.45 offer came through and I dismissed it.
Finally an offer came through and I just said fuck it and ended up all the way across town on the south end.
Screw it, I went home.
I have a car that I just put some serious tires on and it is now very, very good in the winter weather as well. It was starting to snow when I got sick of the cross town runs.
Have fun with your drivers that have vehicles that do not go anywhere in the snow tonight. I am sick of being fucked around


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